Page 89 of Damaged Soul

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“I can ride.” I leave him standing in shock, and rush to my bike.

Prez is already seated when I get to church, closely followed by Jessie.

Brax and Nyx are sitting side by side, and they look as if they might be able to understand a fraction of the panic I’m going through. Then Squealer and Screwy come next.

“Can’t believe you let her give you the slip.” Squealer shakes his head at me and I lose my shit, launching at him and fisting at his T-shirt.

“Grimm.” Jessie is up and out his chair fast enough to stop me from landing one on the clever-mouthed cunt. He puts himself between me and Squealer while Brax and Nyx hold me back.

“Now ain’t the time for being smart, Squeal. Rogue could be in some real danger.” Hearing Prez say those words out loud slices me open and all the strain in my body weakens. Brax and Nyx release me and I slump into my chair, focusing on the table in front of me and reminding myself to breathe.

“Everyone, calm down.” Prez slams his gavel. “Rogue’s out there, and we don’t know enough about this Ivan asshole to be squabbling. Jessie, where’s everyone else?”

“Tac’s on his way, Thorne took the cage with Troj and they’re taking their shift watching McAlister’s place.”

Prez nods. “Well then that leaves just us to come up with a plan on how to get her back. And, Grimm,” he looks across to me, “We’re gonna get her back, brother.” He’s got that determined look in his eyes that gives me a little confidence. It also suggests that the old man cares a little about my girl himself.

“Rogue, she’s got a gun, she told me—” Jessie’s cell ringing interrupts me from explaining.

“It’s Thorne… You're on speaker, brother,” he answers.

“Where the fuck is Grimm?” Thorne yells down the phone, and the way he sounds panicked does nothing to help my anxiety.

“He’s with us, what’s up?”

“Me and Troj just pulled up at McAlister place, Carly’s car’s here and it looks like it’s been abandoned. There’s been a struggle for sure.” I feel my nostrils flare as I rise up on my feet.

“I’ll call my informer,” Prez already has his phone pressed to his ear.

“Least we know where to start lookin’.” Nyx looks over to me, and if that's his attempt to make me calm down, he’s fuckin’ failed at it.

I pace the room while I wait for Prez to come off the phone, cracking my knuckles and trying to keep my shit together. What the fuck was Rogue doin’ there? I told her how dangerous it was for her to leave the club.

“Rogue stopped by the bar earlier, she shot out the owner's knee cap for the address… stupid bitch!” Prez chucks his phone at the table in temper.

“I gotta get out there and find her.” I start making my way toward the door, I can’t wait around anymore. Screwy stands in front of me, his huge body towering over mine and blocking my way. He shakes his head and gestures with his eyes for me to sit back down.

“Screwy’s right, you wouldn’t know where to start looking.” Prez scratches at his stubble.

“I’d know where to fucking start,” I tell him. “We go in now, we take the house down, I’ll bet someone there will know where she is.”

“We’re low on numbers for that kinda operation,” Brax points out, and usually that point would be valid, but not while my girl’s out there in danger.

“Brax is right, taking down the place is one thing, but we don’t know who we’re dealing with yet, it’s a risk.” Nyx backs up his brother and before I can argue, Jessie stands up.

“And if it were Ella or Gracie out there, would you expect us to still be sitting on our asses discussing it?” he questions them.

“No,” they both answer at the same time, without hesitation.

“Way I see it, Ivan started the war when he sent one of his men into our club for information. Taking out his house is a good start on letting him know we ain’t gonna be fucked on. He’s laid low this long for a reason. He fears us, now let’s prove to him why he’s right to.” Jessie backs down and nods at Prez to confirm he’s finished.

“All those in favor of taking down the cook house and bringing Rogue home?” Prez asks the table.

“In,” I’m first to speak.

“In,” Jessie’s vote comes next. Followed by two more yes’s from Nyx and Brax. Screwy nods his approval and Squealer stares me down while he thinks about his answer. His lips lift into a smirk, then his huge hand slams into my shoulder. “‘Course I’m fucking in, let’s go get your psycho bitch back, Scissorhands.”

“Arm yourselves up, brothers, looks like we’re going to war,” Prez slams the gavel, and the sound of wooden chair legs scraping the floor gets my adrenaline pumping.
