Page 101 of Saved By the Boss

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“Thanks. We should have some sort of signal for that.”

“We should. Like, if you call out to reception twice in quick succession.”

“Or I can email you.”

“Or you can email me,” she says, grinning. “Did it go okay?”

“Absolutely. I think he’s just anxious to get his responses right, and well… not everyone is comfortable with the idea of using a dating service.”

“Very true.” She steps into my office, leaving the door open behind her, and looks at herself in the gilded mirror. Runs a finger below her eyes to catch any falling mascara.

“You look great,” I tell her. “I love this green dress on you.”

She beams. “Thank you. It was a thrift-store find. Vintage Hermès.”


“Yes. Had to get it dry-cleaned, but it was worth it.”

“You should tell Vivienne about that store, if you haven’t already. She might give you a raise on that alone.”

We both laugh. My aunt’s eclectic taste in everything expensive and historic is evident in the decor of our office, not to mention her own flawless outfits.

“I will,” Suzy says. “She hasn’t come into the office yet today, though.”

“Not even while I had my meeting?”

She shakes her head. “Do you know what’s going on?”

“No,” I say, frowning. We haven’t had one of our usual lunches in weeks. When I see her, she’s usually leaving, or so am I, like ships passing in the night.

“Maybe she’s just conducting more business outside of the office,” I suggest. It’s not unusual for Vivienne to meet with high-profile clients at restaurants or cafés. Hers has always been a casual touch.

“Yes,” Suzy agrees. “At any rate, she’ll be in this afternoon. Ryan is coming by to show us the latest prototypes for the app.”

“Oh, he is?”

“Mmm.” She pulls out a tube of lipstick and applies it carefully in the mirror.

I raise my eyebrows. “Suzy…”

“Yes?” she asks, all innocence. But then she breaks into a wide smile. “Okay, fine. He’s absolutely delicious.”

I laugh. “Of course he is.”

“You’ve met him. Don’t you agree? Oh, Summer, is it completely unprofessional if I ask him out? I know he’s working for Acture and all, and they technically own us now.”

I smile at her. There is nothing I can say to that, not when I’ve spent nearly all of my free time over the past month with Anthony. Suzy dating his employee pales in comparison.

I’ve been meaning to tell Vivienne that, too, but…

“Summer? You really don’t think I should, do you?”

“No, I think you should go right ahead. You’re brave, Suzy.”

She beams at me again. “Thank you. What’s the worst thing that can happen? That he says no.”

So simple, and so true.
