Page 84 of Stolen Soul

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It’s been two days since I’ve seen Raphael and three since I’ve seen my son. My heart is breaking.

I became hysterical when I got dragged down here and saw that one of the large wooden wine racks had been emptied and was now serving as the anchor for my chains. Nico hadn’t looked me in the eye as he shackled me by my wrists and ankles, and I don’t know if that was because he knew what he was doing was wrong or if he’s just heartless. I cried when I was left alone in the dark room, and it suddenly dawned on me that this was exactly how Raphael first saw me.

Since then, I’ve been unable to sleep. I’ve only been released a few times to use the bathroom, and I’ve taken a few sips of water but had nothing to eat. My stomach is so empty that it growls, but it still doesn’t feel as hollow as my chest.

I hear the door creak open, and light pours into the room. It’s followed by the sound of footsteps on the stairs, and when I see that they belong to Rafe, my heart leaps into my throat.

He looks broken, his eyes red and heavy, and his hair rough and unkempt like he’s been pulling at it. He’s not wearing a shirt, just sweatpants that hang loose on his hips, and the sheen of sweat on his torso suggests he’s been in the gym. In his hands, he carries a large, antique porcelain bowl which he places carefully on the table in the center of the room before moving to stand in front of me.

The dim light above us illuminates the pain in his face, and as hard as I try, I can’t help feeling guilty for it.

“I had a nightmare, and you weren’t there,” he tells me, his voice croaky, despite the sternness of his face. My stomach flutters, and I scold myself for still being able to find a monster so desirable.

“How is Gabriel?” I ask, my voice hoarse from screaming and my mouth dry from dehydration.

“He’s been well taken care of.” He nods sadly.

“I want to see him. I miss him, Raphael. Please!”

Rafe smiles back at me, but not a happy smile. A sinister one.

“Did you consider how I would have felt after you’d taken him from me?” He steps closer. My arms ache from being cuffed above my head, and my feet burn from having to hold me up for so long.

“Are you suffering, Riley?” he whispers inside my ear, his lips touching the hair that’s stuck to my face from the humidity down here. His breath against my skin brings comfort that I know doesn’t belong there anymore.

“Yes,” I admit bitterly. I don’t see the look on his face because he’s too close, but I feel the sag in his chest and wonder if it’s out of relief or guilt.

My body suddenly jolts when he unexpectedly tears open the shirt I’m wearing, and his face remains blank while he slowly steps away from me. His eyes study the naked flesh he’s exposed before he turns his back on me and places his hands in the bowl he brought with him.

I notice the wet sponge in his hand when he turns back around, and he keeps his eyes focused on mine as he steps toward me. The sponge is dripping wet, and when he raises his hand and touches it to my neck, I welcome the warm water against my skin. The droplets trickle down my body as Rafe cleanses my neck and moves the sponge beneath my shirt to wash my shoulders and under my arms. My nipples pinch tight with pleasure when the water drips over them, and my pussy clenches despite the horror of my situation.

Rafe takes his time to assure every inch of my skin is attended to, his eyes focused on my body as he moves the sponge across my skin in tentative yet mechanical motions.

When he gets to my chest, he crushes the sponge tight to my skin, taking a handful of one of my tits and squeezing his fist tight around me. It causes a gush of water to cascade over my stomach, and I moan at the sensation. My body cries out for him to have mercy on me like he has the power to summon my pleasure… and I hate him for it.

Rafe doesn’t react, he just continues to move the sponge lower, cleansing my stomach as his fingers take their time to brush over the few pink lines that have remained on my skin since Gabriel’s birth.

His eyes flick up from focusing on them to mine, and I feel his anguish radiate through my body like a laser.

My whole skin tingles as he drops his hand lower and squeezes the sponge between my legs. Water soaks through the lace of my panties, and I cry out and tug on my restraints. I want his mouth on me. I need his hands to touch me where I crave him. And I want him to fill the emptiness inside me.

“Why?” he asks me, his face scrunching up with hurt. “Why were you going to take him from me, Riley?” Despite his gentle touch, I feel so much anger radiating from him. I’m taking a risk being honest with him, but it’s all I have.

“Because I found out who you were, and I didn’t want him to turn out the same,” I admit, knowing that my truth will hurt him. His head drops sorrowfully, and when he eventually lifts it back up, he looks back at me like I’ve reached into his chest, pulled out his heart, and crushed it in my palm.

“Please don’t hate me, Raphael,” I beg. Call it fucked up, call it twisted, but I’ve missed him while I’ve been down here alone. And if I somehow manage to survive this, I know I couldn’t live with the burden of his hatred.

“Hate you? Hate you? I don’t hate you.” He almost laughs at the accusation. “I don’t have words for how I feel about you, Riley. Because what I feel for you is fucking painful. It twists me up inside and fucks with my head, but I never want that feeling to go away.” His hands are on me again, snatching at my jaw and squeezing my cheeks together.

“I was going to give it all up for you.” The smile he’s wearing looks dangerous. “Everything I’ve ever known. My family legacy, the money I could make for us. I was prepared to give it all up for you.”

“You deceived me,” I sob.

“I wanted to protect you from who I am because I loved you, and I thought you deserved better. Do you hear that, Riley?” He laughs to himself. “I, Raphael Verretti, didn’t feel good enough for an orphaned little street girl.”

There are tears in his eyes now, but he doesn’t shield them from me. Perhaps he knows how much they hurt me, and this is all part of his torture technique.

“Yet you took me anyway. You cut me off from the world, and you stole my soul, just so you could keep me like a pet. I had a life out there.” My own tears start to blur my vision.
