Page 88 of Sin

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“So, you didn’t love her?” Her question is so low I almost miss it.

“Not at all.” I push back a stray piece of hair behind her ear, giving her a soft smile. “Karina was superficial and made a mess of everything she touched. While I did give it an honest try with her, nothing was there. No love. When I ended the relationship because quite honestly, I was tired of the bullshit and fake tears she used to manipulate those around her, it never crossed my mind that things would go so far.”

London turns in my arms and straddles my thighs. Leaning forward, she presses her forehead to mine. “What happened to her. What happened to you?”

“I wouldn’t take her back, and she got desperate. Angry with me and my family.” I close my eyes, seeing that moment all over again. Reliving Karina’s last moment alive. “Somehow she convinced my mother to have lunch with her at their home. The staff there found it odd, and Magda, who was filling in for the cook on vacation, called me to let me know. You can imagine I rushed over, London, and what I found put me in a blind rage.”

“Tell me.” Her lips ghost mine, just a soft caress. “I’m not going to judge you.”

“Karina held my mother at gunpoint, making demands about money owed and wanting to be paid. She threatened her life. Held the gun, dug it deep into her temple while my mother sobbed. To this day, I hold no remorse. None. I didn’t think twice about shooting her then, and I would all over again to save someone I love.”

Wetness coats my cheek before I hear a sniffle. When I open my eyes, what greets my line of sight is comprehension and respect. Not a single ounce of judgement.

“You did the right thing, Malcolm. Had it been my mom, I would’ve done the same without a doubt.” My girl swallows hard, lip trembling as her emotions pour out. It’s been a crazy day for her. “I’m so sorry I ever, even for a second, doubted you.”

“Thank you.” I kiss her soft lips then, tasting her tears. It’s slow and gentle as I wind my arms around her back and pull her in close. This kiss isn’t like the others that overpowers and destroys our senses, where time seems to stop, and nothing but the other person remains. No. This kiss feels like coming home. Like acceptance and understanding. “And I’m sorry that he sought you out. That you felt alone in that moment.”

“Something isn’t right with that man or his visit,” she says then, sitting back as a heavy sigh leaves her. “What a coincidence that I see Alton, Brittany, and this man all on the same day?”


Picking up the locket on her chain, I finger the ballerina. “This chain can never come off you, Twirl. It has a small tracking device inside, and until I put an end to the Foster men, I can’t take the chance of something happening and not being able to find you.”

“Say what?” Then, for some reason, she starts to giggle, her body shaking in amusement. That is, until she notices I’m not joining her. “You can’t be serious...are you?”

“I’m not joking, London. Promise me you won’t take it off.”

“Do you think it’s necessary?”



“Okay?” Hands on her thighs, I caress the soft skin in gentle strokes with my thumbs. “That easy?”

“Pretty much.” She shrugs then, shifting a bit in my lap to get more comfortable. Her heat sears me through my pants, but for the moment, I have to ignore my desire for her. Have to pretend that I don’t see how hard those little nipples are or how my mouth waters at the sight. “You’ve done nothing but take care of me without crowding, and I appreciate that, Malcolm. The things with my father...finding the truth for me...I can’t thank you enough for that. I trust you, and if you say it’s needed, then I’m following your lead.”

“All I want is for you to be safe and happy.” And you will have that soon enough. Taking a pause, I choose my next words carefully. Since we met, I’ve done my best to not push too hard and let her make up her own mind, but what’s coming next isn’t a request. She needs this. “That’s why you and I have a date tomorrow at a shooting range and then some time at the gym after for sparring lessons. It’s going to be our thing at least three times a week for the time being.”

“We are?” Twirl can’t hide her excitement at the idea, and that pleases me.

“Yes.” With two fingers I grab her chin and bring her lips to mine. Peck them once, twice, and then stare deep into those beautiful blue eyes, wanting her to see the truth in my words. “I never want you to feel fear again.”


“I WANT HIM IN a cell within the hour. Presidential treatment,” I hiss out, eyes on the screen in front of me, watching as the dumb fuck walks away from his post. The door to my office closes just as Jimmy looks past the camera and toward the gate, while on another screen, London opens the front door with her phone in hand.

She’s not paying attention to her surroundings. It’s something we’ll address soon in training.

I’m happy she feels safe at our home, but in this world, you can never truly let your guard down. Being able to protect yourself and knowing what to do are things that’ll come natural to her once I’m through. I’ve seen the gleam in her eyes—the hint of her own darkness below—and I’m going to nurture that tiny demon. Sharpen her claws.

On the monitor, she’s just talking. Her lips curling a bit when she pauses near the end of the driveway, closing her eyes with a small smile on her face as the last bit of sun caresses her skin.

Beautiful, and you can see the appreciation for her looks on the leering look Shawn gives her. He’s a dead son of a bitch.

My phone pings then and I pause the feed, flicking my eyes to the device. Twirl’s name flashes with a message attached.

We’re home. Please don’t be too late. ~Twirl
