Page 8 of Reckless Soul

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The wall is too high to see over, so I climb the huge Oak tree that hangs over it that I already decided would be perfect for hiding and watching from.

There’s light coming from one of the rooms upstairs, and despite the slight chill in the air now, the balcony doors are wide open.

I detect some movement and when Ella comes into sight, she’s changed into a tank top and a tiny pair of PJ shorts. Even from way back here, they drag all my attention to the curve of her ass and her toned legs. I can’t help think how incredible they’d look bouncing off my thighs.

She moves around her room, unaware that she’s being watched, and it feels like I’m stealing something from her. Snatching away her personal space, yet I continue to watch as she ties up her hair messily on top of her head, and flops out on her bed to flick through a magazine. When she’s done with that, she rolls on her front and scrolls through her phone. She’s doing nothing of any relevance and looks bored as hell with it, but I can’t take my eyes off her.

I’d happily sit in this tree all night watching her smile at her phone and twist stray bits of her hair around her fingertips. And I lose track of the time until her mouth opens wide with a long yawn, and her body stretches out. She reaches over and turns out her bedside light, and despite no longer being able to see her, I stay put. I wait at least another half an hour without any signs of movement until I assume she’s fallen asleep.

The ride back to the club is a good forty minutes from here. I should be getting back. But there's something niggling at me that prevents me from leaving.

It’s pathetic, but Ella falling asleep with her balcony doors wide open bothers me. I don’t like the idea of leaving her vulnerable.

Prez wouldn’t like it either.

I studied the place well the last time I came here, figured I’d be able to climb the wall with the aid of this tree without much effort, which means that someone else could too.

Scratching at the back of my head, I tell myself I should just leave. It’s no big deal, the girl sleeps with her door open, I suspect in a neighborhood like this, most people do. But every time I think about jumping out the tree and leaving, I can’t.

I tell myself I’m doing it for Prez when I stretch my leg out from the thick tree branch and hook it over the wall. He wouldn’t want me leaving her exposed, especially with her being home all by herself.Sliding down the other side of the wall, my feet thud onto the ground below and I move quickly.Making sure to keep low as I run across the lawn, closer to the house.

I manage to get to the patio beneath Ella’s balcony without setting off any alarm systems or outdoor lights, and I assess my options.

There’s a trellis mounted to the wall, it’d be easy to climb it then reach across to her balcony, but I doubt it would be strong enough to take my weight. On the other side of her balcony is a wooden veranda. Green plants growing around the structure, creating a roof of leaves over an elaborate outside dining area. After inspecting it from the inside, I figure I can climb up on the table then up through the rafters and use them to get across. And just a few minutes later, I’m standing on Ella’s balcony without even breaking a sweat.

I choose to ignore the comfort I get in knowing how easily I could do it again if I wanted to. This has to be a one-off.

Creeping closer to her doors I have every intention of closing them and leaving straight after. But my plan goes completely to shit when I hear a tiny faint moan come from her mouth and I step through the doors instead of closing them. It’s a move that’s risky, not to mention creepy as fuck. But she’s drawing me in, just like those long inhales of breath she’s continuing to make as I move closer to her.

She’s sound asleep. And fuck… if she woke up and saw me, she’d be petrified. Yet I still take the chance. The moon provides just enough light for me to see her face. She’s dreaming, her head moving, and her face creasing like she’s hurting.

I feel an overwhelming urge to disturb her, to save her from whatever nightmare she’s having. But I know that seeing me here like this would only be waking her up into a new one. So, instead, I watch her… My heart-beating faster, and my cock growing thicker inside my jeans.

Her covers are moving, her body struggling beneath them and when they slide away from her, I realize that the expression on her face ain’t been drawn outta pain.

Her delicate little hand is buried beneath the waist of her shorts, and her fingers are rubbing circles between her thighs

Ella Jackson is getting herself off.

Her teeth are sunk into her bottom lip, signaling she’s close, and temptation replaces any sense when I step even closer.

The fact she’s not actually asleep, or that if she is she could wake up any second becomes an irrelevant factor when her breaths become sharper, and her strokes get desperately faster. I want to resist. To back off, but there’s no chance of that happening, not now that I no longer fear her catching me.

Missing out on feeling her pussy pulse as she comes seems like far too great a sacrifice.

Only the thin cotton of her shorts separates our skin when I gently cup my hand over hers. She’s lost any rhythm, her body too needy, and too near climax.

Crushing my hand tighter against hers, I give her just a little more pressure, the pressure she needs to send herself over the edge. Her hips bucking, and her mouth opening wide. The relief in the moan she makes travels right through my body and causes my skin to shiver. Especially when she soaks right through the flimsy fabric and dampens my palm.

A beautiful, satisfied smile spreads across her mouth, and her eyes remain closed. Impulse overcomes logic all over again when I lean even closer and hold my mouth over her hers. Iskim the surface of her lips with mine to get a taste of her. The next shudder she makes causes one of her breaths to seep between my lips and fuck, I’m a gonner.

I keep my eyes open, waiting for her to wake, to be horrified when she realizes an intruder in her room just stole an orgasm right from beneath her fingertips. But she doesn’t, her eyes remain closed, and her body relaxes.

Fighting every testosterone-driven urge in my body, I somehow drag myself away from her. Putting enough space between us for me to find some sense and back out onto the balcony. I allow myself a few more seconds to watch her. The wind picks up, whipping around the back of my neck and lifting up the white sheer fabric curtains on either side of her door, blowing them in front of me.

I notice her eyelashes began to flicker, and quickly close the doors. I can’t lock them from the outside so I’m not fully satisfied, but they at least look secure. I jump the balcony wall back onto the veranda rafters. Then lower myself back to the ground.

This time I avoid the pristine green stripes of the lawn, staying tight to the wall, and use the storage locker beside the pool house to scale myself back over it.
