Page 54 of Secrets & Seduction

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Our alpha’s tangerine and cinnamon scent spikes, flooding the cab. “What the fuck, man?”

I place my hand on Ben’s knee. “I agree with Noah. We need to see them.”

“But Violet,” he pleads with me. “We don’t need them. We’re forming a new pack. It’s all going to be okay.”

I wish I could infuse my voice with alpha command or with some omega equivalent, but all I can do is be there for him and hope he sees the light on his own. “Yeah. It will be okay, but not for the reasons you think. We need them with us, Ben.”

His face crumples. “Why am I not enough?”

Noah winces but doesn’t say anything. He’s here too, and Ben’s accidentally removed him from the equation because he’s no longer masquerading as an alpha. We all have a lot of work to do with how we view ourselves and relate to each other. But right now we need to focus on the bigger picture—a picture that is currently torn in two.

I slow my breathing in an attempt to extend my calm to the guys as well. “I love you. Both of you. And I appreciate you being here for me, but we need the others too. We’re a pack.”

“We were a pack, but that’s changed.” Ben’s voice is flat but clearly hiding so much emotion as he speaks.

“No. We’ve had a fight. A bad one. But this will make us stronger once we work our way through it. Don’t you see?”

Ben lets out a shaky breath. “If that’s what you want, fine. But don’t expect Archer to forgive me. You may get him and Miles back, but it could cost you me.”

“I won’t rest until the full pack is together again,” I assure him. “I won’t lose you.”

“And Archer will get over it,” Noah pipes up, still focused on the road despite the intensity of this conversation. He doesn’t need to be convinced. He knows what’s right, and he faked being an alpha for long enough that he still knows how to stand up for himself and get things done despite his true beta nature. “If Bokerah can forgive you, then surely he can too.”

“Love changed her, Ben. It made her better.” I think back to the petite blonde inmate, how Bokerah came alive after exchanging just one brief glance with her. “Perhaps it’s changed Archer too.” I infuse my words with every bit of confidence I can muster, and yet still I’m unsure. A week ago I knew I was falling for each of these men, but will our time apart have cooled things down with Miles and Archer? Will they still want me? Will they still love me?

Noah’s been very perceptive lately. He took this decision away from Ben, but he took it away from me too. He saw what I wanted, which means he also saw my struggle to make it happen.

Funny how Noah went from being the temperamental one to our resident peacekeeper, but it’s also good timing, seeing as Miles is the alpha who most needs soothed. And now we’re on our way to go and see him. Will he regret what he said to me, how easily he prepared to cast me aside?

I don’t know. None of us do. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.

I lost my daughter because back then I thought I didn’t have a choice. But now I realize that my fate has always been up to me. Sure, sometimes we’re dealt shitty cards, but that’s why bluffing is part of the game.

Fake it until you make it. That’s what Archer did, and look what he created—and I’m not letting it get destroyed because of me.

I choose us.

And I’ll keep on choosing us, no matter what the world throws our way. If we don’t receive a warm reception today, I’ll try again another day.

I will bring us back together. As an omega, that’s my job. But also as the newest pack member, perhaps I can see things the most clearly here.

The guys don’t realize how much they need each other. Yes, they were a pack made, not one born, but in my mind that only strengthens their ties to each other. They clawed their way out of poverty together. They built a beautiful new life together. The hard part is already over.

Now it’s time to enjoy what comes next. They’re a family found, and sometimes that’s so much more enduring than blood.

How can they not see that they need each other?

I have to find a way to open their eyes.

Noah pulls up to the house, and it feels like it’s been ages since I set eyes upon it. It also feels like home despite my relatively short stay.

As soon as Noah parks the truck, I leap out and run toward the back door that leads into the kitchen. This is the moment. Archer will meet me at that door, sweep me into his arms, and we’ll both cry with relief. Miles will stand back and slightly to the side, appearing sheepish and embarrassed for his actions. He’ll grovel and beg, and I’ll make him work to regain my favor—but not for too long, because I want nothing more than us to be together again. And then my heat will come and—

And the door is locked, putting my happy vision of the future on hold.

Ben slides his key into the doorknob and turns. Well, at least they haven’t changed the locks on us. That has to be a good sign, right?

“Archer?” I call, stepping carefully into the house. “Miles?”
