Page 53 of Vengeful Soul

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“Because when I get given a job, I do it properly.” He stares back at me shielding his emotions. “You breaking the rules I lay out for you doesn’t make that easy,” he points out.

“And do you always punish with your cock?” I look down between us, remembering last night and the way he fucked my face against the truck. I’m a little disgusted at myself, not just for obeying his demand, but for actually enjoying it.

“You didn’t take it much like a punishment. In fact, if I recall…” Brax takes a step forward, closing the gap between us and pushing me into the doorframe, “…you enjoyed it.” His thumb slides over my bottom lip, and I watch his tongue wet his. If I had one wish, it would be not to desire him.

“We ain’t here to play house, Gracie. And I put my rules in place for a reason.”

“You know, you could try just asking me nicely. Calling something a rule will only make me want to break it,” I admit.

“I guess we’re both gonna have to learn some restraint.” His cold eyes scorch me as he releases me, and when I turn my body to follow him, I’m greeted with the back of the door.

I laugh, which considering my situation is ironic. I’m stuck in a compound with a bunch of criminals that seem to be my only hope at survival. My parents are dead, and the sultry biker who stole me from my home has me yearning over him like a needy teenager. The real joke in all of this is me.

I wait for Brax to come out of the bathroom before I head in there myself to take a shower. The tiles are still wet and I can’t help but wonder if he relieved some of his tension while he was in here. I’m about to give into willpower and release my own when a loud thud against the door pauses my hand from sliding between my legs.

“Gracie,” Brax’s rough, unforgiving voice accompanies another loud bang of his fist.

I jump out the shower and wrap a towel around my chest before I rip the door open.

Brax looks a little taken back when I snarl at him.

“I’m… um, heading out for a few hours, Prez wants to meet up with Lector and iron out what me and Jessie discussed.”

“You don’t have to explain shit to me, Brax. We ain’t here to play house,” I remind him, before slamming the door in his face, and I swear I hear the growl from the other side of it. I drop the towel and hop back in the shower to give Brax another of my orgasms, courtesy of my own fingertips.

I need to get out, I need to drink, and now I need to fuck the girl out of my head.

Gracie does it every time I’m around her. She breaks through all my determination, and somehow sucks softness out of my cold, black soul. That rich little bitch makes me want things that are way too far out of my reach.

The club is in full swing when we get back from seeing Lector. Jessie is talking with Prez and not wanting to interrupt them, I head over to Troj who’s drinking alone.

“Ya good?” I slap him on the back taking up the stool beside him. When I lift my finger up to Mel, she sets straight to work pouring me out a good measure of Jack.

“Jess said you and the girl had a successful trip.” Troj hands over the blunt he’s smoking.

“Yeah, Mads is working on what we got right now.” I take it from his hands and suck back a long toke.

“Still can’t believe Clunk is involved with that shit. You really think we can trust Lector to keep his word when all this is done?”

“Yeah, I do. He was cooperative today and I think right now, the Bastards need the least enemies possible. Clunk got a personal vendetta for Jimmer, he’s hidden behind his club for too long.” I take another long drag, letting the smoke burn my lungs before I slowly release it and hand it back over to Troj.

“And what about the bitch?” Troj asks.

“What about her?” Fuck, that came out way too fast and way too defensively.

“When it’s safe for her to go home, is that it?” He rests his elbows on the bar and turns his head to me.

“Prez made her mama a promise. As long as there ain’t no threat left. Sure, that’ll be it,” I assure him. Despite telling myself all day that’s what I want, I feel myself tense at the thought of letting her out there by herself. Her skinny cunt boyfriend couldn’t protect her from a gust of wind, let alone an actual threat.

“And you're good with that?” Troj looks at me questioningly.

“I’m good with that,” I nod, walking away and taking my drink with me. I came down here to forget about the girl, not to talk about her.

I settle on one of the leather sofas at the back of the room tipping my head at Squealer, who’s getting his dick polished by Paige. She’s the freshest thing we got around here, and I hear her mouth makes up for the fact that she keeps her pussy off limits. By the look on Squealer’s face, she’s living up to her reputation.

Looking around the room, I see that most of the single brothers already have a bitch hovering over them.

“Tough day?” a voice whispers inside my ear, and long fingernails scratch through my stubble.
