Page 42 of Damaged Soul

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He isn’t in the cabin when I wake up, and I know that he’ll spend the day trying to avoid me after what went down last night. I can’t face another day of that, so I decide to go somewhere where I can be close to him… without him realizing. I open his wardrobe and flick through my clothes for something appropriate to wear.

I don’t want to be Maddy when I visit Anita today. I want to be Evangeline, or at least the girl Evangeline might have been without all the fucked up shit in between.

Deciding on a pair of jeans and an oversized sweater, I leave the cabin and take Skid’s car again. This time when I drive past the clubhouse, it’s bustling with people. Everyone seems to be getting their instructions from Prez and are so wrapped up in what he’s saying that I manage to sneak out right under their noses.

I drive to the care home, wondering what today’s visit will reveal about Richie Carter. Will I ever learn what happened to turn the sweet boy in the picture into the disturbed version of himself I’m becoming obsessed with?

Smiling at the woman behind the desk, I sign myself in and make my way to Mrs. Carter’s room. She beams when she opens the door to me and pulls me in for a long hug that proves she’s happy to see me again.

“I’m so glad you came back, Evangeline.” She takes my hand, leading me over to the couch. “Shall I get someone to bring us some drinks, it’s quite warm today. Perhaps some lemonade?”

I nod my head and watch her lift the receiver from the phone beside her.

“Two glasses of lemonade please,” she requests, politely. Then after hanging up, she takes both my hands in hers.

“You must tell me what you have been up to,” she asks excitedly, and my heart breaks for her. Whether this was an act for me, or a mental state she’s trapped in, anyone can see that Anita Carter isn’t living in the real world. I envy her for that a little bit, and I wonder if Grimm plays along with it when he visits?

“I’ve been busy with work.”

“You didn’t tell me what you did when you were last here,” she reminds me.

“I fix up cars.”

Mrs. Carter throws her head back and laughs. “A pretty girl like you, fixing cars. That’s quite the vision.” She chuckles, and I like that it amuses her. The smile she’s giving me back is genuine.

The door knocks not long after, and a woman wearing a white tunic like the rest of the staff steps in. It must cost a fortune to keep someone in a place like this, where residents get to make such demands.

“Thank you,” Anita smiles at the carer before she leaves. Then passes me a tall glass of lemonade from the silver tray.

“So how long have you been fixing cars?”

“For as long as I can remember, I used to watch my daddy when I was small.” Saying his name reminds me that I still have a visiting order that needs to be dealt with.

“My husband doesn’t have much time for Richie, I'm afraid, he works too hard. Sometimes I think Richie would like a father who shows him how to do things like that.” Her mind seems to wander off, but I need to keep her on the subject of her son.

“And do you see Richie’s father often?” I take a sip of the fancy lemonade.

“He was the first man I ever loved. The only man I’ve ever loved.” She’s becoming distant now. Like she’s trying to recall memories.

“Do you have someone, Evangeline? I see you’re not married.” Her eyes fall to my hand and I laugh.

“No, I’m not married.”

“But there is someone, no?”

“There’s someone,” I admit. “I’m not all that sure how he feels about me though.”

“My dear girl, you’re beautiful, he’d have to be blind not to be over his heels in love with you.”

“It's complicated.” I smile back at her, if only she knew how fuckin’ complicated.

“Well, if you’re unsure, you must ask him. My guess is that he feels unworthy.” Her hand strokes over my cheek and I find myself leaning into it.

“I wish my son could find a girl like you, I sometimes worry that he’ll never find his happiness.” My heart leaps at the opportunity to talk about Grimm.

“What makes you think that?”

“My Richie’s a quiet boy, he doesn’t have a lot to say, and he likes things a certain way. There aren’t many that would accept him the way he is. But if someone gave him that chance. They’d see what I see.”
