Page 83 of Stolen Soul

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Keeping a firm grip on her jaw with one hand, I slide the other into the front of her panties. I’m relieved but not surprised when I feel that her juicy little cunt is wet.

I want to taste her, mix her desire with the taste of her blood. But she doesn’t deserve to be pleasured by my tongue. Not after what she’s done to me.

From the second she came into my life, she’s been my weakness. I need to prove to her and myself that I’m unbreakable.

“Tell me what you want, Riley?” I whisper, pressing my thumb tight against her throbbing little clit. She shakes her head defiantly, showing that despite her fear, her pride won’t be compromised.

“Admit it, and I’ll let you have it.” Sliding my hand from her jaw down to her neck, I squeeze tight. It sparks terror in her eyes but causes her to soak the tip of my finger. She’s the monster I’ve created, and I’ll ensure that I’m the only man to ever be able to fulfill her desires

“You fucked up. And I’m so angry at you,” I scold her, pulling my hands away from her. Her forehead creases with disappointment. She wants my touch, even during this fucked up time and despite her fear… She needs me.

“What will happen now?” she asks. The quiver in her voice makes me want to give in to those needs of hers and fuck her needy cunt raw. But I won’t. A man without control is a man without a conscience.

“I don’t know, Riley. I just know that I can’t trust you anymore.” I take a few more paces back from her. Wondering how I never saw the real threat in her until today, when my whole world feels like it’s come apart.

I always thought I was in control of my life, but I can’t control my love for her, regardless of what she’s done to me, and the fact she hates me now, I just can’t bring myself to hate her back.

My chest feels too heavy to take breaths, my insides feel torn, and I need time to think about how we move forward from this.

“Stefano,” I call for my new guard, and he enters within seconds, his eyes scanning for Riley straight away. It makes me want to take out his eyeballs with a blunt instrument. “Have Nico take Riley down to the wine cellar,” I command.

I received Nico’s text about an hour ago to say the room was ready for her. I could have Stefano take her down, but I have a feeling Riley isn’t about to go willingly, and I don't want his hands on her.

“Don’t do this,” she begs, her chest starting to move rapidly with panic. Stefano leaves to get Nico, and I take a deep, calming breath and scratch my jaw before I allow myself to get close to her again.

“You left me with little choice.” I try my best not to sound wounded.

“I’m sorry, Rafe.” She drops onto her knees, clutching at my legs. I want to believe that she means it. I don’t want to lock her away from me. I want to take her upstairs to our bed and forget any of this has happened. I want us to go back to normal. But how can I when I know she was prepared to take so much from me?

Riley Hayes needs a lesson. One that, right now, I’m too weak to teach her.

Nico arrives, and I nod at him, then watch as he reaches down and wraps his strong arms around her waist, dragging her away from me. She fights against him, of course. Trying to wriggle her slender body free of his grip while her limbs attack him. She begs me to let her stay, but I don’t respond. I just stare back at her as she’s removed from my office and try to numb the pain inside me. I’ve got the crushing urge to go after her and order Nico to let her free. But that would only show my weakness, and I’m not a weak man.

Not anymore.

When I look out into the hall, I see Sylvia standing watching her too.

She may not be speaking to me now, but I know that won’t last long, regardless of what she’d tell you. The old woman was fond of Ricardo. I’m sure she will understand why he had to be eliminated from my life when I take the time to explain to her what he did to me.

To us.

Sylvia shakes her head toward me before she moves on, and I’m left alone with just the sound of Riley crying my name, getting fainter and fainter as she’s dragged further away from me.

“The girl is asking to see you, boss,” Nico interrupts me from my thoughts a few minutes later. I shake my head back at him and ask him to fetch Sylvia instead.

While I wait for her, I think about my next move. I don’t know how to be around Riley, not now that she knows who I really am. I’m struggling to see how we can ever come back from this. Or how I’ll ever trust her again, knowing she was going to deceive me.

“You summoned me.” Sylvia arrives quicker than I expected and stands in front of me with her arms folded across her chest.

“I want you to arrange live-in care for Gabriel,” I tell her, watching the shock stretch out her wrinkled skin. “Ask Gioele to put out the job description and do all the background checks necessary. I’ll want to meet the candidates myself, of course. But I want this taken care of urgently.”

“Gabriel doesn’t need live-in care. He has a mother,” Sylvia reminds me, shaking her head in disbelief.

“I only want people I can trust around my son, Sylvia. Are you one of those people? Or are you to let me down like every other person I’ve given my fucks to recently?” I grab a glass and fill it half full from my decanter.

“I’ll see to it,” she answers me back sharply, “but I think you're making a great mistake, Raphael. To keep a mother from her son is the lowest form of cruelty.” She doesn’t wait for a response before turning around and leaving the room.

I agree with her. Keeping Gabriel away from Riley will crush her, her heart will feel empty without him, and the sadness will swallow her whole. That’s the lesson she should learn first. To have the slightest inclination of what she’s done to me is the least she deserves.
