Page 64 of Stolen Soul

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This motorcycle gang from Manitou Springs knows how to fuck shit up.

“There is something else that I think you should know about.” Gioele gets that look on his face, the one he always gets when he’s about to tell me something he knows I won’t like.

“One of my guys took these photos two days ago. He places a brown envelope in front of me. “I’ve been asking him to keep an eye on Brax Marshall in case you wanted to make an example of the fact he killed your brother,” he explains, and I know exactly what Gioele’s hinting at. He thinks I’m showing weakness to my enemies by not enforcing some form of retaliation over Adriano’s death.

I pull the photos out of the envelope and look at the images. They are all taken on a town street, on the opposite side of what looks like a tattoo studio. The bikers are easy to distinguish. They all wear the same leather cuts. I see two handy-sized men almost identical to each other. An equally hard-looking fucker who looks in his early twenties is smoking a cigarette beside them, and Brax is sitting on his bike that’s parked on the sidewalk alongside all the others. There’s another person in the photographs, one much younger than the other men. He’s smiling in one of the pictures, but in all the others he looks like he’s caging in fury. The fact he wears a leather cut, with the word ‘Prospect’ on his patch, and the sight of him, with them, causes the blood to freeze in my veins.

“Is that…?” I look up from the photo.

“Liam Hayes,” Gioele confirms, breaking eye contact to look at the floor.

“What the fuck is Riley’s brother doing with the people who killed Adriano?” I throw the photographs back down, trying my best to remain calm.

“That’s what I’m trying to find out. I will have my source on the inside look into it. But the fact he’s prospecting suggests he intends to stick around. A Prospect is a…”

“I know what a fucking Prospect is, Gioele!” I yell in frustration, my hand trembling as I massage my temple. I don’t need this added worry on top of everything that’s going on right now.

“Do you think they will come for her?” I ask, already fearing the answer I might get back from him.

“All this could be coincidental, Raphael. You can imagine the appeal a motorcycle club would have for a kid who has nothing to care about anymore.” Gioele shrugs.

“Maybe he knew Adriano took his sister and is drawn to the men who took his life. That doesn’t mean he would know that the girl is with you now. He may even assume that she’s dead. Many of your brother’s victims ended up that way.”

Gioele’s words give me no confidence, and I feel a stab of pain in my chest hearing him categorize Riley as a victim.

“Watch them carefully. I want to know of any move they make that might be a threat,” I order, and Gioele nods his understanding.

“Raphael, while I’m here, we should talk about your brother’s assets,” he adds, trying his best to be tactful.

“I told you I’m not interested.”

My brother’s final fuck you to me was to leave me everything in his will. I want nothing of his. My father cut him off years ago. This means all Adriano’s fortune has been earned through his own business, and I want no benefit from that.

“Give it all to charity,” I tell him for the hundredth time.

“Are you sure, Raphael? If you are planning on coming out of business yourself…”

“I have no need for his money. I have more than enough to take care of my family,” I snap. Since being with Riley, I’ve felt guilt for the way I earn my own money. The way Adriano earned his is unthinkable.

“Fine. I’ll have his places sold and make the donation to your usual charity.” Gioele looks disagreeable, but on this occasion, he can go fuck himself.

I take the photos of Riley’s brother with the Souls and lock them in my top drawer before I take the time to see Gioele out, despite knowing that I should spend some time alone and let my anger simmer. I go in search of Riley.

I find her in the living room with a frustrated-looking Ricardo. He’s holding up one end of the heavy couch, dragging it in the direction she’s pointing. Sylvia tries to hide the amusement from her face when she notices me, and as soon as Riley spots me, she waddles her way over and wraps her arms around my neck. I squeeze her back and remind myself to stay calm. I don’t want her picking up on my stress. It’s bad for her, especially at this crucial time.

Seeing her brother with them has only fed my anxieties about losing her, and now I stand to lose so much more. My hand strokes over her swollen stomach, and all my predatory instincts go into overdrive.

Riley stretches up on her toes to kiss me, seeming oblivious to all the tension I’m trying to keep contained, and I manage to smile at her when she places her hand over mine.

Gioele may not be concerned about Liam’s relationship with the Souls, but I have a feeling there is much more to it. If the kid is smart, he’ll know he stands no chance of getting her back alone. With them, he has much more power, and it only reinforces my need to keep Riley close.

“Let’s go take that swim.” I keep the fake smile on my face, reminding myself that she belongs to me and that no one, not even her own flesh, and blood, will be taking her away from me.

My fingernails dig hard on the wooden headboard, and I moan loudly as Raphael thrusts into me from behind. Both his hands gripping my huge stomach and his teeth scraping the skin on my shoulder. I’ve lost count of the number of orgasms I’ve had, and I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but he’s being so much rougher than usual. This is the sex we used to have before he started treating me like I might break, and as I feel myself building for another climax, I wonder if my knees will hold me.

“Scream for me,” he hisses into my ear, the tension in his voice and the warmth of his breath urging me closer. “Tell me who you fucking belong to, Riley.”

One of his hands raises over my sweat-sheened skin, slipping between my breasts so his fingers can curl around my throat. It’s been so long since he’s held me like this, and I can feel the desperation in his grip.
