Page 67 of Forbidden Alpha

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And while I miss Jade every single day, I can’t say the same about Sage Steele. As far as I’m concerned, my sisters raised me. They’re the ones who were there for me when I needed help, who taught me all of life’s most important lessons. Even though they’re all omegas and I’m an alpha, our hearts are the same. It proves to me how little biological order actually means in this life. Each of us is the sum of the decisions we make; we’re not defined by some predetermined set of hormones and pheromones.

“Ready for a bit of unexpected news?” Theoden asks with suddenly bright eyes.

I shrug. “Only if it’s good news.”

“My sister is in town for a quickie pack initiation ceremony,” he reveals with a huge smile, waving his phone in front of him as if that alone can prove everything.

“What?” Beau, Gabe, and I all shout at once, startling poor Bunny.

Beau rocks our baby and makes shushing noises, while Gabe and I press Theoden for more details.

“Turns out me moving on to Clearwater University was really the best decision for everyone. My replacement at Drakewood—the new Omega Studies professor—came with a pack already in place, but that didn’t stop him and Lace from falling head over heels for each other. She didn’t want to keep their relationship a secret, so somehow the two convinced his pack to add her as an alpha.”

I let out a low whistle. “Wow, they must really be in love.” It’s very rare for established packs to change their dynamics, especially when it comes to the alphas. Egos and all that. I, for one, could never imagine needing more than what I already have right here.

“Good for her,” Gabe adds with his signature grin. “May everyone be as happy as the four—I mean, as the five—of us.”

We all glance toward baby Bianca in her daddy Beau’s arms. Her life is just getting started, but so is mine. The possibilities for the future are endless, but so is the love we have for each other.

And at the end of the day, that’s the only thing that matters.
