Page 8 of Forbidden Alpha

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We leave the admin building and take a short walk across a manicured stone path. Three brick structures loom on the horizon. The warden points to each of them in turn, not slowing her stride as she identifies them for me. Pointing to the left, she reveals, “That’s the mess hall. It’s where you’ll take all your meals.” Then the right. “Staff quarters. Absolutely off limits to students.” And straight ahead. “And this is the dormitory. Classes will be in Main Hall, thus called because it’s the primary building and because its formal name is Main. Our founders weren’t the most creative. But you can wander the grounds as you wish, so long as you avoid the staff quarters and don’t leave the campus. A uniform will be provided, either wear it or don’t. Although looking suitably presentable will contribute to your overall class ranking and could make the difference between being cut and being allowed to continue to graduation.”

I nod along, taking it all in with wide eyes. Despite the tall gates trapping us inside, this looks like no prison I’ve ever seen. Drakewood is more of a pint-sized ivy league university. Makes me wonder how long this institution has been standing, how many errant alphas have found either redemption or condemnation within its walls.

She stops before the front door of the dormitory and waits for me to catch up. I hadn’t even realized I’d fallen behind in all my wonderment.

“What are the other rules?” I ask, quickening my pace and then pulling the door open and letting Black enter first.

One of her thin eyebrows peaks on her forehead. “Other rules? No, there aren’t any.”

My jaw drops in surprise. “No set time for lights out? No golden rule? You know, do unto others and all that?”

“If you’re so insistent on following some predetermined rulebook, let me tell you this.” She leans closer as if to whisper, but then keeps her voice at a volume loud enough to make me flinch. “Focus on your studies. Ignore all the bullshit posturing and battles for dominance. I was the lone female in this school once myself. Though that was more than twenty years ago now, the basics haven’t changed much. Many of these students equate being female with being weak, pliable, theirs for the plucking—and fucking. They will make your life hell, if you let them. So stay focused, keep your eyes on your books, and don’t let them get to you. Or if they do, don’t let them see it. It’s hard to be a female alpha. In fact, the only thing harder is being a female alpha without a pack. You can’t afford to fail out of Drakewood, so make sure you don’t.”

And just when I think Director Lacey Black is showing me her soft underbelly, she straightens back to full height, sneers, and says, “Is that enough guidance for you, Steele?”

I nod mutely and follow her up a dark staircase to the second floor. We stop at the very end of the hall and she twists a doorknob, revealing a sterile space, complete with two desks, two dressers, and two rather uncomfortable looking beds. My luggage is there waiting too. At least most of it is.

“My green bag is missing,” I murmur, trying to recall what all I had packed inside the large zippered compartment.

“Then I suspect one of the other students has it. If it’s important to you, go find out who. Otherwise, let it go. You’ll learn not to get attached to anything around here—belongings, people. It’s all temporary.”

“What do you mean another student took it? That can’t be allowed.” What the actual fuck? She mentions it so casually like theft is okay. Such bullshit.

“No rules other than what is and isn’t off limits, remember? You’re all adults and need to figure out how to navigate life and how to live it well. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve already given you far too much of my time.” She turns to leave, but I stop her with a strangled cry.

“Wait. What about my keys?”

“There are no locks, and thus no keys. I suggest keeping one eye open while you sleep tonight. Probably every night after too. Like I said, figure things out. I’m sure you’re a smart girl.” Warden Black tugs the door closed behind her, leaving me to my own devices.

I sink onto one of the overly firm mattresses and heave a giant sigh. At least I don’t appear to have a roommate. God, I hope that doesn’t change anytime soon—or ever.

I get that this place is important, respected even, but I’ve never felt so frustrated in my entire life. I’ve also never felt so vulnerable. What if one of the other alpha students goes into a rut? Will he come for me? Hopefully not. I’m not an omega. I can’t give them what they’d desire.

At 5’2”, will I be able to fight off any unwanted advances? I feel like a pathetic, shivering Chihuahua sent out as bait to rile up the larger dogs before a fight.

I wouldn’t be able to win a physical altercation, all things being fair. But seeing as there are no rules, I don’t have to worry about fairness.

Now what can I turn into a weapon?

I begin rooting through the luggage that has safely made it to my room, when the door suddenly flies open.

“Look, Gabe. I was right. Blondie is our new neighbor.” Beau, the thug from earlier, barges into the only bit of personal space I have in this whole damned institution.

His friend stands back in the doorway, watching me with intense gray eyes.

“What the fuck! Go away,” I growl. My fingers fly through my suitcase, moving things around, looking for a quick weapon. Who knew I’d need one so soon?

Beau stalks closer, a cruel smile splayed across his infuriatingly handsome face. Once he’s within grabbing distance, he yanks my luggage away from me, and I wrap my hand around the first solid thing I can find.

A big yellow dildo.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

Working with what I have, I hold it out before me with both hands. Thank God, my former omega training included stretching my channel to hold thick knots. It’s not something I’ll ever need to worry about now, but at least it means I have a big girthy club of a sex toy to defend myself with now.

Beau’s brows knit in confusion. I jab the toy at him, forcing him to step back as if my dildo could penetrate more than his ass. Gabe falls over himself laughing as he holds onto the door frame to prevent literally falling over.

“Shit. What the fuck? What do you think you’re going to do with that, kitten?” Beau asks, something fresh lighting in his dark eyes as he composes himself from the shock of being threatened with my dildo. “Pleasure me into submission? Well, sorry to say, I don’t take it up the ass, but you… I bet you know exactly how to use that thing.”
