Page 60 of Forbidden Alpha

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Istill can’t believe it’s really over. A part of me crumbles, too weak to do anything except cry with both despair and tremendous relief. Another part of me wants to scream good riddance at the top of my lungs. I shouldn’t be broken because of Mother, but it might be because she damaged me, and it’ll take who knows how long to repair myself. To heal. To move on and find the happiness Jade would want me to have. The happiness that I deserve, that everyone should have the chance to experience in this brief, brutal experience called life.

“Amber, you’re awake,” Theoden says, strolling into the living room, wearing only a pair of boxers. He crosses the room and settles down next to me, pulling me into his arms. “I’d ask if everything is okay, but… I’m just going to cuddle you for a little bit instead. None of us wanted to wake you since we know how much you need the rest.” He’s right about that. If it wasn’t my racing thoughts, it was the nightmares interfering with my ability to close my eyes. I’m not sure how long I slept for, but it was long enough.

“Thanks for letting me sleep. It’s been rough.” I sink against him, inhaling a breath of his berry scent, the fragrance drifting around us, growing more intense and intoxicating as he holds me against him. Neither of us speaks as we quietly savor each other’s comfort.

“I know it’s been hard,” Theoden breaks the silence with a sigh. “It’ll get easier with time. Until it does, let us take care of you. That’s what we’re here for. We love you with everything we have. You’re my alpha, and I’m your omega. It’s my job to care for your every need, and it thrills me to do it. I love you more than I could ever have imagined possible.” Theoden kisses my shoulder, brushing his soft lips over my skin.

My heartbeat skips, and I swivel to face him, staring into his beautiful blue eyes. “That makes me so incredibly happy. I love you, too. I love you so much. I never thought I’d find what we have, especially after my horrific manifestation into an alpha.” Tears burn my eyes with my confession. I’ve been thinking about it a lot—for days now. It’s hard to believe that my mistakes have been put to rest, alongside the woman who tortured my sisters and me for years because of her selfishness and greed.

Fuck.I can’t think about that any longer. I’ve already given it far too much of my headspace.

Theoden rubs his fingers over my jaw, drawing my attention back to him. “Come on, my beautiful alpha. Let me carry you to bed. Our pack grows anxious without you.”

I blink the tears away, snuggling into Theoden’s throat and brushing my lips to the potent gland permeating with his lust. “There’s no way Gabe’s awake right now.”

“Want to bet, kitten?” Beau materializes in the doorway to our shared bedroom, holding a stuffed bunny with a bow. “We had expected you to come to bed after you got off the phone with your sisters, but you passed out on the couch. Then the prof here wouldn’t let us drag you to bed. He wanted to give you space to rest before we smother you with our love.”

I tip my head, furrowing my brow. Theoden shifts me onto his hip, letting me wrap my legs around him. “I’m sure it cost you a lot to give me that, Theo,” I murmur, kissing his jaw. “I appreciate it.”

“See, Beau. We told you.” Gabe’s soft voice hums from deeper in the room. “She’d never deny us attention even if she needed a moment alone. Plus, we had to make sure this was absolutely perfect for our girl.”

“Make what perfect?” I ask, shifting against Theoden. The last time they had a surprise for me, I was kidnapped, threatened with death, and worse. But that’s over now. I’m safe. We’re safe. Maybe if I keep reminding myself over and over, I’ll eventually stop forgetting.

“Our pack promise. We couldn’t think of a better time or way to show you that you’ll never be alone or without us,” Gabe says, flashing his perfect smile.

With Gabe’s words, my eyes flit across our bedroom, my heart filling with love and adoration at the sight of dozens of candles illuminating the room. “What is all this?” Flowers decorate every surface, the vases of vibrant bouquets bring new life and color to the coziness of our room—our nest. Because it looks like Theoden’s been busy, rearranging everything and building what I can only describe as the most comfortable looking blanket mansion in all of existence.

And now it hits me.

This isn’t just an act of love. It’s a vow. An unbreakable promise coming together in a union built from our power and determination to create a pack.

“I know it hasn’t been long, Amber, but you’re it for us. Almost losing you…fuck. I never want to go through anything like that ever again. You’re ours, and we want the world to know. We want you to be the leader of our pack and our wife.” Beau picks up a velvet box from the night table and Gabe drops to one knee.

Theoden sets me on my feet in front of them, beaming an enchanting smile that sends my heart into overdrive. He laces our fingers together, holding my hand as he joins Beau and Gabe, the three men and the loves of my entire existence now bowing at my feet.

“We want you to be the mother of our children and the woman we grow stronger with every day,” Gabe adds, taking the box from Beau.

“We want to love you forever, endlessly, and irrevocably. In return, we swear our lives and love to be everything you could ever want and need.” Theoden kisses the top of my hand, training his gaze on mine.

I gasp in surprise, not expecting such a gesture of romance, but loving every second of it. I fall to my knees in front of them, opening my arms wide in an attempt to hug them all at once. Beau laughs and captures my mouth with his, kissing me softly as Gabe’s lips brush my shoulder. Theoden groans and kisses my wrist. The three of them crowd around me, creating the most delectable wall with their bodies.

They each pull a ring from the box, the set fitting together perfectly, the stones unique yet complementary just like my men are. I can’t believe they just proposed to me. I can’t believe it’s really happening.

But it is happening, and it’s happening forme. Once I was unloved, unworthy, unwanted. And now I am everything to the three most perfect men in the entire world.

I lose myself in the emotions of this blissful moment, just wanting to wrap myself in its warmth for all of eternity.

My body tingles. Theoden’s scent grows more intense, and I pull away in excitement and awe. Something shifts in his expression, his heavy lids slowly blinking as he brings his hand to his cock, completely hard and ready.

“Whoa,” Gabe whispers under his breath, smelling the same fragrance I do. Our love and closeness sets Theoden off; his pre-heat peaks into a full blown heat that sends electricity right between my legs, the need so intense that I can’t stop from throwing myself at him.

“Holy shit. This is it. I fucking knew it was coming.” Beau links his fingers through my hair, tipping my head back to kiss me as I blindly climb onto Theoden, only thinking about what I need to do for him in this moment. Nothing could be more perfect. A happy surprise, despite my deep-seated nature knowing his heat was coming any day.

“God, you smell so good,” I moan, dragging my nose along Theoden’s neck. “Let me take care of you.”

I lift my arms up, silently asking Beau to tug my shirt over my head and undress me as I slide my body down my needy omega. Gabe leans in and sucks my nipple into his mouth, making me moan. It’s as if our innate desire consumes us, and I grind against Theoden, pressing my hands to his bare chest, doing everything I can to bring him pleasure.
