Page 60 of Untamed Soul

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“Yeah, I’m bad for you, Monroe, but we’re good for each other.” He gives a little more, and my nails dig deep into the fist he’s holding my wrist in.

“When you come, I want you to call me by my name,” he growls as his free hand fists my hair, and he fills me in one long thrust.

“Don’t make me fall, Cody Harrison,” I warn, hating myself for lapsing and showing him a weakness that I know he’ll use against me at some point down the line.

“Don’t worry, darlin’, you're safe with me.” He continues to move, circling his hips and hitting every nerve inside me.

I believe him, and what scares me even more, is that I want to.

“You sure you boys don’t want to come?” Maddy checks as she finishes loading up the trunk of her car.

“I can’t think of anything worse than driving to Utah for a wedding, especially one that will probably be over before the marriage gets consulated.”

“Consulated? You mean consummated?” Maddy rolls her eyes at Alex, who comes out of Jessie's cabin carrying more crap to the car.

“Come on, man, even Grimm and Rogue are making the trip.” Jessie slaps me on the back as he opens his driver’s side door.

“I can’t believe you said we'd share a car with them. Aren’t you bikers supposed to ride bikes?” Maddy gives him a look across the roof that makes both me and Alex look at each other and smirk.

“Yeah, and how were you planning on getting all this shit to Utah on a bike,” he points out.

“You could have ridden, I could have driven.” Maddy puts her hand on her hip and waits for him to try and argue.

“Well, this way, you and Rogue get to bond on the journey.” He smiles at her sarcastically before tugging at her waist so her lips land on his.

“Bond, are you crazy?” Maddy pulls away and takes the box from Alex, adding it to the trunk with the rest of the junk.

“What is all this anyway?” I ask.

“Just stuff from Ella and Shaniya’s weddings, I figured we could make the Utah clubhouse look nice for the big day.”

“Good luck with that.” I snigger at Jessie. Everyone knows the Utah Charter is a dive.

“I’m sure you’ll make it look great.” Alex takes a step back from the car but keeps her distance from me. She’s still weird about us in front of people. It’s been a few days since her and Mads started working together on the Hawker files, and she’s becoming a permanent fixture around here. I’ll admit that I like having her around the club, even if she is constantly with Maddy.

“That’s why I love her, she can make good out of anything.” Jessie steps up behind his old lady and rests his cheek on her shoulder, and she smiles in a way that tells me VP’s already been forgiven for the carpooling situation.

“Shotgun!” Rogue calls out as she emerges from her cabin, wearing what looks like a pair of Grimm's sweatpants and a crop top under her denim jacket. She stands beside the front passenger door and smiles like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth; it wouldn't… It’d fuckin’ freeze.

“I think Mads was hoping you’d ride back seat with her so you could chat,” Jessie tells Rogue, whose eyes narrow suspiciously.

“Sure,” she says brightly, shocking us all when she smiles a wide toothy smile at Maddy and gets in the back.

“I told you, she looks at me weird!” Maddy hisses at Jessie under her breath as she opens the door behind his and gets in herself.

“Everyone ready to hit the road?” Troj asks, holding his wife's hand as they step out of their cabin and move toward his bike.

“Yeah, just waiting on Grimm.” Jess nods his head toward Grimm and Rogue’s cabin.

“So who’s actually gonna be holding down the fort here?” I check.

“Prez and Skid left earlier this morning. Ella and Nyx are staying, he doesn't want her traveling. And since you're staying, I’m assuming Screwy is too,” Jessie answers.

“What about your mom?” I duck my head into the car window to ask Mads. It’s been a while since me and Screw have had to cook for ourselves.

“She’s coming. Tac invited her.” Surprisingly she looks happy about that fact. Hell knows why, I wouldn’t let that dirty bastard within dick's reach of my Mama.

