Page 82 of His Sacrifice

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“We aren’t telling Raoul about his father's visit today,” I tell Niko assertively when he’s driving me back later. I’m still shaken up by what happened but I’m not adding to Raoul’s stress.

“I don’t keep things from the boss.” Niko flicks his eyes up so they catch mine in the rearview mirror.

“It was nothing,” I assure him.

“Carlos Burlusconi doesn’t come into the city for nothing,” he points out, refusing to buy what I’m selling.

“Please don’t make me be a bitch,” I beg. We’re getting closer to home, and I haven’t got much time left to convince him.

“Like I said, I don’t keep things from the boss,” he shrugs.

He asked for this.

“That's not entirely true, is it?” I grit my teeth awkwardly, immediately gaining his attention again.

“I spent a lot of time with Violetta during her latest visit.” I stare back at him through the mirror and watch the expression on his face change. “She told me about what happened between you both when she came home last Christmas. Did you inform Raoul of that?” I feel bad using this against him but at desperate times…

“I hear what you’re saying,” he nods back, looking pissed as hell when he focuses back on the road. “She was very complimentary,” I add as a consolation, leaning forward to pat him on the shoulder.


Raoul is quiet as we eat dinner together. He’s been distant since I came home and I wish I could read the thoughts in his head.

“The photo shoot went well today,” I attempt to start a conversation.

“Sorry, I should have asked,” he apologizes before taking a sip of wine. “I’m pleased it went well.”

“I took Kendra, she had a great time. Maybe next time, you could come. Pava has asked me to do another shoot with him in Vegas. I’ve never been before.”

When he doesn’t respond, I place down my fork and take his hand in mine.

“I wish you’d talk to me.” I squeeze his fingers.

“I’m just trying to think things over, I don’t mean to be distant.” He tugs at my hand and raises me onto my feet. Pulling me to him, he wraps his arms around my middle and rests his head on my chest.

“You can tell me anything, you know that, right?” I run my fingers through his hair.

“I think I’ve found a way,” he tells me, but when he looks up at me, he doesn’t seem relieved like I expect him to.

“I learned something about my father today, something I can use as leverage,” he continues, and I feel my body go stiff.

“That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” I check. Wondering if whatever Raoul found out today prompted his father to visit me.

“For us, yes.” Seeing how sad he is, instantly puts dread in the pit of my stomach.

“Talk to me, Raoul,” I whisper, shifting my body to sit on his lap.

“When I was a kid, all I wanted to do was be like my father.” He stares down to where he strokes my thigh. “When I got older and realized what that involved, there were times when I got scared,” he admits, his fingers clenching at me now. “But I was never going to let him down.” He lifts his head back up, and I see a tear forming in his dark angry eyes.

“He raped a girl,” Raoul says weakly, putting an instant wedge in my throat. “A seventeen-year-old girl,” he adds, and my heart plummets deeper into my stomach.

“I grew up knowing the man could be ruthless, but he always taught us to have morals when it came to women.” His head shakes like he can’t believe his own words.

“I don’t know what to say.” I try to comfort him, but when he takes another deep breath, I get the awful sense he’s not done.

“The girl he raped is pregnant.” He deals yet another blow, and I feel his body sag from the weight of it all. “She told her brother that Rhett was the father, he was the person who had him stabbed.”

“Is the girl safe now?” I wrap my arms around his neck.
