Page 27 of Forbidden Alpha

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“Yes. So what of it? You should have just gone with them like I told you. You messed up big-time, Amber. Not even I can save you now.” She doesn’t care about saving me. We both know that. As long as her reputation and riches remain, I can go to hell for all she cares. In fact, that’s what she tried to do, sending me to Drakewood, not realizing I may find a place to belong amongst these misfits and outcasts.

“Like you would have wanted to save me in the first place!” I yell, bringing Warden Black back out into the hallway to observe me. She wears a sympathetic expression but remains quiet, leaving me to slay my own dragons today.

“How long did you know?” I whisper, clutching the phone tight in my hands. “How long did you know I was an alpha?”

She sighs as if this whole thing is exhausting. “Oh, Amber. What does it matter anymore?”

“It matters,” I hiss. “It matters to me!”

“You’ve always been different from your sisters. I always feared you would let me down. That’s why I—”

“That’s why you arranged to give me to the pack who does your dirty work?” I can’t help but interrupt, my rage building by the second. “That’s why you tried to condemn me to a life of being their dirty little plaything?”

She tuts her tongue at me, just like she used to do when I was a toddler and did something she found trying. “Stop being so dramatic. This conversation is over. Don’t talk to the police, and don’t call here again. You’ve made your bed, Amber. Don’t let the sheets strangle you while you’re trying to take a rest.”

“That bullet was meant for you!” I cry, but it is too late. She’s already hung up the phone.

With a giant, stuttering sigh, I fall back against the wall and sink to the floor.

The Warden kneels down before me, speaking in hushed tones. “I’m not supposed to show favoritism, but it’s hard not to see myself in you. Being an alpha is harder than most people think, but being a female alpha is a special kind of hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone. You’ll face a long life of judgment and rejection because of what you are, but none worse than being cast aside by your own mother. Omega women don’t know whether to fear us or pity us, so instead they hate us. It’s why I decided to make my home at Drakewood. If we work hard, we can earn the respect of our male peers, but we can’t force omega women to understand us—let alone love us. The truth is that whether or not you graduate from our program, you’re in for a very lonely life, Amber Steele. All that said, take the day off from classes. I’ll handle your professors and ensure they let you make up the missed work. Take the day to get your head back on straight, and also take some advice. Don’t call your mother again. It will only make things harder on you. If you need to talk, come find me, early like it is now, and I’ll do my best to help you without letting the others know.”

She embraces me swiftly, and a flurry of strange emotions land on me. I appreciate the charity and compassion she is trying to offer, but I can’t accept it. “I don’t need special treatment,” I respond with a determined set to my jaw. “I need to earn my place in this world. Maybe it’s not a fair fight, but it’s still mine. And I refuse to lose.”

With that, I pull myself to my feet and head toward the mess hall to see what’s on the menu.

Igrab a massive plate-sized waffle and pile it high with strawberries and half a can of whipped cream, then grab a second plate and empty the pan of bacon from the buffet. Gabe and Beau are already waiting for me at a table near the center of the mess hall. When I show up with my impromptu feast, Beau lets out a low whistle of respect, motioning to the two empty plates in front of him as he tucks into a third.

“Something the matter?” Gabe breaks into one of four poached eggs on his plate, letting the yolk form a bright puddle for his toast. He sets his fork down and fixes his eyes on me, waiting.

It’s time to decide. How much do I want to share? I’d already started to tell Gabe that first day in my room, but he still doesn’t know the full story. And Beau only knows whatever the other guy has deigned to tell him.

Are my secrets safe with you two,I wonder instead of speaking my question aloud.

At the end of the day, I need someone I can rely on. Warden Black’s offer to mentor me on the sly was a kind one, but I don’t need a leader—I need a peer. Just like any alpha in my position would.

I’ve trusted both of the men before me with my body, so why not share a deeper look into my soul as well? They’re the best shot I have at finding a true confidant at Drakewood anyway.

“It’s been a rough morning,” I croak at last. Where do I even go from here? “Two detectives showed up yesterday to talk to me, only they weren’t actual cops. They were members of my sister’s pack, and I’m pretty sure they’ll be back since they didn’t get what they came for the first time.” I let it all out without stopping to suck in a breath, then take a giant slurp of my black coffee as I wait for the guys to react. “Also, I talked to my mother this morning, and she gives zero fucks about any danger I may be in.”

Beau slams an open palm onto the table, and all the plates rattle. Orange juice sloshes from the top of Gabe’s glass. “I knew you were hiding something from us.”

“That fucking settles it,” Gabe says, his voice lacking its usual warmth. “We aren’t letting you out of our sight until we know for sure you’re safe.”

Beau emphatically nods his agreement.

“I can take care of myself,” I murmur.

“Can you though?” Gabe challenges, squeezing his juice glass so tightly his knuckles go white and I’m afraid he might actually shatter the damn thing.

I reach into my pocket and stroke my rabbit’s head, hoping it will bring my racing heart back to a more even tempo. “Fine,” I say at last, although I hate admitting I need help.

“I guess I should tell you everything.” I swallow down a dry lump in my throat. “That way there are no more surprises.”


We wait until breakfast is finished, then retreat to Amber’s room and listen with rapt attention as Amber explains what happened to land her at Drakewood. Gabe is the first to offer his sympathy.

“You know it’s not your fault, right? Your mother sounds like a real piece of work.”
