Page 41 of Stolen Soul

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“I’ll have someone pick you up some tests from the pharmacy.” I grab my cell phone off the nightstand.

“No!” she snaps.

“What do you mean, no?” I frown at her. It isn’t a word I hear very often, and I certainly don’t want to be hearing it from her.

“I mean, it’s too personal. I don’t want people knowing things like that about us.” Her cheeks flush red.

“Fine, I shall grab them myself. We can do one together when I get back.” I agree to her terms, but only because she looks fucking beautiful when she’s embarrassed.

Riley smiles back at me victoriously, and if I had the time, I’d be tempted to wipe the smugness off her face by slamming my cock into the back of her throat.

“Best behavior,” I remind her, pointing a finger at her before I kiss her one last time.

* * *

I land in Chicago a few hours later. Riley’s already sent two very teasing photos of herself to me from Ricardo’s phone, and I hope for his sake she remembered to erase them before she gave him it back to him. I’d hate for my best man to lose his fucking eyeballs due to her carelessness.

There seems to be something about the girl that puts a permanent smile on my face whenever I think about her, even on days like today when I have to deal with this shit.

I’m mad at Enzo for betraying me.

I’m even madder at him for thinking he can get away with it.

And I’m fucking murderous that his actions have brought me all the way out here when I could be at home with Riley.

I nod at Luca when my car pulls up outside the training house I own, and we both step out of the car. The guard on the front door raises his eyebrows when he sees me, and I wonder if he’s in on Enzo’s little enterprise, too.

“Sir.” He nods his head at me nervously, and I ignore him as I step past to enter.

“Mr Verretti.” Even the maid looks shocked, her feet stopping dead on her path toward Enzo’s office. I lick my finger before I dab it into the mound of white powder that’s on the silver tray she’s carrying, and when I place it on my tongue, it’s just what I suspected…

Cheap, over-cut shit.

“Allow me?” I take the tray from her hands and watch her mouth fall open as I proceed through the office door.

Enzo is too distracted getting his cock sucked to notice my presence. The other two men in the room are in various states of undress and outnumbered by the girls pleasuring them. They watch in horror as I place the tray down on the desk, then pulling my semi-automatic from the shoulder holster under my jacket, I round the desk and push the barrel against Enzo’s head.

“Everyone out,” I yell, watching the men rapidly abandon the women attached to their bodies and gather up their clothes.

“Not you, you keep going,” I speak down to the wired little blonde bitch whose Botox-filled lips are attached to the base of Enzo’s cock.

Luca gathers the naked girls that are littered all over the floor and escorts them to the door, before he steps back inside and closes it behind him.

“I wasn't aware that I was running a low-budget brothel here these days.” I keep my gun pressed into Enzo’s temple. The girl does the best she can to keep his now flaccid cock in her mouth, continuing to suck him like I commanded.

“They were some potential clients,” he assures me, his voice quivering with fear.

“And if I were to send Luca upstairs to search the training rooms, would I find any other ‘potential clients’?” I ask, keeping my voice calm.

Like my father before me, I have a very strict client screening process. I protect myself by only supplying to the people who I know have everything to lose in the event of a scandal.

What I supply to them in return is unique and exclusive, and it seems that there is truth in the word that got back to me about Enzo destroying that reputation.

“I’m sorry, Raphael.” He gives up trying to deny it. He knows he’s been caught out, and he’s also known me long enough to know what the consequences will be. “I only whored the ones who were already broken,” he adds like that makes him stealing from me okay.

The blonde girl looks up at me— her eyes scared as she continues to work.

“Keep going.” I lift my chin at her. I’ve never seen this one before, and I wonder if Enzo has been supplying his own women, too. Offering the comforts and luxuries I supply here to cheap hookers from the streets for his slice of their profit.
