Page 12 of His Sacrifice

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“Tough visit?” Ludo turns around in his seat upfront. Since Father rarely leaves the house these days, Ludo has been assigned to me. I’d be lost without him.

We spent a lot of time together during my training years in Sicily, and despite the harshness of the lessons he taught me, he’s become a good, loyal friend to me over the years.

“Nothing worse than usual.” I sigh, pulling out a cigarette and lighting up.

“I have something for you,” he informs me, and I can tell from the look on his face that whatever it is, isn’t going to please me.

“What?” I huff as my body deflates,

“Last night, you asked me to look into the girl…” he reminds me, prepping me for what’s coming next, and knowing it has something to do with her makes all the muscles in my body tighten.

“I did some research while you were at lunch, and I thought this might interest you.” He passes his iPad over the seats to me, and as soon as I see the dodgy porn site on the screen, I feel the blood heat under my skin.

“My facial recognition software brought it up,” he explains, clearing his throat awkwardly.

And despite knowing I’ll regret it, I press the link to the video.

The filming is amateur, but I can tell straight away that it's her. The camera is at an angle that shows her entire body as she grinds herself into the man lying beneath her.

His face is hidden but hers is fully on display, every perfect detail visible, her mouth slightly open as she rides his cock, and her long, dark hair falling in waves over her shoulders. It infuriates me to watch and yet somehow, I can’t tear my eyes away from it.

Her stomach is taught. She looks glorious as she grabs one of her pert tits in her hand and crushes it as she seeks pleasure, and despite all the anger that’s penetrating through my veins, I feel my cock harden.

I can’t help thinking that the man should be me. It should have always been me. And seeing her giving herself like this makes me want to tear the flesh off the bones of the fucker beneath her.

“Did you get an address?” I ask Ludo, trying to remain calm after I’ve watched about all I can take.

“Two, one of them belongs to Fabian, the other is for a studio that she rents. She does freelance photography,” he adds. What she does doesn’t seem important right now, not while I’m watching her tits bounce as she gets fucked.

Last night, after I touched her, I vowed it would be for the last time. I was prepared to sacrifice her all over again, but after seeing this, I don’t think it’s possible.

Before I marry Briella Quinn, I need to know that Evelyn is on the right path. I can tell myself that it’s because deep down, I’m a good person. But I know better, there is no good in me.

I’m doing this because I’m selfish and because my heart still beats for a girl that can never be mine.
