Page 117 of Tortured Soul

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“We got a huge problem. Do none of you answer your phones?” he asks, looking scared as fuck.

“We were fuckin’ racing to get back. What is it?” Jess rushes Tawk to the point.

“The girls are gone.”

I feel every brother standing around me tense, even the ones who haven’t got old ladies.

“They took ‘em?” Brax looks confused and furious all at the same time.

“No…” Tawk takes a long breath. He’s holding out because he knows they ain’t gonna like what’s coming.

“They kinda went to save Lydia, figured they could get there before you guys did,” he speaks up, and my brother immediately launches at him, grabbing the guy’s scruff and bending him backward over the hood of the nearest car.

“Relax, Alex stayed behind,” he holds his arms up. “Ella too.” Tawk looks over to Nyx. “I was out grabbing supplies with Marilyn, and they’d left before we could do anything.” Squealer releases him, and Nyx slides his hand over his forehead and breathes a relieved breath.

“And Grace?” Brax’s face is blank, but his eyes are deathly cold.

“Grace left with ‘em,” Tawk confirms, unable to look him in the eye.

“Maddy too?” Jessie barges forward. I ain’t seen my VP look this scared since he watched Prez’s daughter get killed in front of him.

Tawk nods gravely, and Jessie shoves a hand through his hair, gripping it like he wants to tear it out. Grimm’s the next one who everyone looks to for a reaction.

“I don’t even need to ask,” he shakes his head, looking pissed as fuck.

He may be angry at his old lady, but I can’t help but be relieved that Rogue’s out there trying to get Lydia back.

She’s as deadly as any man here.

“And Shaniya?” Jessie asks with a quiver in his voice. I don’t know if it’s out of anger or fear, but he looks like he could tear through buildings.

“Only Ella and Alex stayed behind,” Tawk confirms.

“What ya all standing around for? Let’s go get Screwy’s girl. If we move fast enough, we might get back for the action here, too,” Troj steps out of the clubhouse, unaware of Tawk’s information. He tosses an AK at Squealer, and Jessie quickly approaches him to explain the situation. I watch his face drop as he hears what's happened, and while he tries to get his breathing in check, Jessie confers with Prez.

“If you got an old lady, get in the cage,” Jessie tells the others. “The rest of you stay here and protect the club.”

“I’m coming with,” Squealer tells Jessie. “You got Alex, right?” he checks with Nyx.

“Yeah, I’ll keep ‘em all safe.” He nods back.

“I’m going too.” Storm steps toward the cage with a look that dares anyone to stop him. “There’s every chance my sister could be there. I ain’t staying behind.”

Everyone looks to Prez for an answer on that one.

“Get out of here.” He nods us off. “You bring those girls home, and you kill every motherfucker that stands in your way.”

“Nyx and Tawk, you go back to Brax’s cabin and watch over Ella, Alex, and the kids,” he orders, and Nyx is already moving toward the car Tawk pulled up in.

“What about this place?” Jessie asks, looking at the clubhouse. It’s a huge risk leaving hardly any manpower. Especially when we don’t know what Verretti’s plans are. An attack could happen before the rest of the Utah members get here.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll tell ya again. This club has been built by the people in it, not what stands around us. Go get your women,” he tells Jessie before turning his head back to Nyx.

I see fear in the old man’s eyes. Prez knows what it feels like to lose a daughter, and he won’t risk losing another. “Me, Tac, Thorne, and Skid will wait on whatever Verretti’s got for us.”

No one hangs around any longer. Nyx and Tawk speed off in the direction of Brax’s cabin. And the rest of us jump in the cage and head off to spill some blood.

“What do you see?” I ask Brax, who’s focusing through the binoculars. Every single one of us wants to storm in there and get our girls out, but we need a strategy.
