Page 90 of Damaged Soul

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“It was gettin' too quiet around here anyway,” Squealer adds, following the others to the vestry where we keep our weapon supply.

I rush down to the basement, grabbing a handful of face masks for the others. If we’re going in, we’ll need protection from the fumes. Then I meet the others in the yard and hand them out.

“What's going on?” Tac asks when he pulls up among the chaos.

“We’re raiding the cookhouse,” Nyx explains, handing him a semi-auto as he gets off his bike.

“Cool,” he shrugs, checking that he’s loaded.

Jessie throws an AK at me, and we all pile into the back of a cage that Screwy pulls up beside us. Prez rides shotgun, while Jessie calls the others to let them know what’s going down.

“You good, brother?” Brax checks as we get closer, and I nod back at him, clutching the handle of the gun tight in my fist. The van comes to a stop and when Thorne opens the door and we all pile out, Nyx hands out the guns we brought for Troj and Thorne.

“Four have come out to smoke, one left not long before you arrived.” Troj fills us in on the activity.

“Let’s do this.” Jessie slides the mag into his AK, and flicks his cigarette at the floor. He pulls up the white mask I gave him to cover his mouth and nose, and I cover mine with the black bandana that still smells like Rogue’s hair.

The rest of the crew follow, separating in groups to make sure the house is surrounded and waiting for the signal.

The sound of the front door crashing open moves us into action. Squealer raiding through the back door first, then me and Nyx piling in behind him. Three pairs of shocked eyes stare back at us and Nyx moves first, smashing the handle of his gun into the face of the one closest to him. The one nearest the door tries to bolt and runs himself straight into Screwy’s chest. The fucker bounces back on his ass, and Screwy pins him to the floor by his boot.

I press the barrel of my AK into the skinny prick's temple, while Squealer has his fun taking out the other guy.

“Clear,” Nyx shouts.

“Clear,” another voice comes back from the other side of the house and when I look down at him, the guy under Screwy’s boot looks scared as hell.

It doesn’t take long for us to have all six men rowed up and tied in the living room.

“We’re about to offer one of you an opportunity.” Prez starts pacing in front of them. “The guy you're working for has pissed off my family. This setup he’s got is a little too close to my backyard, and now he’s taken something that belongs to us.”

I eye up the line of men, and all of them look petrified. These men are the bottom of the pack, they don’t deserve to die. But they will if they don’t cooperate.

“So which one of you wants to rat and walk out of here with your life?” Prez asks.

“You wanna know where the girl who killed Eddie is?” one of them pipes up, earning him a glare from the guy sitting next to him. “Fuck this shit, man, you know who these people are? I didn’t sign up for this shit. Nick and Stevo can screw themselves.”

Jessie gives me a look that shares my thoughts. These monkeys in front of us have no idea what they’re involved in.

“Nick got a call from Stevo to warn him that some psycho whore was on a warpath.” I move forward, ready to smash the cunt’s head off his shoulders but Jessie pulls me back and shakes his head at me. “So he took her.”

“Took her where?” Prez crouches in front of the rat.

“Probably at the main farmhouse, about half a mile down the road.”

“It’s quiet out there, they can really take their time with her, I hope he makes the bitch pay for what she did to Eddie,” the big guy in the middle speaks up, and I slam my fist into his jaw, causing blood to spray over the person sitting next to him.

“Let’s have some respect when referring to the lady, shall we?” Prez warns him, and when Squealer snorts, I eyeball him.

“You,” Prez turns his focus back to the rat, “You’re coming with us.”

Troj steps forward and unties him from the chair, keeping his arms behind his back and forcing him out the door.

“He’ll come after you, No one fucks with Ivan and gets away with it. He won’t give a shit about your pathetic club.” Big guy isn’t giving up, and the four other guys look at him like he’s crazy.

“Oh, I’m counting on it,” Prez sneers.

“Load these four assholes into the cage, we’ll take them into Roswell.” Prez orders and the twins, Brax and Nyx step straight into action, taking one each. Brax knocks his guy clean out when he tries to struggle, then heaves him over his shoulder.
