Page 35 of Vengeful Soul

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“What’s the plan?” I ask. He takes a deep breath before he answers, whatever he’s got cooked up in that head of is, he already knows I’m not gonna like it.

“Me and you are gonna go pick up Bastards’ VP and give him The Vex treatment. We need to find out how much he knows.”

“And what about Gra… the girl.” I try holding off the concern in my tone, last thing I want is Jessie thinking I feel anything for her. “We can’t leave her up here alone, she’ll try and run,” I lie, knowing there’s no chance of her running, not now. But ain’t no way I’m leaving her here unprotected.

“The calvary are already on their way,” Jessie assures me, sliding his cell back inside his pocket. I really ain’t happy about the other brothers being around Gracie or my private space, but I’m all out of options. I ain’t about to let Jessie pick up the VP of our rivals alone, and causing someone pain right now is exactly what I need.

We discuss our plan of action, the Bastards’ VP lives above the strip club they run out at Pueblo. This early in the day there shouldn’t be too much security, but we’ll still take Screwy and Squealer with us. Jessie’s had no luck getting hold of Prez, or Troj who’s riding with him, and it’s getting me real anxious.

Maybe they’ve found Chop, right now they could be taking away my chance of ever getting justice. Or maybe Prez has gone off the radar because he knows what happened with the CIA back at the house. The last thing I want to do is accuse the man of this shit, but things are really stacking up against him.

The roar of bikes traveling up the dirt track brings Gracie to the door, and she looks on wearily as the loud noises rumble through the yard and fill up the empty space next to the car I borrowed from Jerry.

“What’s this?” She moves closer to me when the engines get cut and the boys start to dismount their bikes.

“They’re your babysitters,” I tell her, tipping my chin at Nyx and Grimm as they step up onto the porch.

“Don’t I get to babysit?” Squealer winks at Gracie, looking her over like she’s a fucking snack, and she darts a worried gaze in my direction.

“No, Squeal, you get to come rough up some Bastard,” Jessie tells him, causing a satisfied grin to lift his cheeks, as he looks at his twin brother, Screwy.

“You sure starting a war while Prez ain’t here is a good idea?” Nyx asks Jessie, before turning his attention to me. “And when were you gonna tell us that you got yourself a bitch… and a house?” Nyx’s eyes roll over Gracie and I notice how she blushes back at him. There ain’t no denying my brother’s a good lookin’ bastard, and she’s obviously noticed.

“Ain’t planning on starting no war, just need to get some answers,” Jessie assures him.

“Nyx’ll take care of you. He’s my brother,” I add, hoping it’ll make her feel less intimidated and stop her checking him the fuck out.

“And the other one,” her eyes move over to Grimm, who’s propped his shoulder against one of the porch beams and is staring at her. Sick fuck is probably sizing her up, figuring how he’d dispose of her if she became a problem.

“He won’t give you no trouble,” I assure her, she’ll be lucky if she gets two words out of the kid.

“Be careful.” She steps closer to me, her delicate fingers gripping around the front of my cut. I notice the look that spreads between the boys, and how Nyx rubs his finger over his top lip in an attempt to disguise his smirk. I don’t know what they’re finding more fucking comical. Her affection, or the fact she’s telling me to be careful. They all know what damage I’m capable of creating.

“And there it goes. Another man fucking down,” Squealer's voice interrupts the silence, his head shaking disappointedly as he gets back on his bike and starts the engine. I don’t waste my energy arguing with him. Instead, I nod a goodbye to Gracie, then at Nyx before getting on my own bike and following Jessie and the terror twins down the track, toward some answers to this mess.

Trinity’s is a seedy bar on the outskirts of Pueblo. We’re on Bastard territory now, and we all know the risks. In fact, the four of us thrive on that shit.

It’s not even 10AM when we park outside the bar, but we’re immediately greeted by two heavies who block the entrance. They ain’t patched in Bastards but they work for Clunk. They’re big in size, and one of them has a permanent scar through his eye that he got courtesy of Jessie a few years ago.

He cracks his knuckles when he notices Jessie getting off his bike, probably thinking today's his lucky day.

“I’m here to see Lector.” Jessie steps right up in his face, flaring his nostrils like he’s smelling something rotten.

“You are, are ya, he expecting ya?” The pair of them look at each other and laugh.

“He will be when you tell him that I’m here.” Jessie casually places a smoke between his lips and lights it up.

“And what makes you think he’s gonna wanna see you?”

“Well, I’m coming inside one of two ways, you can either let me pass, or I can work some symmetry on to that face of yours,” Jessie warns.

The guy steps forward like he’s ‘bout to do something, and I step up beside Jessie and give him a look that dares him to try. His buddy pulls him back and whispers something inside his ear that puts a scowl on his face, but also makes him disappear inside.

He returns a few minutes later looking pissed.

“Lose your weapons at the door, and your goons stay outside.”

“Nah-ah I go too,” I interrupt, ain’t no way Jessie’s getting all the fun out of this, besides we have no idea what’s on the other side of the door.
