Page 134 of Tortured Soul

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I offer him a seat, but he refuses.

“As far away from here as I can get for now,” he answers my question, still sounding furious. I understand why Suzie’s bombshell has shaken everyone. I was there all those years ago when she married into our rival club. I saw how it tore him apart.

And I don’t know what the hell was going through Tac’s head when he slept with her, but he should have come clean.

I’m the only one who knows Tac’s been meeting up with Suzie away from the compound. He’s keeping me in the loop out of respect and because he hasn’t got a clue what to do with the situation he’s in.

“Tac didn’t know about the kid,” I point out, knowing that Thorne hasn’t given him the chance to explain himself.

“Yeah, but he knew she was my sister when he stuck his dick in her.” Thorne makes a valid point, and I nod back graciously, not wanting to get him any angrier.

“She came here because she’s worried about her son, and we’ve been mistaking the Bastard’s silence for weakness. They’ve been building, and she’s scared of the man they’re shaping him into.”

“Then she should have thought about that before she decided to raise him in a fucking snake pit.” I have to agree with Thorne. She should have thought about how the boy would be raised before she tried to pass him off as one of them.

“You and Tac, you go way deeper than this. You’ve been friends since kindergarten,” I remind him.

“He kept all that from me. He’s lied to me for all these years. That’s tough to swallow, Prez.”

Thorne looks broken. He ain’t a man who shows a lot of emotion. So it’s hard to look at.

“I get that, but you don’t know their story. None of us do.”

“I just gotta get out of here for a while.” Thorne ain't gonna budge on this, but I’ll give it one last shot.

“At least hear him out. We’ve all made mistakes. Leaving ain’t gonna help, Thorne.”

“No, but it’ll help keep Tac fuckin’ breathing.” Thorne clenches the back of the chair he’s resting over. “He watched me tear myself apart when she got herself mixed up with that club. He sat and drank with me. We talked about how we’d get her back, and all that time…”

“He loved her, Thorne, and he loves you. Your sister came here because she needs help. Her boy needs help.”

“The boy's a Bastard. You saw the photo.” He stares back at me blankly.

“He may wear their patch, but he got Soul blood running through his veins. Tac’s asked me to help, and I’m obligated,” I admit. Secrets are what got the men into this mess. It’s pointless keeping him in the dark.

“You do what you gotta do, Prez, but I ain’t gonna hang around here and watch my best friend and my sister have a fucking reunion.”

“It ain’t like that. She came here for her boy. Her and Tac are history. He made that clear. A lot of years have passed. Think about this, Thorne. You’re mad right now, but you're not stupid. She’s your sister. "

“Declan was complaining when he was here, says he’s been having some trouble balancing out his books. I figure I’ll head out to Utah for a few weeks and give him a hand. I’ll get me some breathing space, and I’ll be back,” he assures me, putting an end to the conversation when he pulls his aviators down over his eyes.

“I ain’t one for goodbyes. I’ll leave you to tell the others. You know where to reach me.”

I follow him out the door and watch him saddle his bike and ride off before I get back to the kitchen and check on the pot roast Marilyn made.

I decide to get started early, popping the cork on the wine that’s on the table and grabbing myself a glass.

“Prez,” Jessie barges through my door, nearly taking it off the hinges. “Prez… we gotta move out, and we gotta move fast.”

“What?” I stare back at my VP, wondering what the latest fucking drama is.

“We got a lead on Verretti. He’s heading for a hanger at Fort Collins.”

I place down the wine, open the drawer where I keep my gun and grab my cut from the back of the chair where it’s hanging.

“Our source tells us he’s got a girl with him, and by all accounts, she’s something to him.” Jess stops me with a serious look on his face.

“Riley?” I check.

“The description matches,” he nods back.

“Then what are we waiting for? Load up the cage, and tell Storm we’re going to get his sister back…”

The End
