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There was nothing obviously dangerous about the man on the other side. He was dressed causally in jeans and a black T-shirt, and he had a hat pulled low over his face. She couldn’t see much of his features other than the frown as he leaned against the door and waited.

Aubrey hesitated. It was silly; Hysani was in shouting distance, and the man was probably just confused or lost.

He lifted his head, and their eyes met. To her surprise, he glowered at her and pointed to the handle. “Open the door.”

There was such command in his voice, Aubrey immediately bristled. Culturally, she was out of her element. Rihamel was very much a man’s world, and the men acted accordingly, but he was still rude, and she didn’t like that at all.

“I’m sorry,” she called out without moving forward. “We’re not open yet.”

“I’m not here for food.”

“Then you are definitely in the wrong place. This is a restaurant.”

“I know it is Sweetheart. Let me in. I’m here for Hysani.”

Sweetheart? Really? Again, she had to remind herself that she was not home. “He’s on a phone call. I’ll let him know that you’re here.”

“So you’re just going to make me wait out here?”

Smiling sweetly, she nodded and held up a finger as she moved to the steps. The man knocked again, but she ignored him. Upstairs, Aubrey found Hysani at the desk, her papers pushed to the side as he leaned back in his chair with his feet propped up on the desk. Belatedly, she realized that she never asked for the man’s name. Not wanting to interrupt her boss twice, she sighed inwardly and headed back downstairs.

The man had moved out of the shadow of the awning, and the full sun hit his face. Aubrey thought her boss was classically handsome, but he had nothing on this man. Gorgeous dark eyes under a fringe of lashes glared annoying at her as he rubbed his finger along his strong, stubbled jaw. Bronze skin smoothed over high cheekbones, and a sensuous mouth smirked at her.

“Ready to let me in?”

“As a matter of fact, I am not. What’s your name?”

The smile slipped. “Really?”

“Yes, really. I don’t want to have to bother my boss twice.”

“Boss?” The man started to laugh. “Interesting role-playing game you’ve got going on. Does he make you call him sir?”

Was he trying to embarrass her because he was pissed at having to wait, or did he really think she was Hysani’s lover?

Either way, he was crossing a line. Aubrey cocked her head. “You think me calling Hysani sir is interesting role-play? I feel sorry for your women.”

His eyes widened in surprise, and she held her breath. He’d probably get her fired, not that she didn’t have it coming. Sometimes she struggled with her temper. Instead of yelling, he just threw back his head and laughed. “Tell Hysani that Jarah is here.”

Relieved that her careless words hadn’t gotten her in trouble, she headed back up the steps. Hysani was hanging up the phone just as she entered the office. “There’s someone downstairs for you. He said his name is Jarah.”

“Really?” He stood and walked to the door. “Come on up,” he yelled.

“Oh. Um…actually, I didn’t let him in. I wasn’t sure if I should.”

He was quiet for a moment before a wide grin split his face. “This I have to see.”

Confused, Aubrey followed him down. He took one look at the man on the other side and burst out laughing.

“Did I do something wrong?” Aubrey asked anxiously.

“No, not at all. He’s a friend, but you wouldn’t know that, and you should definitely not just let anyone in.”

Relieved, she nodded. “I think I’ll take the rest of my lunch up to the roof. I’ll bring my paperwork too, so I don’t disturb you.”

“No paperwork. Enjoy your lunch,” he said kindly as she grabbed her plate and water and hurried out. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to Jarah again. As much as she was annoyed with him, the way her body reacted to him was a clear sign to stay away.

Rihamel was a beautiful place, and the rooftop offered a fabulous view. The sun was hot, but there were umbrellas over the tables. Aubrey ignored them and settled her plate on the wall. It stopped at her rib cage, and she leaned over and rested her elbows on it as she took in the view.
