Page 55 of Saved By the Boss

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“It was included in the purchase.”

The clean lines of an infinity pool are nestled against the side of the house. It’s the perfect size, complimenting the house rather than detracting from it. Emphasizing the ocean rather than competing with it.

“I don’t know where to swim first,” I breathe.

Anthony chuckles and heads back inside, like all this grandeur and beckoning glory is nothing at all. I suppose it’s not, when you’re used to it.

He picks up my weekend bag. “Your bedroom is down here,” he says. “I’m guessing you won’t mind an ocean view?”

“Okay, now you’re just being blasé to annoy me.”

The look he shoots me over his shoulder confirms it. “Is it working?”

“No, because while I’m here, I’m unannoyable. Nothing can take me down off this high.”

“A fancy house, huh? That’s all it takes to wow you.” But there’s genuine warmth in his voice, and as he pushes open the door to a bedroom, I forget my response entirely. It looks like a luxurious hotel room at an expensive resort. Beige wallpaper, a four-poster bed with fluffy white linens, and windows that overlook the deep blue ocean. It’s like I’ve gone on vacation.

Ace nudges my legs to get a peek, too, and I step aside to let him explore.

“You’re quiet,” Anthony says. “Good quiet?”

“Very good quiet,” I confirm. “Did you do the decorating yourself?”

“Very much not.”

“Did you buy it furnished?”


“Well, whoever you hired really knew their job.” A thought strikes me and I turn, his large form silhouetted in the doorframe. “Where’s your bedroom?”

Anthony nods to the right. “The next door down the hall.”

“Oh.” My skin feels flush beneath the thin fabric of my dress.

Anthony reaches for the collar of his shirt and gives it a tug. “Yeah. Well… make yourself at home, Summer.”

“Thank you again for letting me stay here.”

“Of course. The fridge should be stocked and the wi-fi password is out in the hall.”

“Perfect. I’m thinking of going swimming and walking Ace along the beach. Do you want to join?” I ask, lifting my bag up on the bed.

“I have work to do.”

“Always hard at work,” I say. I dig through my bag and before I let myself overthink it, I pull my bikini out. Toss it onto the bed.

Anthony tracks the movement. “Like I said, make yourself at home. I’ll be in the office down the hall if you need anything.”

“Thank you.”

But he’s gone before I’ve finished the sentence.

I’m sundrunk, sandy and happy when I return to the house later that day. Ace is skipping along my side like he, too, has left all of his troubles behind in the city. What a place this is!

The only downside, the only thorn beneath my skin, has been the idea of Anthony spending the day working indoors.

“Stay here,” I tell Ace. He sinks down onto his haunches and looks up at me like he knows what’s coming and he’s not pleased with it.
