Page 4 of Forbidden Alpha

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“Listen up, asshole,” I seethe between clenched teeth. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re trying to do, but I’m not some damsel in distress that needs a big strong alpha to rescue her. And for the record, don’t expect some display of gratitude, either. I don’t owe you shit.”

Both guys look taken aback. The second one even lets out a raspy chuckle, as if a woman standing up for herself is the funniest thing he’s ever witnessed.

The laughter ignites my rage, and I slap him straight across his smug face. I’ve always had a problem with acting before thinking, and manifesting into an alpha makes it worse.

He sucks air in through his teeth and brings a hand to his cheek. “What the fuck? I’m just trying to help you.”

“I can help myself.” I twist my lips with a grin, the satisfaction of knocking him down a notch like a rush of energy zinging through my body.

Flaring his nostrils, he grumbles deep in his chest. “Sure, you’re a self-rescuing princess. Got it.”

I lunge toward him and grab him by the black tie that appears to be a standard part of the uniform here at Drakewood. “I. Am. Not. A. Princess,” I growl one word at a time to make sure I’m heard.

He meets my challenge, returning my heated gaze. Ugh. I never expected to get into a pissing match on my first day—much less to enjoy it. Why is this second guy also so damn sexy? Full lips, a strong jaw, and open face. He’s one of those guys who looks like he could be literally any ethnicity. Well, whoever his ancestors are, they made one fucking perfect baby. The best part is the contrast of his wheaten complexion with his light gray eyes. The worst part is that I just met him and I hate him already.

My hormones fly wild. I can’t decide whether I want to fuck or fight or do both at the same damn time. My attraction to the omega professor made sense. Biologically, we’re meant for each other. Now that I’ve fully manifested as an alpha though, I shouldn’t be craving this nameless bully’s knot.

What am I thinking? Hell, I don’t even know if I could take it. That’s an omega’s thing, and we’ve already established I’m not one of them. So why does that fill me with crushing disappointment?

His eyes keep a steady hold on mine. He licks his lips and says, “Noted. You’re not a princess. I can respect that. My name’s Gabe, by the way.”

Is he serious? I just slapped him, and he continues to converse like we’re at afternoon tea? Alphas were never good at taking hints. “I don’t fucking care what your name is. Only that you show me the same respect you’d show anyone else at this god-forsaken place.”

The big one—Beau—whips me off my feet and into his arms. “You’re feisty. And already a lot more fun than the last female alpha we had here at Drakewood.”

I don’t fight back immediately. He’s too big for me to ever hope to win a battle of brawn, but I’m fairly certain I can use my brains to catch him off-guard. For a moment, I just stare at him, issuing the same challenge I just gave his friend.

Why is every single male here the most gorgeous fucking creature I’ve ever seen? Is it just my newly unleashed alpha hormones going crazy? Or maybe I always had a thing for bad boys and am only now discovering it. Beau could be an avenger, an action hero, or Mr. Universe. His muscles are insane. Not only does he lift me like it’s nothing, but his well-defined shoulders and pecs show beneath the uniform dress shirt—and I bet his abs do too. His dark brown hair is comically thick, and his deep-set eyes are divided by a little furrow in his brow that seems to be omnipresent.

I want to push him down onto the steps and ride him until my thigh muscles give out. I want his buddy Gabe in me too. At the same time. And if that Omega professor would just come back, I—

Fuck, I need to be really careful here.

Remembering myself at last, I wriggle from Beau’s grasp, catch myself on the uneven steps, and then slam my fist into his dick as hard as I can. I hold back a small cry of victory as I watch him slump to the ground with both hands cradling his injured pride.

Gabe lets out a bark of laughter before rushing over to help his friend.

I see my chance to escape and take it.

The door slams open again, this time admitting me inside. I have no idea where I’m supposed to go or even if they’ve assigned me a room yet. For lack of a better plan, I search out the one place I’m hoping I’ll find safety.

Sure enough, the girls’ bathroom is empty and pristinely kept. That makes sense if there are rarely any female students at the school. Now that I’m here, this place is mine.

So I hide myself in the stall farthest from the door, tuck my knees under my chin, and cry.

I don’t like who I’ve suddenly become. This new Amber frightens me. It’s so easy for me to lose my cool. It’s like I have no filter either, not on my mouth or my impulses.

I’m supposed to spend one full year in Drakewood Academy—one year at minimum—and one thing is for certain:

Whether or not I like it, I am definitely going to be fucking those boys.

That professor too.


Once the throbbing in my dick subsides—and that takes a hot minute because the bitch hit me right in the knot—I find myself both amused and intrigued. My asshole roommate wasted no time in plopping himself down on the steps beside me and laughing his ass off. Didn’t even check to see whether I was seriously injured.

I would have beaten the shit out of him for this show of disrespect, if I weren’t stuck in the fetal position cradling my crown jewels.
