Page 20 of Sin

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“Don’t scare her. She’s good for you,” Mariah whispers, passing me while making her way toward an equally-as-quiet Javi. His eyes meet mine and I nod, signalling the first move in this game.

“Hey, man. Good to see you again,” Alton says, voice dripping in fake politeness. Hand outstretched for me to shake, he stands, completely ignorant to the nonexistent restraint I’m functioning under. “Thank you for the sudden invitation.”

Taking his hand in mine, I squeeze hard enough to feel a knuckle buckle and dislocate. The pop is subtle, but no one misses his accompanying curse. “It’s Mr. Asher to you, Foster. I won’t correct you again.”

“Understood,” he grits out from between clenched teeth, rubbing his sore hand. “How can we help you, Mr. Asher?”

Fuck, I want to bash his skull in and watch the blood drip from every wall in this room. The carnal desire for retribution ignites within me and I want to feed the monster within.

Because everyone has one. That wicked urge to take matters into your own hands and right the wrongs you’ve been dealt, and while most people ignore that voice, I revel in mine. Need it.

The fingers of my right hand twitch as it lowers to my side, and the cold steel behind my back beckons me to end this bullshit game that he will never win.

And I almost do, until I hear the soft gasp that escapes her, and our eyes meet for a brief second. Her distress is clear to see, and so is the subtle blush that sweeps across the apple of her cheek.

My little Twirl doesn’t know how to react. What to expect.

While her brother and father are looking at the dipshit’s hand, I send her a soft smile. She returns the small gesture and then quickly looks down before anyone sees her.

I remind myself that his moment will come when my Twirl isn’t here to witness. Never in front of her. She’s not ready for my darkness…yet.

“Mr. Foster…” her father begins, standing up beside his son but he doesn’t offer me his hand “…is there a reason for this sudden request? Have we offended you somehow?”

“Marcus, have you ever heard the saying: no bad deed goes unpunished?”

“I-I have.” Marcus swallows hard while his eyes shift toward his son. “But what does it have to do with our being here?”

“Everything.” Looking at Mariah, I hold up a hand. “Please give Miss Foster a walk through the gardens while I have a word with her family.”

“Of course.” Her smile is huge as she gives Javier’s arm a squeeze and then walks toward a still-as-a-statue Twirl. “Let’s leave the boring men to their business while we go grab a treat from Magda’s kitchen. She makes the best double fudge brownies ever.”

I can see that she’s not sure what to do, and I’ll be fucked if she asks for permission from these assholes.

“Go on, London. Enjoy the treat.”

“Lola’s fine, Ash—”

My glare shuts him up, and I also don’t miss her expression of disgust at the nickname. “Did I ask for your opinion on the matter?”


“Then I suggest you learn to speak when spoken to.” With that, I look back at Twirl and Mariah. “Enjoy yourselves, girls. This will be a little while.”

“Of course, dear cousin. Take your time.”

And it’s as they walk out of the room that I catch a glimpse of the naughtiness she keeps under lock and key. There’s a small smirk on her lips, a brightness in her eyes as she mouths the words thank you.

I am the sole person in this world she should ever fear, and the only one that will never harm her.


THE MOMENT THE LADIES leave, Alton shifts his angry glare my way. I know what he’s going to say, but before the man further embarrasses himself, I walk over to my chair.

The same one that London was occupying a few minutes ago. I take in a deep breath, filling my lungs with her soft floral scent, and it takes everything in me to hold in the groan of pleasure.

There’s a low chuckle that meets my ears a second before Javier takes a seat to my right, but I don’t address his amusement. Instead, I arch a brow at my guest.

Two sit. Two stand.
