Page 49 of Forbidden Alpha

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I’ve taken some pretty big risks to ensure my life plays out just the way I want it. I’ve lied, stolen, threatened a man with a gun, and now the vision of my picture-perfect future with Amber at its center is in danger.

Just how far am I willing to go to protect Amber from her mother? From herself?

Sage Steele needs to be punished, needs to be stopped for good, but do I have that in me? Or will I become the monster myself in trying to defeat her?

Amber meant to send that bullet straight into this woman’s heart. But I see how she lives with the guilt over her sister’s death. Could today’s satisfying revenge turn into tomorrow’s regrets?

Or should I take the decision from her and act before she has the chance? Will she consider me a hero, or will she be upset that I took that moment from her? Will she one day look back on this all differently and come to resent me?

The time for action is now, but my brain is a chaotic mess, rendering my body useless. I see so many paths, but none of them feel just right.

The time for talking has passed. The fight has shown up at our doorstep, and here I am frozen in place as I try to decide what weapon to wield.

I am an alpha. I shouldn’t have these doubts.

But what happens next needs to be Amber’s decision. This is her battle, her war, and she’s indisputably become our pack leader.

Yes, I decide, a smirk stretching my face as my mind finally gets the answer it’s been looking for. My fists tighten again, ready and waiting to be called to action.

It’s Amber’s job to lead in this encounter.

The rest of us will follow.

And I am ready to do her bidding, whatever it may be.



“The lady said she wants to stay.” Theoden steps forward, placing himself slightly in front of me. “I suggest you turn around and leave us be.”

“Theo,” Warden Black hisses, “her mother has removed her from the school. We have no authority to keep her here.”

“I disagree. She’s my alpha. She has claimed me, and my place is here. So hers is with me.” He tugs on the collar of his shirt, revealing my mark.

“And me,” Beau steps forward, followed swiftly by Gabe, who echoes the statement.

Even though my heart races, I manage to maintain a calm demeanor as I speak up in my own defense. “As you can see, Mother, I have a place here now, with or without your permission. I’m an adult; you gave up your right to control me when you sent me here. I’m not leaving.”

Mother just laughs, a disturbingly humorless sound. “That’s sweet, dear, but it changes nothing. You’ll be coming with me whether you want to or not. Now be a good girl and get in the car before things turn… unpleasant.”

The guys close rank, forming a protective half circle between me and Mother. She’s only brought three of her enforcers with her, but I would hardly call it a fair fight. Theoden is built but slender, and Pack Fernando has years of experience taking down seasoned criminals—a pair of college-age alphas are hardly a challenge to those overgrown beasts.

My resolve falters. “Guys, I—”

“No.” Theoden practically growls. “You belong with us, Amber. We’re not just going to let them take you away to God-knows-where.”

A loud, dramatic sigh escapes my mother’s mouth. “This is ridiculous. Director Black, will you take care of this please? We really need to be on the road.”

The Warden steps back, her arms crossed. “I’m afraid it’s no longer my place to intercede,” she says with a smirk. “The girl has claimed an omega, and he is a staff member at this school. Therefore she is welcome to remain on campus as a member of his family.”

Mother trembles with barely-restrained fury. “Amber, you have five seconds to get your ass in the car or Rip is going to pick you up and throw you inside instead.”

Theoden’s hand finds mine in the semi-darkness, and he squeezes my palm firmly. Beau growls, the guttural noise reverberating through me.

“One.”Mother’s flat voice snaps.

I catch Beau’s eye as he glances back at me and mouths, “I love you, kitten.”
