Page 24 of Forbidden Alpha

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I may not be an omega, but as I float back toward my dorm room, I can’t help but let my mind wander to thoughts of Gabe and Beau, of them taking me at the same time, and me taking each of them in return. Getting interrupted by the professor was exhilarating too. Yup, I think I have a new kink, and I am not at all sorry about it.

Huh.Maybe this academy life isn’t so bad after all.

Back in my dorm, I feed my nameless fur baby and recount my experience with Beau in intricate detail. The fluffy little thing doesn’t understand, but he loves the sound of my voice and I love that special clenchy feeling I get as I replay the memory and anticipate all the amazing things that could happen next between me and my next-door hallmates.

A sharp knock rents the silence, causing me to gasp.

Before I can even ask who’s there, the door pushes open to reveal a stern-faced Warden. “Miss Steele, come with me.”

I hesitate, slowly rising to my feet. “Come with youwhere?I thought there were no rules here. If this is about me getting caught face-fucking on Theod—I mean,Professor Hudson’s desk, then—”

Instead of appearing irate, the no-nonsense Warden actually cracks a smile. “Theo’s desk, huh? Seems my brother is way out of his league with this one.”

“Wait, what? Your brother?”

Director Black nods simply. “Most of the students don’t know about our sibling relationship. That’s why I took a pseudonym when I started at Drakewood. As the head of this academy, I should warn you over getting too familiar with the staff. But as his big sister, I do love that you’re challenging Theoden by scent-marking his territory. Keeps him on his game.”

“Scent-marking? No, I didn’t mean to—I mean, I wasn’t with your brother. I just… I’m—”

“You’re needed in my office. Now come with me.” The inquisitive smile melts from Black’s face, she then lets out a beleaguered sigh. “It seems the police have some questions for you.”

The police? A lump of dread forms in my throat, making it difficult to breathe. “I…” My words trail off as I desperately attempt to pull them out of me. “I thought coming to Drakewood offered me immunity from m-my crime?”

I hate thinking of my sister’s death as something I did, something I caused. Yes, murder is a crime, but I hadn’t meant to hurt her. I never should have grabbed that stupid pistol. I’d take it all back if I could.

She sniffs at the air and grimaces as if something in my room has upset her delicate sensibilities. “You’ll have immunity when you graduate. Fail out, and you’ll end up right back where you started.”

I shake my head, trying to process it all and failing. “So why do I have to talk to the police? Won’t that go on, like, my permanent record or something?”

“If and when you graduate, we’ll handle it. Right now, however, consider yourself in limbo. You’re neither imprisoned nor free, but you still need to cooperate with the authorities—of which I am one—so stop arguing and start walking. They’ve been left waiting long enough as it is.” Her face hardens as she regards me, any hint of camaraderie or compassion now vanished.

I tuck bun-bun into my shirt and hold him over my heart as I follow on what could prove to be my death march. I’ll need all the love and support I can get, and I doubt I’ll be getting either from the Warden.

The short walk seems to stretch into an eternity as I contemplate everything that could go wrong. Why are the police herenow?I’ve already been at Drakewood for a few weeks. Shouldn’t they have come earlier if they had questions? Or did they find something new in Jade’s case? Is there even a case? My mind spins as I hurry after Warden Black.

In her office, we find a pair of plain-clothes detectives waiting on the sofa. They both stand as we enter. One grabs a small steno notebook from his jacket pocket. “Amber Steele?” he asks sternly.

I nod, hoping that my galloping heart isn’t upsetting bunny’s nap.

“Please take a seat,” the officer says with a sweeping gesture toward the couch. He is tall and slight with light hair and classically handsome features, yet somehow I don’t like him at all.

I select an armchair and balance myself precariously on the far edge, ready to make a run for it as soon as I’m dismissed. I hate that this office has a formal seating area. I’d much rather sit with a table or a desk between me and the two men, something to make me feel safer. They haven’t even started asking questions, and yet I already feel incredibly exposed.

“We’re here to investigate a missing person’s report for one…” The detective’s eyes dart to his notebook. “Jade Vega, previously Jade Steele. Your sister, I believe.”

I glance toward Warden Black, who remains standing close to the door, both arms crossed over her chest. She gives me a quick nod to encourage me to go on.

My lips are dry as I confirm the officer’s question with a raspy, “Yes.”

Now the other man chimes in, leaning forward with his fingers steepled together. He’s a good six inches shorter than his partner and much more muscular. He’s got the type of body that would usually invite vivid fantasies, but I find his appearance unsettling rather than inciting. It doesn’t help that he looks like he’s ready to kill someone. “According to our records, Jade was last seen ten days prior. She’d journeyed from her home in Las Vegas to her pack of origin in San Francisco to attend a family member’s birthday celebration.”

“Yes, mine.” I lick my lips to wet them, hoping the nervous gesture doesn’t give me away.

“Well, happy birthday to you,” the bulky officer says with wide eyes. “That must have been some party to result in a missing person’s case.”

I stare at him, unsure of what he wants me to say.

“We have reason to believe you were among the last to see your sister alive,” he presses.
