Page 12 of Damaged Soul

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“Mads reckons from the timescale, he must have. Luckily there wasn’t much damage to his face, I sent her a picture and she’s tapping into some local CCTV to be sure. If she sees him, she’ll erase the footage.”

“Man on release day only got three things in mind, Grimm. Food, fix, and fucking. And I doubt he’d have been visiting Rogue for food.”

“Well, whatever he went there for, he got more than he was expecting.” I kick at the damp ash with my boot.

“She ain’t happy about staying at the club.” Skid sounds worried. “You and the boys just make sure she stays put till we can figure out what he wanted with her.”

“Rogue doesn’t seem the type to do as she’s told.” I smirk to myself and start packing away, carrying the empty sprayer and the bones back into the van and lifting out a shovel.

It’s already getting dark and I still have to turn over the earth where I had the fire.

“Where you at?” Skid asks before I hang up.

“Sinnerman’s quarry,” I tell him, knowing he’ll approve. Sinnerman’s Quarry ain’t on our territory, it’s secluded and a total ball ache to get to. Which is why I know I can have my fires without being disturbed.

There are plenty of weed patches scattered around here that I’m responsible for.

“Good shout, I owe ya, brother,” he tells me before hanging up.

I put my phone away and head back to the damp earth, smashing the shovel into the dirt and turning it over. After mixing the ash into the dirt, and when the patch is fully upturned, I take a sachet of seeds out of my pocket and spread them over the patch, stomping them into the ground with the heel of my boot.

I make sure I destroy any traces of me being here before I drive the van back to the club.

Instead of heading straight to my cabin for a shower like I want to, I stop by the club and take the cool-box down to my basement. Doesn't matter how shattered I feel, I never leave a job unfinished and I won’t be able to switch off until these bones are ground to dust.

Jessie and Brax each have their own room beneath the club, and I have mine. It goes without saying that the people who find themselves in Jessie and Brax’s rooms often become my problem.

Pulling a dust mask over my face, I set to work, adding all that’s left of Eddie Clark into my custom-made grinder.

It’s late by the time I’m finished, and once the remains are sealed into an airtight bag and locked inside the safe that’s built into the wall, I decide I’m done.

It’s never the physicality of a clean-up that drains me, more the constant thinking it requires. That isn’t to say I don’t enjoy doing it. Everyone around here has their role, mine has always been fixing up the mess others leave behind.

I stop by the main bar room before heading up to my cabin. And when Tommy sees me coming he pours me a bourbon, he’s getting better at this shit, so I tip my head at him as a thank you before knocking it back.

“You want me to line you one up, kid?” Tac asks, his thumb dusting the tip of his nose after he’s done hoovering a long line off the bar.

I decline, last thing I need right now is a fucking buzz, not when I intend on getting an early night. I’ve already made up my mind that I’m going back to Rogue’s place tomorrow to paint her walls myself. I need assurance that the job gets done properly and Storm is still green. That, and the fact I have a strange impulse to be in her space again.

“Early night then, Grimm?” Storm winks at me like we’re sharing some kinda private joke. He saw the state of Rogue's place, so he gets why I’m so whacked.

“Yep.” I down the next shot Tommy puts in front of me, then stand up. “Wash the cage down, inside and out, pay close attention to the wheels.” I toss Storm the keys as I make my way out to get on my bike. Seeing how thorough he is with the cage will give me a good indication of how much I can trust him with. I already know I’ll go over it myself in the morning. I’m a control freak. I own that.

Riding up to my cabin, I struggle to get the image of Rogue standing in front of me, her pretty skin tainted with blood, wearing just those white fucking panties and a bra out of my head. The same panties that are burning a hole through the back pocket of my overalls, reminding me how weak I am for taking them.

It crosses my mind to knock on Skid’s cabin door, it would be perfectly reasonable of me to tell her that everything’s taken care of, leaving out the fact I’ve been fucking hard for her since I saw her standing among the massacre she created.

Shaking that thought out of my head, I park up outside my cabin. I can’t wait to get inside to get myself clean, and I’m gonna have to release the heavy ache Rogue’s put in my balls by bashing one out in the shower. I’ll visualize the crazy little bitch on her knees in front of me, mouth wide open and tongue stuck out, waiting for me to blow all over it.

The thought alone almost has me comin’ inside my jeans.

I burst through the door and flick on the light, straight away I can sense that something's off. The room has a different scent, a sweet one. The coffee table isn’t in line with the bathroom door, and there's shit littering the top of it. My eyes move over to the kitchen where there are crumbs scattered all over the work surface and an unwashed plate and a knife in the sink.

I’ll bet this is Squealer’s idea of a sick joke.

I storm through to the bathroom, shuddering at the soaking wet towel that’s been left on the floor. The shower curtain is hanging out over the bath and there’s a wet patch where it’s been dripping. I pick up the towel and put the curtain right. Then tighten the tap that isn't aligned to match the other one properly, before following the watermarked footprints on the wood floor that lead to my room.

When I open the door, I immediately get to the root of the fucking problem when I see the blonde-haired, tiny little hellion that's all twisted up in my sheets.
