Page 31 of Then There Was You

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I give him a small smile. “I need to take a shower. I feel like his hands were everywhere.” I shiver in my seat.

“Fucking bastard,” Seb mutters, his hands fisting in his lap.

I bite my bottom lip. “I feel stupid asking, but would you stay here tonight? I’ll go on the sofa. You can have the bed. I don’t want to be on my own. I’d call Paisley, but she was drunk and she’ll be asleep now. If you don’t want to, that’s okay.”

He reaches for my hand and squeezes gently. “Breathe, Taylor.” I close my eyes, knowing I’m rambling like an idiot. “Of course I’ll stay. I just need to go downstairs and check that Ryder’s okay. Do you want to come down with me?”

“No. I’ll be okay. I’ll take a shower while you’re gone. Will you take my keys and lock the door?”

He smiles sadly. “Yes. I’ll lock the door. I won’t be long.”

I watch as he leaves the apartment, hearing him lock the door behind him. I’m so grateful Seb’s here. I know it’s unfair to ask him to stay, but I don’t want to be on my own. I’m angry someone thought they could just come into my apartment and make me feel unsafe in my own home. I love Hope Creek, though, and I love my apartment. As unsettled as I feel right now, I refuse to let anything change that.



I’ve no idea how I managed not to punch that asshole when I found him on top of Taylor. After she’d said goodnight, I watched her go out of the bar and through to thestaff onlyarea. It was only when I turned to grab a bottle of Bud from one of the refrigerators that I saw someone follow her. I didn’t get a good look at them and thought it was one of the servers. It was only when I saw the server out on the floor a couple of minutes later that I knew it couldn’t be them. There was always the chance she’d invited someone back to her place, but surely if that were the case, they would have gone up to her apartment together. Something felt off, so I’d gone to check. I’m glad I did.

I lock her apartment door behind me and jog down the stairs. There’s still an hour until closing, and while I know Ryder can manage, Alex isn’t in tonight and I want to check everything is okay.

“Is Taylor okay?” Ryder asks as soon as I get behind the bar.

I told him briefly what happened when I brought the guy downstairs and asked him to call the cops. A couple of guys I know who were drinking in the bar had kept hold of him until Jackson showed up and he was put in the patrol car. “She’s shaken up. I’m going to stay with her. Are you okay to close?”

“Sure. Things have quietened down anyway.”

“If people leave, just close early. Don’t worry if you don’t get everywhere cleaned up. I’ll do it tomorrow. I’d better get back to her. Thanks, Ryder.”

I grab an unopened bottle of Jack Daniel’s before leaving the bar and taking the stairs to her apartment two at a time. I have no idea if she wants a drink, but I know I could do with one. I’ve only been gone for five minutes, so I’m expecting her to still be in the shower. When I unlock the door, I’m met with an empty living room. Her bedroom door is open slightly and I can hear the running water of the shower. Not really knowing what to do, I pace the room until I hear the shower turn off.

A few minutes later, her bedroom door opens. Even though I know what she’s just been through, when she appears in the living room, I can’t take my eyes off her. She’s wearing tiny, black silk sleep shorts and a matching tank. Her hair is wet from the shower and she’s braided it over her shoulder, which has left a wet patch on her top. She’s not wearing a bra, and I force myself to look away when her nipples pebble under my gaze, pushing against the thin material.

“Feeling better?” I ask, reaching for the bottle of Jack I’d put on the kitchen countertop.

“Yeah, a little.”

“Drink? It might help you sleep.”

She lifts her shoulder in a shrug. “Sure. Why not?”

I watch her as she walks toward me and goes into the kitchen. Going up on her tiptoes, she reaches up to one of the cupboards, her tank riding up and giving me a glimpse of her skin. I close my eyes and shake my head. After everything that’s happened tonight, I shouldn’t be checking her out. I need to be her friend and nothing more.

She pulls down two glasses and places them on the countertop.

“You’re having one too, right?”

I nod and pour us both a measure. I pass her a glass and she takes a sip, screwing up her face. I chuckle.

“Not a fan of Jack Daniel’s?”

“Yeah, but with Coke. I’ve never had it neat.”

“I can run down and grab you a Coke.”

She shakes her head. “This is fine.”

She walks past me and flops down onto the sofa. I have no idea what I should say to her. All I want to do is pull her into my arms and hold her, but I know I can’t do that. Instead, I sit down next to her.
