Page 61 of Stolen Soul

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“I’m capable of putting on my own seatbelt, Rafe,” I point out.

“That’s how the book says it’s done. So that’s how we do it,” he explains simply, and I roll my eyes at him because I swear he’s studied that book enough to recite it.

“You were just about to tell me about your list?” I remind him, starting up the engine and feeling the roar of its power vibrate right through my body.

“No, I wasn’t.” Rafe shakes his head with the smallest hint of a smirk on his lips.

“You know, I kinda like the sound of your little punishment list,” I tease, slowly pulling off the drive, my foot pressing down on the gas pedal and making the engine rev a little louder.

“Riley, the list is not little. You’ve racked up quite the number of strikes since you’ve been in your delicate condition.” The grin on his face grows wider, and the heat in his threat trickles between my legs and makes my skin tingle. I concentrate on moving forward as the gates start to open. Then, following Rafe’s instructions, I take a left when we get onto the road.

There are no other houses for miles. Rafe’s home seems to be located in the middle of nowhere. The scenery around us is beautiful, and the roads are narrow, windy, and a pleasure to drive in his car.

We’ve only been out for about half an hour, and already I can feel Rafe’s mood slowly lifting. He scolds me when I take one of my hands off the wheel to put on some music, but he does it with a smile on his face.

“You were right—you’re a good driver.” Rafe nods impressed. But I can’t take too much credit from his compliment. Anyone could be a good driver in this car.

“Thanks, I had a great teacher. My brother taught me.” I shift gears and give the engine a little throttle when we reach a straight bit of road.

“Shame I never got the chance to get a license, huh?” I chuckle to myself.

“What?” Rafe’s relaxed expression suddenly turns to shock. “Riley, are you telling me you don’t have a driver’s license?” he asks, sounding pissed.

“They forgot to hand them out after graduation at the carjacker’s school of grand theft auto.” I laugh to myself as I check the rearview mirror.

“Stop the car,” he demands.

“You just told me what a good driver I was.” I slow down a little, hoping it will satisfy him enough to allow me to continue driving.

“Riley, pull the fuck over!” Rafe’s tone is furious, and I love the way his hand pushes through his hair, the way it does when he feels like he can’t control something.

“Jeez,” I roll my eyes as I pull in off the road and slow down to a stop.

“What the hell are you talking about?” he asks, the look on his face super serious.

“Me and Liam lived on the streets. We had to get money somehow.” I remember the buzz I used to get from stealing cars with my brother.

“You used to steal cars?” His eyes double in size as he checks he’s hearing me right.

“My fingers were smaller than Liam's. I could hot wire way faster than he could,” I tell him proudly, then await the lecture he’s no doubt going to give me.

“Hot as that sounds, Riley Hayes…” His fingers dig into my thigh as the top half of his body stretches across the seat so he can kiss my neck. “You just earned yourself another strike.” His breath tickles my ear, and I can’t help but giggle.

“Baby, you can add as many strikes as you like, I just drove a Ferrari.” Twisting my grip on the wheel, I side-glance him.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed it,” he whispers seductively. “Your little joy ride is over. We’re switching.”

His teeth clamp down on my ear lobe before he moves to get out of the car and I watch him efficiently march around the hood to my side. He opens my door and gestures his head for me to get out. Begrudgingly, I do as he orders, making sure my body slides against his as we pass. Then moving around the car, I take my place in the passenger seat and fix my own damn seatbelt.

Rafe looks incredibly sexy when he drives. The concentration he puts into watching the road in front of him and the way his hand rests on my leg when he’s not switching the gears makes me wish he’d pull over and fuck me on the hood. But of course, that doesn’t happen. Instead, he drives us to the lookout point he told me about and lying here now, after eating the food that Sylvia packed for us— I have to agree with him. It really is beautiful up here.

I can see out for miles, and there’s nothing but mountains and landscapes. The world seems so abandoned from up here.

“You know it’s okay for you to miss your brother.” I decide the serene and calm atmosphere is a good opportunity for me to try to talk to him about his grief. I hate the thought of him keeping things from me and suffering alone.

“I don’t miss Adriano,” he tells me sharply.

“Were you two close when you were kids?” I push for more, curious to know more about Rafe’s childhood.
