Page 37 of Stolen Soul

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“Well, I’m nervous,” I admit, “and I can’t eat when I’m nervous.”

“What are you nervous about?” He smiles a wicked smile over the rim of his glass when he takes a sip of water. I don’t want to answer him because I don’t want to spoil his mood.

“I don’t know. Sometimes you just make me nervous,” I take a piece of thin-cut steak into my mouth to satisfy him.

“Do you like it here, Riley?” Rafe asks cryptically. His eyes narrow as they wait for my response.

“Well, it’s better than the last place I stayed.” I try to inject a little humor into the suddenly tense conversation, but Rafe’s sad smile is evidence of my failure.

“Yes, I like it here,” I answer.

“And you find me tolerable?” he asks further, causing me to almost choke on the meat I’m swallowing.

“Well, I suppose when you're not calling me a whore, or threatening to kill my brother, you can be tolerable,” I agree, knowing that I'm pushing my luck with him. He doesn’t seem to be getting mad, though, not yet, anyway.

“I’m a lonely man, Riley.” He sighs heavily, dropping his fork onto his plate. Resting his elbows on the table, he crosses his hands in front of him. “I don’t trust people. I actually don’t like people very much at all.” He confesses, and I nod my head, absorbing what he says and wondering where he’s going with it.

“There is something about you that I like.” His pointer finger brushes over his bottom lip and his eyes hood as he watches my reaction.

I try to stop myself from smiling, but it’s impossible.

“I want more from this life than what I have, Riley, and I want you to be the person who gives it to me.”

I have to try to stop myself from laughing because he seems to be serious.

“What more could you possibly want?” I stare at him, confused, before taking a look around me; These grounds, his huge house. Raphael is the richest man I’ve ever met. He has everything.

“Someone to share all this with. Someone who I can take care of…”

“You mean control?” I cut him off.

“Sometimes… mostly. Yes.” He nods unapologetically, and I have to admire his honesty.

“I want a family, Riley,” he adds, and I quickly take a drink of water before I choke again.

“A what now?” I have to check I’m hearing him right.

“A family, sons, daughters. I want this house to become a home. Somewhere that I don’t feel lonely anymore.”

“And you want me to be a part of that?” This has to be a joke. Maybe it’s one of his cruel games. I’m surprised Ricardo isn’t around to enjoy it.

“Riley, I want you to be all of that.” He smiles back at me hopefully, and I have to remind myself to breathe when I realize that this is no joke. The man is deadly serious.

“But you don’t know me,” I point out. “How can you possibly know that you want all these things with me? I might be a complete bitch.”

“Oh, you are one. But that doesn’t change anything.” His voice is so soft and calm it almost makes what he’s saying sound normal.

“Rafe, do you understand what you're asking of me? I’m only nineteen. I haven’t even thought about having children yet. And I have a life beyond all this. I have a brother who cares about me.”

“Why have you never thought about having children?” He looks at me curiously.

“Ummm, maybe because I’m practically a child myself,” I answer him back sarcastically. “And because I have nothing to offer a child, no home, no stability.”

“Well, you have all of that now.” He pouts as if he sees no problem. “And you're certainly not a child. In fact, you’re proving to be the strongest woman I’ve ever met.” His eyes remain narrow like he doesn’t understand any of my logic.

“I have a life, Rafe, it may not be a lavish one like yours, but I like who I am. I miss my brother, and I don’t want to be a prisoner here.”

“I understand that you’d be giving up your freedom to me, and for that, I am willing to compensate.” He’s talking to me like we’re about to shake hands on a business deal.
