Page 39 of Secrets & Seduction

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I lick at her shoulder and neck while Ben claims her mouth. He’s locked in place, but I’m free to move however I like. However she likes.

And she seems to like it slow and gentle for now. I thread my arm beneath hers to flick and pull at her nipple as I continue to ease in and out of her from behind.

“Miles,” she moans. “Ben.”

And then, “Noah, Archer. I want you. I want all of you with me.”



The human body is a miracle, how two or more are made to fit together and create a perfect junction of bliss. How an act so ecstasy-inducing can also create life, continue the cycle, fill the world with even more love and pleasure.

It’s no small wonder that alphas will die to protect their omegas, that omegas will devote their entire lives to taking care of their alphas.

It’s not just about children. It’s family in every sense of the word.

Today for the first time in my entire existence, I felt like I truly belonged. I wasn’t worried about how Mother might punish me or how my actions might affect my sisters. I was able to forget my secrets and just live in the moment. Now, though, the moment has passed, which means I must face the harsh reality of what comes next.

We left the second-floor loft bedroom and are now seated around a campfire out front, basking in the afternoon sun together. Flames lap hungrily at the kindling, adding even more light to the already bright afternoon. Archer watches me through the blaze in a way that makes my skin burn and my core throb.

Miles and Ben flank me on either side of a long stone bench while Archer stretches out in a slingback camping chair. Cherry, vanilla, cinnamon, tangerine, sandalwood, bergamot, and Archer’s pine and patchouli. Our scents swirl together in the light breeze. Despite the varied blend, the fragrance isn’t at all overpowering. If anything it’s missing Noah’s cedar and cayenne.

Noah departed close to an hour ago to pick up some supplies so we can spend the rest of the day squirreled away at the cabin together. As a pack.

The others all take turns vying for my attention, wanting nothing more than to be close to me in the aftermath of our first time.

Noah, though, he couldn’t wait to put some distance between us. Makes me wonder if he sensed that something was off today. If somehow I gave more than just my body away.

Miles puts a hand on my thigh while Ben slings an arm over my shoulders and pulls me into his side.

“Campfires are a big deal in Alaska. Normally because if some jackass doesn’t watch themselves, they could end up burning down the equivalent of Maryland.” Ben chuffs before going back into his narration. “You think this is relaxing, nice? Just you wait for autumn, when night starts coming back. A small fire in the dimming light is almost indescribably peaceful.”

Miles squeezes my leg. “All we need is some good sustenance so we can rebuild our stamina and go again.” If he was somewhat reserved before, Miles has no hesitation in owning his desire for me now. He further proves this by lifting my arm and placing a kiss on the omega mark that is my namesake.

My violet. His Violet.

“Beers in hand, stories on our lips, and the world’s best omega at our side,” Ben adds with a dreamy far-off look. “I can think of no better way to spend the day.”

Archer remains quiet, watching the three of us with detached interest. This is a man who knows I’m his without question. His confidence and self-assurance burn almost bright as the fire before us. He’s wearing only shorts, leaving the tattoos that cover his upper body on display. I’ve traced them all with my fingertips and many with my tongue but have yet to hear the stories that accompany each and every one. I can’t wait for more.

My entire body throbs with pleasure, with pain… with desire that’s somehow still unsated after hours of fucking the four hottest alphas in all of Alaska. My heat hasn’t even hit yet, but already I’m mad with desire.

This was supposed to be a temporary arrangement, but with each passing hour, I realize how very much I want this to be my life. Not just for a year or two until I can convince them to send me away.

But forever.

I’m falling in love with these men, with this place, what my life could be if only my first heat had manifested on the correct timetable. My life would be so much easier. I could just enjoy this without constant fear that it’ll be ripped away the moment I confess.

But then again, Mother probably wouldn’t have entertained Pack Muldoon if she didn’t feel the need to mate me off quickly and to some no-name pack from far away. She’d have wanted the big society event, have wanted to keep me close. She also wouldn’t have mated me off ahead of schedule, choosing to lie about my age rather than hide me at home for another year. I wouldn’t have even been on the market while Pack Muldoon was searching for an omega.

They would have found someone else.

As much as I know I don’t deserve them, the thought of never having met Miles, Ben, Archer, and Noah saddens me greatly. If nothing else, I’ll have the memories of what it felt like, a glimpse of what could have been.

Better to have loved and lost, they say. But I haven’t allowed myself to love them completely. My secrets have kept me from embracing them as I’ve wanted to.

I can’t keep up with this charade indefinitely.
