Page 71 of Then There Was You

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“Count me in,” I tell Wyatt and Nash. “Cade, what do you say?”

He looks at Sophie, and she smiles at him. “Sure. I could get on board with a fishing trip.”

“Yes,” Wyatt says. “I’ll see if I can set up a date in the new year.”

“We could throw Sophie a bachelorette too,” Paisley says, her voice etched with excitement.

“I’m not sure I’m up for a bachelorette,” Sophie says with a chuckle. “I’ll probably want to be in bed by eight!”

“We can make it a daytime pamper party,” Paisley says. “Maybewecan have a stripper.”

“There’ll be no strippers, Paisley Prescott,” Cade says, wrapping his arm around Sophie and pulling her against his side.

“I’m joking,” Paisley assures him. “As if you guys would let us anyway.” She turns and presses a kiss on Nash’s lips.

“We wouldn’t,” Nash confirms, kissing her back.

She laughs as she pulls out of the kiss. “So, are we doing this? We could book a spa day. I’ll arrange everything.”

Paisley looks expectantly at Sophie, who smiles. “Sure. Why not? I could do with some pampering.”

“Yes! We can do it the same day the guys go fishing.” She turns to Wyatt. “Let me know when you’ve settled on a date, and I’ll arrange everything for then.”

“I’m sure Taylor and Ash will help,” Wyatt says.

“Talking of Ash, I saw her at the bar with the school principal. Is something going on with them?” Paisley groans from the side of me. “What?” I ask, frowning at her.

“It’s best you don’t ask,” Wyatt says with a chuckle. “We’re all too over the top, apparently.”

I look at Paisley, whose cheeks have flushed pink.

“Over the top in the best possible way,” she says sheepishly. “Hell, I wish I’d had even one brother like you four to watch out for me. I think she really likes this guy, though, and things are going to be tough enough for them without you making it harder.”

“What does that mean?” Nash asks, his eyebrows pulled together in a frown.

She closes her eyes and blows out a breath. “Fuck,” she mutters. “Nothing. I’ve already said too much. Just back off a little. She’s old enough to know what she’s doing.”


“No, Nash,” she says, interrupting him. “I love you, but I love Ash too, and I’m not about to break a confidence.”

Nash nods and takes a pull of his beer. He doesn’t look happy, and I hope whatever secret Paisley is hiding for Ash, it doesn’t come between them. Out of all of us, it’s Nash who’s the most protective of Ashlyn. I guess it’s the cop in him. What Paisley said has worried me too, though. As overprotective as we all are, it’s only because we care.



Ihaven’t worked behind a bar in over three years, but I can’t believe how quickly I’ve fallen back into it. It’s crazy busy, and I’m pretty sure I’ve spilled more drinks than Seb or Ryder would, but I can’t deny that I’m loving it. I’ve had to ask Ryder how to make a few of the cocktails Eden offers. The bar I worked in back in Pittsburgh was more of a beer and wine place, but for everything else, it’s like the three years have melted away. I’d forgotten what it was like to be a woman behind a bar, though, and I’ve been hit on by at least half of the guys I’ve served. I laugh off their advances and give them their drink. I’m not interested. I’m not looking for a hook-up.

When I look up to serve the next customer, it’s Seb standing in front of me.

“Hey. What can I get you?” I ask him with a wink. He leans across the bar.

“You. In my office. Now.” His voice is low and husky, and my stomach flips.

“There are people I need to serve,” I tell him with a smile.

“Screw them.Ineed you.” He flicks his head to thestaff onlyarea. “Come with me.” He looks past me to Ryder. “We’ll be five minutes,” he shouts. I look at Ryder, who nods and grins knowingly. Despite keeping whatever’s happening between the two of us quiet, Ryder is at Eden almost as much as Seb, and I know he must have seen Seb leaving my apartment this week. Not to mention him kissing me earlier.
