Page 32 of Forbidden Alpha

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“Of course,” he says in an uncharacteristically soft voice as he comes over to hug Amber from the back. Her fragrance intensifies with our closeness and she squirms.

Our girl pulls out of the satisfying sandwich we’ve made and shakes her head emphatically. “You said the three of us are a pack, but you’re wrong.”

Any words of protest die in my throat. How can she not realize she’s ours? That she’s always been ours, even before any of us crossed through those ridiculous gates outside? I’d landed myself in Drakewood intentionally, picturing my future self as someone important to the world.

But now I just want her.

It’s wrong. I’m not supposed to. Alphas can fuck around for fun, but we need the sweetness of an omega to keep us even-keeled. Two alphas together with no omega to keep them docile is a problem, but three? That would be a fucking disaster.

And yet…

Amber crosses the room and grabs the professor’s hand in hers. “We four,” is all she says as she clings to him, pulling him toward me and Beau.

“I…” Her voice cracks and she pauses before trying again. “I need all three of you.”

Beau and I exchange questioning glances. We both want her, but do we want this?

He nods subtly, confirming my decision as well as his.

And so I close the small space between us then clap Theoden on the shoulder to show my support. Beau mirrors my gesture on the other side.

Growing up, I heard all kinds of stories about how packs are formed. Some are made as simple business or political arrangements, a way of joining two separate packs into perpetuity. Others are arranged via, a DIY matchmaking site. Of course, there’s the pricey professional pack-makers, too.

What’s rarest of all, though? Packs who simply happen to find each other while going about the business of life. Whatever odd hodgepodge of alphas, omegas, and betas who just meet and know they’re meant to be together.

The most common pack dynamic is three alphas with one omega, and that’s what we now have here. I never expected to tether myself to a male omega—my fucking teacher at that—yet then again, nothing could have ever prepared me for the damaged female alpha who stormed into my life and refused to storm back out again.

She may be damaged, but life hasn’t broken her yet.

Now, together with the others, I will make sure it never does.

She is mine.Ours.



Isit on Theoden’s lap as Gabe and Beau lean close on either side of us. It might be weird for anyone else if they saw us now, but I find great comfort lying on my very own pile of handsome men. We pushed the beds together, so we could stay close seeing how school security makes sure no one else can intrude on the campus.

“Damn, professor. It’s insane how you smell so …” He pauses, cocking his head to the side as he searches for the word he wants. “Delicious,” he decides, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. “Too much more of this, and I might go into my first ever rut.”

“Don’t you pay attention, man?” my other alpha interjects. “This is all Amber’s fault. She has him by the balls, just like she’s grabbed on tight to us and hasn’t let go. He’s probably about to fucking rut too. Isn’t that right, prof?” Beau chuckles and bumps Theoden with his shoulder.

“With omegas, it’s heat,” Theoden corrects with a lopsided smile. “Maybe it’s time you paid better attention in class.”

“I’m surprised he even listens at all.” I twist and smile at Beau. “And nothing is weird about what we have. You guys are mine. End of fucking story.” I reach out and stroke my palms on both Gabe and Beau’s cheeks, fucking with them. They’ll smell me for days, even after they shower.

And as for Theoden? He’s going to smell me for the rest of his life. I’m wet just sitting on him, soaking in the scent of his desire. His suppressant lotion and cologne vanished a couple hours ago, and he’s more potent than ever. It drives me a bit crazy, because I’m nearly certain he’ll go into heat any day now, though I’m too nervous to ask if he’ll go through with it or take something to skip it from taking full effect.

I know we can’t afford to lose a full forty-eight hours to our passion, not with Jade’s pack hot on my heels and growing increasingly bold at that. Still, it’s nice to fantasize about some far-off day when we can afford to plan all our lives around the ticking time bomb of our biological clocks.

“It’s a good thing they make different lubes, kitten. I’m going to figure out how to knot with you. If you’re going to start claiming us, you better fucking prepare yourself. I’ll claim you too. That pussy is mine.” Beau links his fingers into my hair and pulls me closer, crushing his lips to mine, kissing me deep enough to steal my breath.

I squirm on Theoden’s lap, the sensation of his hard body rubbing against mine like ecstasy. It’s as if nothing bad can touch us in this room as long as the four of us are together. Just being in the same room and memorizing the sensation of each of their lips in turn, capturing their scents and holding them on my palette, and hearing their affirmations cements my place in this wannabe pack, in this whole fucking world. I was certain I’d never find a pack to call my own. And claiming these three? A decision has never felt so right.

Yeah, we’ll still have to go through all the legalities—both in petitioning to form a new pack and then claiming Theoden in a mate ceremony—but I will move Heaven and Earth to ensure that happens. And I know my guys will, too.

“Amber, keep it up and you’re going to end up stuck in this room all damn day as we each take our turn with you. God, I want to so bad. You’re my alpha, but as your professor, it’s my job to keep you safe. I should check in with the Warden.” Theoden shifts me off his lap, pulling himself together.
