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But Mistywood was her first love, and she’d put up with a few wagging tongues and odd offers of marriage if it meant she got to work with her beloved dogs.

She’d been to the diner so often that she practically had the menu memorized, but Kashif studied it carefully. The silence between them grew awkward as she stared at him.

“Most of the contestants for the race won’t be here for a few weeks. Why are you here so early?”

Great. Interrogate him. That won’t make things awkward at all.

Kashif smiled. “As I’m sure you’re aware, there aren’t many opportunities for me to practice dog sledding in Al-Harmid.”

Kristy snorted. “And you think you’re going to master the art of mushing in a few weeks?” Clamping her mouth shut in horror, she lowered her eyes. Now, she was just being rude. What was wrong with her? “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so critical.”

“Don’t be sorry,” he said with a twinge of amusement. “You are right. I’ve been to other places throughout the year, but when I heard that your dogs were the best, I knew that this was where I needed to be. I have a slew of trophies already, but this is the race that has always eluded me. Not this time. Besides, the handler isn’t the whole equation, is it? Your dogs are going to help me win.”

“You’re flattering me,” she said with a laugh.

“You deserve to be flattered, Kristy. You’re a talented dog trainer. I’m surprised you’re not competing.”

Widening her eyes, she shook her head adamantly. “No. I’m not a competitor. I just have a way with dogs.”

The waitress showed up and watched them expectedly. Kashif put the menu down and cocked his head. “Why don’t you order for me? I’m sure you know what’s good here.”

The butterflies weren’t gone, but she felt a bit more in control. He had a way of putting her at ease. She ordered for them and handed the menus back. Kashif reached across the table and took her hand. To her surprise, she didn’t feel the need to pull away. They fell into conversation easily, and she relaxed.

He was sweet and charming. Kristy found herself more and more intrigued with him, and when he helped her out of her jacket in the lodge, she couldn’t stop herself from leaning into him.

“I never expected to find a treasure like you here,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m not quite ready to let you go tonight.”

For once in her life, the little voice in her head that constantly reminded her to keep her feet firmly on the ground and not take any risks, was silent. Wordlessly, she followed him back to his room and did something that she’d never done before.

She let a perfect stranger seduce her. He did things to her body that she’d never even known were possible and awoke desires that she didn’t even know existed. Kashif possessed her, controlled her, and she spent more than half the night wrapped in his arms, crying out his name.

Later, cuddled against him, she traced the lines of his back with her finger. “What will you do when you leave here?”

“Shh,” he whispered as he kissed her again. “I don’t want to think about that.”

Although she knew that he probably seduced women wherever he went, she couldn’t help but feel special. His touch was gentle, and there was something about the way he looked at her.

Like maybe he’d stay.


He didn’t leave her side for an entire week. Even when she did her chores around the farm, he was there. Opening the stalls for the horses, she removed the blankets that kept them warm at night and let them out to trot around the field. Grabbing the grooming brush, she went to brush her favorite mare.

“Dogs and horses,” Kashif said as he leaned over the fence. “Is there any animal that isn’t under your thrall?”

Unable to help herself, she blushed. “Animals are easy to get along with. They like to please.”

“I like to please, too,” he teased and hopped over the fence. Kristy tried to ignore him and brush the mare’s flank, but he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck. “You weren’t there when I woke up in the morning. I missed you.”

“You are very distracting,” she reprimanded. “And I’m behind on my work.”

“Want me to help?” he covered her hand with his and moved the brush in long, slow strokes. Immediately, her body responded to him. When did brushing a horse become erotic? He nibbled just below her ear lobe, and she moaned.

“See?” she asked as she pulled away and laughed. “This is distracting. Go practice with the dogs while I finish grooming the horses.”

“Will I get to see you for lunch?”

Rising up on her tip-toes, she kissed him softly and enjoyed the warmth of his body. “Maybe,” she whispered. “I do have a few other guests that I have to schmooze.”
