Page 79 of Then There Was You

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I take her hand in mine and squeeze gently. “I’m sorry, Ash.”

While nothing might have happened between them last night, something definitely happened a couple of weeks ago, but Ben seemed to be struggling with their connection and was blowing hot and cold. I glance at Seb. I can’t help but feel like I understand her frustration, despite our situation being different.

“Well, I’m not sorry this guy doesn’t see you as more than a friend,” Cade says. “Wyatt’s right. He’s too old. He’s older than me.”

“Okay, guys. It’s Christmas. Maybe we should give Ash a break, if only for today,” Seb says.

Ashlyn stands and goes to Seb, kissing his cheek. “Thanks, Seb.”

“I hope I haven’t upset you by mentioning him,” Sophie says, her voice laced with concern.

Ashlyn waves off Sophie’s comment. “Of course not. It’s his loss, right?”

She sounds blasé, but it’s not hard to see she’s hurting.

“It’s definitely his loss, Ash.”

“Who wants a wine?” Ash asks, making for the door. It’s clear she doesn’t want to talk about Ben anymore and is keen to end the conversation.

“I’ll have one,” I tell her.

“Me too,” Paisley says.

“I think I’m going to take a nap,” Sophie says on a yawn.

“I’ll come with you,” Cade says.

She shakes her head. “No. Stay. I know where your old bedroom is. I’ll only be an hour.” She presses a kiss on his lips before leaving the room.

Paisley goes to Nash, who’s sitting on the loveseat. He opens his arms, and she climbs onto his lap, dropping her head onto his shoulder. He kisses the top of her head, and I breathe a silent sigh of relief that the conversation about Ashlyn and Ben hasn’t reignited their argument.

A few minutes later, Seb stands from where he’s sitting on the sofa and leaves the room. Ash hasn’t come back yet, and I wonder if he’s gone to find her. Seconds later, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Sliding it out, my eyes widen when I see a message from him.

Seb: Meet me upstairs.

My stomach dips and I hold the phone to my chest, even though no one can see it. Glancing around the room, Wyatt and Cade are talking, and Nash and Paisley are too wrapped up in each other to notice anything. Biting my bottom lip, my fingers fly over the screen as I reply.

Me: What for?

Seb: Just come upstairs.

Nerves swirl in my stomach as I turn my phone over in my hand.

“I’m just going to the bathroom,” I mutter as I stand and make for the door, bumping into Ash, who’s coming back with the drinks. “I’ll be right back,” I tell her before she can say anything, slipping past her and into the entryway. I quickly climb the stairs, not wanting Tessa or Henry to catch me. When I reach the top, I’m met with an empty landing. Suddenly, a door to the left opens and I’m tugged into a room.

“Seb,” I gasp as he closes the door and pulls me into his arms. “What are you doing?”

“Do you know how hard it’s been not to touch you or kiss you today?”

I stare at him with wide eyes. “No,” I whisper.

“It’s been torture, Taylor.”


He laughs and lowers his head, his lips finding mine. I wind my arms around his neck and slide my fingers into his hair. I moan as his tongue pushes into my mouth, and he lifts me up, his hands going under my ass. He places me on the vanity and opens my legs, standing in between them. Without taking his lips off mine, he tugs me to the edge of the counter, and I wrap my legs around him. His erection presses against me and I groan into his mouth. He pulls out of the kiss and rests his forehead on mine.

“I should stop before I end up fucking you in my parents’ bathroom,” he whispers, his voice breathless.
