Page 49 of Stolen Soul

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Riley’s having my baby, and I can’t even take her to a doctor’s office. Sure, Viktor is good at what he does, an expert in fact. I’ve had him on my payroll for years. All the women who pass through my doors are well taken care of. It’s essential that they are all clean of sexual diseases and well maintained. And, of course, there has been the odd time when trainers have forgotten themselves and mistakes have been made for Viktor to rectify.

I have faith in Viktor, but I wish I could do better for Riley. This is a scary time for her, and Viktor’s bedside manner isn’t exactly what he’s renowned for.

I grab five of the pastries that she likes, in hope that it will encourage her to eat something, and then speed home to get back to her. Finding out that Riley is pregnant has brought with it a whole new burden. The animalistic urge to protect her and our child is overwhelming, and I’m wondering how I’m not going to drive myself crazy over the coming months. There’s so much I have to think about and I want this to be perfect. No mistakes. No hitches. I can’t let Riley stress about any of it. This is all on me, and I have to do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

I realize now that I haven’t fully thought this through. I’ve been too distracted screwing her pretty little pussy to come up with a plan for when this happened. And now my head is working in overdrive with plans that need to be put into action.

When I arrive back at the house, Ricardo is waiting for me in the hall, and he’s still looking as anxious as he did when I left.

“Why are you down here and not up there with Riley?” I ask, clutching the paper bag in my hands. My frustration quickly eases off when I realize I might be ruining Riley’s food.

“She’s sleeping. Why do you need Viktor?” he asks, looking like he’s angry with me.

“Because Riley’s pregnant,” I inform him unashamedly, and more of that newly found concern spreads across his face.

“And you’re getting Viktor here to take care of it.” He shakes his head at me like he thinks he’s got a right to be disappointed in me.

“No, Ric, I’m getting Viktor here to take care of her. I planned the child. We’re happy about it.”

His anger quickly flips to shock, but I choose to ignore it.

“Did he say when he’d be getting here?” I ask.

“Next couple of hours, he’s doing a something-a-sound on some A-lister.”

It doesn’t surprise me. There are a lot of celebrities who use Viktor for his discretion. I move past Ricardo toward the stairs, but his voice stops me.

“Raphael, I hope you know what you're getting into with all this. A child is a lifelong commitment.” He’s speaking bravely today, and when I turn around and move back toward him, I let him know that his comments insulted me.

“I’m fully aware of that. Thank you for your concern.” I keep my jaw tight. Then with a look that warns him to stay out of my business, I leave him in the hall to go find Riley.

The bowl of fruit is at least half eaten on the table beside her, and she’s lying on the bed, sleeping. She looks so peaceful and pretty. I don’t want to disturb her, so after placing the bag on the tray beside her, I head back down to my office.

* * *

“Raphael, it’s good to see you.” Viktor leans across my desk to shake my hand when he arrives, as promised, a few hours later.

“Good to see you too.” I gesture for him to sit down.

“So I assume since this is a personal problem since you have called me here so urgently.” He smiles, probably adding a few thousand on, to the bill he’s keeping tallied in his head.

“Not a problem at all.” I shake my head. “My… girlfriend found out she’s pregnant this morning. I wish for you to give her a check-up.”

“Certainly.” He looks taken back a little but recovers well. “And I wish for you to continue to be her physician for the entirety of the pregnancy,” I explain, watching his eyebrows lift.

“Ongoing private health care,” he nods greedily.

“No hospitals, no paperwork. I don’t need to go into details as to why it needs to be that way. But her and the child’s safety is of absolute priority. Do you understand?”

“You know that will be costly, Raphael. Toward the end of the pregnancy, I will need to be on call twenty-four-seven. I’ll have to find local accommodation.”

“Invoice me for it. Money isn’t an issue.” The man already knows that. I pay him very generously for the services he provides.

“Do you know how far along she is?” he asks.

“Early, very early. She finished a period a few days ago.” I don’t like the look he gets on his face after I’ve said that.

“I’ve just done an ultrasound for a couple in Denver. A-lister. I couldn’t possibly say who, for confidentiality purposes,” he adds unnecessarily.
