Page 42 of Forbidden Alpha

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That’s what this feels like. I can’t believe Theoden managed to arrange everything. He told me he was taking a leave of absence, and I was so afraid that our relationship had gotten him in trouble with the administration. But he assured me his job was secure if he still wanted it, and that he just wanted to make more time for me while I was in imminent danger.

I’ve only known him for a few weeks, and yet Theoden’s willing to put his whole life on pause to protect me. I don’t think I’ve ever had such an amazing connection with anyone, and here I am with three men I adore—possibly love—and we can finally enjoy a bit of normalcy. I grew up believing I’d be an omega within a pack, constantly popping out babies while keeping the house tidy, but this new and unexpected life has given me so much more. As an anomaly, I can ignore the societal expectations that generally hang over the heads of alphas and omegas. If only my future didn’t come with such a high price.

Part of me believes I deserve everything Pack Vega can throw at me, that I deserve whatever punishment they can dole out. But more and more, I’m starting to realize that this thinking is flawed.

I can’t let Jade’s death be in vain. Deep down, I know she’d want me to keep living. She wouldn’t blame me for what happened.

I just need to stop blaming myself.

“Even staff have limitations, so try not to get us kicked out.” Theoden drapes his hands around my torso and hugs me from behind as he addresses Beau’s earlier idea about sharing our newly discovered Internet access with the other students for a hefty sum. “You all need to pass your terms, then we can decide what’s next for us, but I can guarantee it won’t include low-level hustling.”

“First we graduate, then we build our own empire, powerful and totally above board. Isn’t that right, cherry pie?” Gabe strolls from the hallway, sliding in on the other side.

“Hell yeah. We’ll be one of the top packs around.” I turn and smile at each of the guys, picturing what our life will be like together. Crime-free is definitely the way to be after everything that’s happened, both to land us here and with Jade’s pack circling.

Theoden’s phone chirps, breaking off my sweet visions of the future, and he pulls it out of his pocket. He glances at the screen, and then turns to Gabe and Beau. “I just got a message that you both have someone waiting in visitation.”

Beau cocks an eyebrow. “Me? Who the hell thinks they can come visit me? I thought I was banned from that shit.”

Theoden’s phone beeps again, and he tightens his lips. “You have one too, Amber.”

My heart flutters. “Maybe it’s my sisters. I did tell them about our new arrangement here. Violet said she was staying nearby until she was sure I didn’t need her. Scarlett’s close too. And Sapphire told me she’d try to fly out. Maybe one of them requested to meet all of you too.”

Because that’s something Sapphire, in particular, would do. She’s always been so interested in building relationships and maintaining them with our family. Even with Mother when the rest of us hate her.

“Well, I guess there’s only one way to find out,” Beau says, slapping his hands together and rubbing them vigorously.

I smirk at him. “You’ll behave, right?”

His grin widens. “Never.”

“Beau, you’re at table one. Gabe, you’re at table seven. Amber, your visitor is at table four. You each only get fifteen minutes since this is off hours. I don’t know exactly who these people are, but these visits were arranged by your respective packs.” Professor Michaels stands just outside the visitation room with a clipboard.

“Where is Director Black?” Theoden asks, coming up beside me. “She usually handles the visitations.”

Professor Michaels shrugs. “I guess not today.” He brushes Theoden off, clearly seeing the male omega as lesser. “Now hurry up, you three. You don’t have much time, which means you haven’t got any to waste.”

The air swishes from my lungs the second I step into the visitation room and spot Mother sitting at table four. Her hair hangs in perfect curls, and her plum lipstick pops against the ivory of her cheeks. She looks ready to walk or run away rather than visit me now.

And all it takes is one look in her narrow eyes for me to take a step back.

“Amber, sweetie. Come give me a hug. It’s been a while.” Mother stands from the table and opens her arms for me.

Mother loves to torment me, and she must’ve found out more about my life here since I called her out. She brought us all together as a power move. That’s her signature way of handling anything she doesn’t like, push the key players until they all fall to her mercy.

I tear my gaze from the woman before me—so familiar yet practically a stranger, she’s no friend of mine. Turning, I glance toward the men waiting for Gabe and Beau. They both belong to Pack Fernando, mother’s fix-it brigade and the same pack she tried to sell me to as an omega before I could openly manifest as an alpha. She obviously arranged this little tête-à-tête without Warden Black knowing. I bet Fernando paid off Professor Michaels to get them all access.


I swivel my torso and peek out the door, but the professor shut it with Theoden outside.

I stride across the room, curling my fingers into fists. “What is this about, Mother? You brought Rip and his fucking cousin? Do you know how dangerous that is?”

My words snap hotly, surprising my mom. She scowls at me and drops her arms to rescind her fake offer of a hug. A second later, she grabs the front of my shirt and yanks me closer to her.

“Listen here, Amber. I know what you did, and you need to set things straight. You were not supposed to talk to Jade’s pack. I told you I was handling it. You’re going to fuck it up for all of us. I have done everything to help you, and you have gone behind my back and tried to fix things that were already tended to.”

I bristle at her warm, acidic breath tickling my ear. “You lied to Jade’s pack. You told them I killed her on purpose. You told them I hated her.”
