Page 11 of Stolen Soul

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“And if I wanted to apologize?” I stop in my path and turn to face him. I’ve been using my eyes as a weapon for years. They’ve fed my hungry belly and got me out of enough scrapes in the past.

“Rafe will come to you when he’s ready. Have patience.” Ricardo, unaffected by my charms, steps around me and continues to scrunch the gravel under his feet all the way back to the house.

My head turns when I notice movement coming from one of the downstairs windows out the corner of my eye. I’m just close enough to see him staring out at me. His body rested against the window arch, and his arms folded over his chest. He doesn’t move when he realizes I’m looking back at him. Instead, he knits his brows together and stares harder as if daring me to look away from him.

My skin tingles and the nipples beneath my shirt tighten as I feel his eyes blaze into me, and I remember the firmness in his hand when it touched my body. He was so hard when I felt him press between my legs, recalling it makes my pussy pulse and causes a hunger to spread inside me.

Rafe’s eyes continue to scrutinize me as the memory plays out in my head. I want to close my eyes so I can visualize him on top of me again. Even with cruelty on his face, he looked handsome.

Eventually, I tear myself away from him, heading back into the house and straight to my room. My cheeks are flustered, my body hot, and once I’m alone, I have to resist the temptation to touch myself in all the places that beg for attention.

I’ve never touched myself like that before. Figures, since I spent the majority of my adolescent years sharing a tent with my brother.

Here, thinking about Rafe while holding myself back, I have to work really hard to convince myself that the reason I’m not giving in and touching myself right now isn’t because I want my captor to be the one who gives me the pleasure.

After eating another meal alone in my room, I take a long soak in the luxurious bathtub and bury myself in a book that I selected from Rafe’s impressive library.

I can’t help feeling deflated that my conversation with Ricardo hasn't had any effect. Maybe I should have spoken to the old woman after all. And since boredom is so exhausting, I get into bed, turn off the lamp and close my eyes, attempting to drift off.

The noises I can hear aren’t too loud to start with, just low rumbles like moving furniture accompanied by the occasional moan. I turn on my side and hold my hand over my ear to dull out the sounds. But they grow louder and harder to ignore. It’s systematic thumping now, and the moans have escalated into screams that are undoubtedly female. And the way she cries out his name is like a siren to the fucking heavens.

The frustration builds inside me, heating every coil until I can no longer lie here and listen.

Throwing back the covers, I storm toward the door, ripping it open and shocking the amused-looking guard waiting on the other side.

He blocks my path as I attempt to get to the door opposite mine where the sounds are coming from.

“Let me pass,” I attempt a calm tone, taking a steady breath.

“Sorry, Miss Riley, boss doesn’t want to be disturbed.” He smirks back at me, refusing to budge, not even when I slam my fists into his chest.

I can’t explain why, but I need to see who she is. I want to know what appeals to him about her. Is she the reason he’s ignoring me? Have I been self-obsessed by thinking that he’s been ignoring me to hurt me? Maybe he simply doesn’t care.

“Let me through,” I protest, practically climbing the burly guard's body in an attempt to get past him. The noises seem to have stopped, and when the door in front of me clicks open, I slowly slide off the guard’s body and watch the tall, stunning blonde step out of the room, followed closely by him.

His hair is messy like her long, manicured nails have fingers clawed through it.

The top half of his body is bare and covered in a sheen of sweat. I haven’t seen him topless before, and I swallow thickly as I take in his perfect frame. Of course, he has just the right amount of hair covering him, and I follow the dark trail through the solid abs that must take dedication to maintain. And despite all the emotions swirling inside my head, my mouth waters at the sight of him.

The jeans he’s wearing low on his hips hang open at the front, his belt is unbuckled, and the patch of dark between the open denim makes my pussy flutter.

He rests his forearm on the doorframe, and I despise the way he looks at me with the slightest hint of a smirk on his lips as he dips his head to place a kiss on the blonde woman’s cheek.

She’s stunningly beautiful, the tight sequin dress she’s wearing matches the heels she’s carrying in her hand, and she looks every bit as satisfied as she’d sounded.

“Luca, please see that Cecilia gets home safely.” Rafe pulls his eyes from me to instruct his guard, then gestures his head toward the blonde. Her fingertips lightly trail over Rafe’s chest before she gets escorted away, and I feel the sudden urge to launch myself at her.

I watch them leave down the hall, knowing that I should turn away from Rafe and go back to my room, but the sight of him, and the fact it’s seemed so long since we’ve been close, keeps me rooted to the spot…

“Did I disturb you?” Rafe questions, his arm still resting on the door frame and that rotten smirk fixed on his lips.

I don’t answer him. Instead, I force my eyes away from him and look at the floor. It feels like he has the power to read me through them, and I don’t want him to know what I’m feeling. He’d use it as a weapon.

When he pushes himself off the doorframe and starts to move toward me, I back up against the wall. Keeping my eyes focused on his bare feet.

How is it possible that I even find them attractive?

Lifting his arms, he presses his palms flat against the wall on either side of my head, and it’s so overpowering that my eyes slowly lift all the way up his sweat-soaked torso to his handsome face. He leans in so close that his nose touches my cheek, and I hate the fact he smells like her.
