Page 48 of Stolen Soul

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“Viktor?” he repeats, looking over Rafe’s shoulder at me.

“Yeah, Viktor. Tell him I need him here today.”

“Sure thing, boss.” Ricardo looks unnerved when he walks away, but Rafe doesn’t seem at all bothered when he closes the door and comes to sit beside me on the bed.

“Who’s Viktor?” I ask, suddenly feeling nervous. The mercury taste in my mouth seems to have gotten stronger since Rafe told me the test was positive.

“Viktor is a physician. He specializes in women’s health. We can trust him.”

“Do you think I need a doctor?” I’m really starting to feel worried now.

“Riley, you’re carrying my child. I need to know you’re both okay. I can’t get you checked out at the hospital because…” He stops himself from finishing that sentence, and I don’t miss the tiny snarl on his lips.

“You do know that I would never run from you, don’t you?” I tell him, shifting my hand to rest over his. “I want us to be a family, too,” I assure him.

“I want to believe that, Riley.” He keeps his eyes focused on where our hand’s touch. “But when it comes to you, I’ll never take any risks.”

He slides his fingers between mine and lifts my hand up to his mouth so he can gently kiss my knuckles.

“You need to let me take care of you now. No more being stubborn and no playing games.”

“I am scared.” The words come out of nowhere, and I shock myself at how honest I’m being. “More scared than I was before we found out. But I’m happy. I promise you I’m happy, Rafe.” I grip his hand a little tighter, needing him to know that.

His other hand slides up my thigh and settles on my stomach, causing butterflies to flutter inside me.

“I’m scared too.” His confession knocks me speechless. “But I swear, nothing’s gonna happen to either of you.” His eyes burn deep into mine with determination. I nod back at him and smile, and it takes him a while, but eventually, he smiles back at me. His hand is still resting on my stomach when Sylvia bursts into the room carrying another tray of food.

She quickly diverts her eyes away from us to focus on putting the tray on the bedside table. “I chopped up some fruit and thought you might like some yogurt. I didn’t have any pastries, but I can order you some from the bakery for tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Sylvia, this looks great.” I stare at the plate deflated. I already know I won’t be able to eat anything, not right now. Everything feels too surreal for me to focus on eating. Sylvia leaves us with a suspicious look on her face. And Rafe places the tray on my lap.

“You make a start on that,” he tells me, standing up and lifting his suit jacket from the chair in the corner of the room. He checks in his pockets and then pulls out a set of keys, keeping them in his hand.

Car keys? Since when did Rafe carry car keys? I haven’t seen him drive once since I’ve been here.

“Where are you going?” I watch him head toward the door.

“The bakery, to get you those things you like.” He makes it sound like the simplest thing in the world.

“You don’t have to do that,” I shake my head.

“It’s only a twenty-minute drive. I’ll take the Ferrari. I haven’t driven it in a while.”

“You're gonna drive?” I laugh.

“I can drive. I’m a great driver.”

“Then maybe you could take me for a drive sometime, just the two of us?” I raise an eyebrow seductively. He smiles at me before coming back and leaning over the bed to kiss my cheek.

“Eat,” he orders, walking out the door and leaving me staring at the tray of fruit.

My stomach feels empty, but I just can’t seem to face what’s in front of me. But when I think about the tiny life inside me that relies on me eating, guilt has me picking up the fork and stabbing into a strawberry.

I grip the steering wheel tight in my fists as I drive through the winding roads into town.

There are too many emotions brewing inside me, and I have to keep reminding myself to focus on the road.

I’m happy. Fuck, I can’t remember a time when I’ve been happier. This is what I’ve wanted for years, and the second I saw the girl, I knew she was the person who I wanted to give it to me. But at the same time, I’m feeling pretty fucking selfish.
