Page 83 of Saved By the Boss

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“One day, perhaps. If you behave.”

“What if I misbehave in the way you like?”

“Then we’ll go there first thing tomorrow.” He bends his head and kisses me, a greeting and a promise. “How was work?”

“It was great. I met with two new clients all day, and I’m really excited about these two. They’d probably work well together.”

His lip curls. “Romantic.”

“Oh, yes. Definitely. Should we go inside?”


“We won’t stay long,” I promise again.

“We can stay for as long as you want,” he reminds me. I don’t doubt he means it, but I also suspect he won’t enjoy himself very much.

But he’s here. For me.

The warmth in my chest as I slide my hand into his threatens to consume me. I want to be back in my apartment, have him lying beside me in bed or on my couch, and run my fingers through his hair. Or kiss him until he groans beneath me and begs, in that raspy voice, to touch me.

I’m so head-over-heels with this man.

He presses a kiss to my temple. “You look unbelievable in this dress, by the way.”

“Thank you,” I murmur.

A waitress leads us to the table Posie’s booked. Or more accurately, tables. Raucous laughter rises from the group of people crowded around them.

My gaze snags on Posie’s willowy shape. Her red hair is up in a messy bun, the same shade she’s dyed it since college, the one that wouldn’t look good on anyone else.

“Summer,” she says, eyes lighting up. “You made it.”

“Of course I did. Happy birthday!” I pull her in for a hug.

“Oh, thank you. I’m half-tempted to stop counting, really, but it might be too early. Is that when we hit thirty?”

“Yes, we’re not quite there yet.”

Her arm drops to my waist, effortlessly, the way it’s always been with her. “And who’s this?” she asks.

“This is Anthony.”

He extends a hand. “A pleasure.”

“A friend of Summer’s is a friend of mine,” Posie says, with a not-so-subtle glance in my direction. It saystell me everything!

I give a little shrug.It’s new, but yeah… he’s amazing.

Anthony sees it too. There’s a curl to his lips as he tells us he’s getting us something to drink. “Glass of white?” he asks me.

I nod, and watch him disappear toward the bar. Posie wiggles her eyebrows. “Who is this, Summer? I didn’t know you’d met someone!”

“It’s new. Really new, actually. But it’s going great.”

She glances toward the bar. “He looks intense.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, he can be intense. In a good way, though.”
