Page 68 of Damaged Soul

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Then after kissing her one more time before pulling out of her, I tuck myself away. I wait while she straightens herself out, admiring how flustered and freshly fucked she looks. And the sweet as sin smile she gives me to tell me she’s ready is irresistible.

“Come on, I’m taking ya home. It’s been a long night.”

“And I ain’t finished with ya yet,” she promises as I lead her outside to my bike and sit her on the saddle.

“Never knew ya had it in ya, kid,” Tac calls over from the other side of the fire pit where he’s chatting to some hangouts. I shoot him a serious look back, but when Rogue’s devilish giggle tickles the skin between my neck and shoulder, I can’t help smiling myself before starting up my engine to take my old lady home.

I leave her sleeping and make myself a coffee before stepping out onto the decking. The lake is calm, and so are the cabins surrounding me but it’s still early.

The job I did for Vex last night will have earned me enough money for a month of living support for Mama. The place costs a fortune, but the caregivers are the best in the state, they keep Mama happy and cater to her needs. I can’t think about how hard it would be to take care of her myself, and I feel guilty for the dread that puts inside me.

But pretense is a hard thing to keep up, even harder when all the bad shit still festers inside your head and can’t be forgotten. Still, I’d rather be plagued with memories than oblivious to reality.

It feels kinda strange having something to feel positive about. Things seem to be going right for me and Rogue. We have the support of the club and from Skid. Being around her surprisingly helps keep my compulsions under control.

When I reach for my cigarettes, I notice a stain on the shirt I’m wearing, I actually can’t remember the last time I did any laundry.

Pulling the shirt off over my head, I head back inside. Quietly lifting the clothes out of the laundry basket ready to wash. I roll my eyes when I notice a pair of Rogue’s jeans thrown on the floor over on her side of the bed. They’re smeared with oil so I pick them up and add them to my pile. She looks so angelic when she sleeps. No attitude, no makeup, just a content expression on her face as she lays out on my pillows, dreamin’.

Once I’ve set these clothes to be cleaned, I’m gonna speak to Jessie. See if someone can take care of the garage so I can get her away from here for a day. I know she’s feeling trapped, and a little freedom from the club will do us both some good. I also need to ask him what kinda stuff bitches like to do, cause hell if I got a clue on that shit.

I go through the pockets of my jeans, pulling out some dollar bills, and the baggy Tac gave me a few days ago. That’s another thing I haven't done in some time, I can’t remember the last time I got high.

I can’t resist pulling Rogue’s jeans to my face and inhaling them, they smell like oil, rubber, and peaches. I may have only had her for a few weeks but I’d know my girl’s scent anywhere. I’m fucking addicted to it.

I check Rogue’s pockets too and when I pull out a folded envelope and recognize the postmark, it’s impossible to resist the temptation to open it.

It’s a visiting order, one for Florence. Rogue has kept this from me, like she did the gun. I just can’t understand why.

Scrunching the letter in my fist, I tuck it inside my cut, I’ll deal with it later. Right now, I need to do laundry and put some space between me and her before I pin her down and fuck some answers out of her.

Bile builds in my throat when I start relating to my father’s need to know where Mama was every minute of the day. It’s only a matter of time before he starts taking over my head. I want to fight him away, usually, I can. But it’s getting harder and harder, especially when all I want to do is protect Rogue.

She isn’t leaving this club without me, and if whoever this order is from is important enough for her to want to go visit, I’ll be going with her.

I leave the cabin and head down to my basement at the club. The place couldn’t be any cleaner, but I need a distraction so I set to work reorganizing the cleaning products and scrubbing off the shelves. I put my headphones in and clean my equipment. Then using a scouring pad, I scrub my hands until they feel raw.

When I come back up the stairs and cross the yard to the garage, Rogue is hard at work, her music pumping loudly and her out-of-tune voice killing all the high notes. I stand and watch her for a while, with all the rage inside me pumping straight to my cock. She doesn’t know I’m watching her, and she looks so fucking happy. Now I’m gonna have to stamp all over her good mood.

Why have I got to be such an asshole?

“Shit…” she clutches at her chest when she spins around. Her overalls are open at the front and she’s wearing one of my T-shirts. Her hair is tied up with my black bandana and she’s got a grease mark under her right eye. I stalk toward her and swipe away the imperfection from her skin with my thumb. I don’t care that I carry the mark of it now, just so long as she’s perfect.

“You shouldn’t creep up on people like that.” She grabs at my cut with her filthy hands and pulls me onto her lips. Now isn’t the time to press her on the visiting order that’s burning a hole through my pocket. I’ve got it counted as at least nine hours since I’d last been inside her. So lifting her up by her thighs, I kiss her lips and walk us into the office. I kick the door shut with my foot, ready to punish her for all her sins on the desk.

“Wake up, wake up.” I shake his shoulders relentlessly and when he peeps open one eye, I look down at him with a huge playful smile.

“Come on, get up.” I know he’s tired but all work and no play makes Grimm a dull boy.

“Come back to bed,” he moans, dragging me on top of him, then rolling over to trap me between his body and the mattress. Will I ever tire of wanting him?

“Nah ah. I’m in charge today. I want to give you something,” I tell him, resisting the temptation to let him have his way.

“Sounds intriguing.” His nose slides up my neck and he sucks my skin through his teeth. Him leaving his mark on me has become my new favorite thing and I crave so much more of it.

“Not that.” I reach between us and grab his dick. “I’ll be giving you my undivided attention later, big boy.” I talk directly to his junk and love the way it makes him laugh.

“Get dressed, I’ve already made breakfast.” I manage to wiggle my way out from under him, and his palm stings my ass as I make my way back out to the kitchen.
