Page 10 of Stolen Soul

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She will learn that.


I pushed him too far. The anger behind his eyes was real, and I no longer have any doubt in my mind that the man who has me is capable of hurting me.

The punishment I’m suffering for testing his limits isn’t a thrashing like it would have been in the other prison.

Rafe, as he wishes to be called, has decided to use himself as my punishment.

And I’m disgusted to admit that it’s working.

It’s been two weeks since our encounter at dinner, two weeks since he’s spoken or even looked at me. And to add to the head fuck, I’m being treated like a well-honored guest rather than a prisoner.

All my meals get brought up to my room. I’ve been supplied with more bathroom products than I could ever use, and the wardrobe has been filled with clean white shirts… all identical to the one I was given the day I got here.

I’ve even been supplied with underwear.

I’m free to leave my room just like Rafe promised, but it also turns out his threats about the guards were very real. There are armed guards scattered all over his property, inside and out, and Ricardo seems to have, begrudgingly, taken on the role of my personal babysitter.

He follows me around the place like a bad smell, and I know it isn’t his own choice. The man obviously dislikes me, and I predict that it’s because—despite his size and threatening demeanor—I don’t fear him.

Not the way I do his master.

Today, after finishing the delicious lunch that the housekeeper brought up to me, I decided to take a walk around the grounds. They look so beautiful from the balcony where I spend most of my time. Naturally, Richardo accompanies me, staying a few paces behind me as I explore the orchard and take in the fresh air. The mountain landscape all around us is so pretty I could stare at it for hours.

Ricardo, on the other hand, just stands, looking frustrated as he waits for me to move on. It bothers me that Ricardo is so uninterested in it, and I’m not sure why.

I wonder how different it would be if Rafe were here with me? Does he take the beauty he has here for granted too?

“What does he do during the day?” I attempt to start a conversation with the boring brute as we make our way back to the house.

“He works.” The answer is blunt, but it surprises me that Ricardo even took the time to respond.

“Does he ever smile?” I stop to smell the roses that are in full bloom as we walk along the gravel path.

Ricardo shocks me even more when he laughs at me. His shiny leather shoes crunch through the gravel, and his hands remain in his pocket.

“When he gets what he wants.” He raises his eyebrows at the ground where he’s staring.

I think back to the last time I saw him and how his body had pushed heavily onto mine. The rage in his eyes as he snatched away the only precious item I’d ever possessed.

He and my last captor have both jumped to the same conclusion that the cross I wore around my neck symbolized my faith.

They were wrong.

The cross belonged to my mother. It’s all I have left of her now, and for that reason, I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to get it back.

“How would one go about pleasing him?” I question as we move on along the path. I could ask the housemaid the same question. She’s warm and friendly and often makes polite conversation when she brings me my meals. But with Ricardo, I know whatever I say will get back to Rafe, and I want him to at least think that I’m sorry for pushing his buttons.

“Raphael is unique. The man only pleases himself.” Ricardo gives me far more information than I expected.

Raphael, it’s the first time I’ve heard his proper name, and it’s every bit as beautiful as he is.

All a part of the man’s deception.

“I made a mistake. I taunted him, and it made him mad.” I look down and act ashamed. For this plan to work, I’ll need Ricardo on my side. It won’t be easy, but I’ve had greater challenges. I survived living on the streets for long enough.

“You did,” Ricardo agrees with an amused chuckle. “You're lucky you still have a throat to fuck, Briga.” I hate that he calls me that. It reminds me of the man who kept me before. Ricardo knows that too, which is why he does it.
