Page 24 of Then There Was You

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I stop talking and groan internally. I might as well have told him outright that I’m attracted to him.

A smile pulls on his lips. “Do you have any?”

“Any what?” I ask, distracted by how much of an idiot I’m making of myself.

“Tattoos, Taylor.”

“Actually, I do.”

“Where? I’ve seen you in the tiniest of pajamas and there was no hint of any tattoos.”

I smile. “You can only see it when I’m naked.” His eyes widen, and he opens his mouth as if to say something before closing it again.

“Shit,” I say. “I forgot Sophie’s flowers.”

He shakes his head and blows out a breath. “Okay, get on the bike. I’ll take you back to Eden and you can grab them.” He holds the helmet out to me and I hesitate. “You’ll be safe. I promise.”

I nod and slip the helmet over my head. Taking a deep breath, I climb on behind him.

“Should I hold on to you?”

“Yep. Unless you want to fall off.” I slide my arms around his waist and hold on to him tightly. “I still need to breathe, Tay.”

“Sorry.” I loosen my hold and smile against his back when he calls meTayinstead ofTaylor. Even over the top of the sweater he’s wearing, I can feel how toned his stomach is, and I wish I could slip my hand underneath and brush my fingers over his skin.

“Do you have tattoos everywhere?” His stomach moves under my hands as he laughs.

“Not quite everywhere, but honestly, I don’t think it’s fair you’ve seen mine and I haven’t seen yours.”

“I haven’t seenallof yours.”

“True, but I haven’t seenanyof yours.”

“Show me one I haven’t seen and I’ll think about showing you mine.”

I’m not sure where my confidence has come from. Maybe it’s because I’m behind him with his helmet on and I know he can’t see me. Whatever it is, I love this flirty banter that’s between us. I don’t think it’s going to lead anywhere, but I love it all the same.

“You’re a tease, Taylor Jacobs. Hold on tight.”

Before I can answer him, he’s firing up the bike and pulling away from the sidewalk. I let out a little scream and hold on to him, pressing my head against his back. I feel his hand rest on my thigh before he squeezes gently.

“You okay?” he shouts. I tap his stomach, not able to lift my head and answer him. “I’m going to need actual words, Taylor.”

“I’m good,” I shout, hoping he can hear me when I’m talking into his back.

He squeezes my leg in acknowledgment, and it’s only when he pulls up at the back of Eden that I realize he never moved his hand. I climb off the bike and tug the helmet off, handing it to him.

“I’ll just be a sec.”

Minutes later, I’m back outside, a large bouquet of flowers in my hand. I frown as I look from the flowers to the bike.

“I didn’t think this through. I’m not sure how I’m going to hold on to you and the flowers. Maybe I should walk.”

“Nah, I’ll make it work. Pass them to me.”

I’m skeptical, but within minutes, I’m back on the bike with both arms wrapped around Seb and the flowers in front of him. I’m sure having a bunch of flowers in his face while he tries to drive isn’t ideal, but the roads are quiet, and it isn’t long before we’re pulling up outside Sophie and Cade’s place.

Despite being terrified at the idea of being on the back of his bike, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. “Thanks for the ride,” I say as I climb off. “I hope I haven’t made you late.”

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