Page 87 of Damaged Soul

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“They are dangerous men who will come after you if they know what you did here. I’m taking the blame on this, you just have to keep your mouth shut. If you tell anyone what they did to you, they will hurt you, and they will hurt me. Do you understand me?”

“Please, don’t,” I shake my head. This is everything I’ve been fearing since Mama left. This is what they held over me with. I can’t lose him.

“You remember what I said, Evangeline.” He shakes my body to bring me back to him and the sirens that are approaching get louder. “You stick to the story, you don’t mention the others. Promise me.”

“I promise,” I whisper, tears making my vision blurry as three armed officers storm in through the door and grab hold of him. I sink to the floor and wrap my arms around my knees as they drag him away.

“I love you, Evangeline,” he calls out before they take him from me.

Fingers pat against my cheek, bringing me back around, and I jolt when I realize I’m in a room I don’t recognize. The back of my head aches like a bitch and when I raise my hand to touch the wound, I realize my wrists are bound together.

“Welcome back.” The voice that speaks to me brings back more dark memories, and when I look up at the man standing over me it takes everything in my power not to shudder.

“I’m disappointed in you.” He crosses his arms over his chest and stares down at me. His hair is long and greasy now and he’s lost a little of his bulk since I last saw him.

“Nick,” I speak his name venomously. I’ve been waiting to come face to face with this fucker again, and now that I finally have he’s got me tied to a damn chair.

“After all I did for you, Evangeline.” He shakes his head at me disappointedly. “Why couldn’t you just keep your pretty little nose out of our business?”

Because you hurt me, is what I want to scream at him. But I stay quiet, and I forbid the tears from my eyes because, to get out of this, I’m gonna have to be strong.

“Did you honestly think Stevo wouldn’t alert them that you were coming?” he laughs at me.

“I guess while you were busy blowing out his knees you didn’t take the time to notice how good the place is looking these days. How do you think he paid for that?”

“I don’t give a fuck how he paid for it.” It’s my turn to laugh now.

My cheek stings when he smacks his palm against it.

“Ivan is running things now, and he’s got plans, big plans.”

“Who?” I’ve never heard of the guy.

“Ivan,” Nick says the name again like I must be the only person on the planet who hasn’t heard it before.

“Never heard of him,” I shrug, purposely sounding unimpressed.

“Oh, you will,” he threatens me, with a smug grin that I want to melt off his face with a blow torch.

“Nice as it’s been to catch up and all, I suggest you untie me and let me be on my way before my friends at the club come looking for me.”

Nick raises his eyebrows at me. “And how do you think they’re gonna find you, sweetheart? Ivan’s a clever man, he’s been creeping up under their asses for some time now.”

“They know where to start looking,” I assure him, “and I’ll bet they’re there now smashing Stevo’s skull into his shiny new bar.” I lean forward and bat my lashes at him.

“I found you, so they’ll find you. You can believe that,” I promise.

“By the time they do, it’ll be too late. Ivan doesn’t take too kindly to people who hurt his employees. Eddie had been working for him for a long time. The boss is pissed at you.”

“How can you be so sure I hurt Eddie? He might just have skipped town.” I shrug.

“Ivan sent him for you, he was prepared to give you an opportunity and you fucked up, and then you proved your guilt when you decided to hide out with those bikers.”

“Guess things didn’t turn out so well for Eddie, huh?” I laugh, and it earns me another swipe from the back of his hand.

“If it weren’t for the fact Ivan wants to speak to you, I’d slice open your throat, you smart-mouthed bitch. You were so much sweeter when you were helpless,” he sniggers, and I pull against my restraints to get at him.

“You’re all bunch of sick fuckers.” My emotions get the better of me. “I was just a kid and you were supposed to be my dad’s friends. He was crushed when he found out what you did to me…”
