Page 19 of For One Night

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“I just need a little time to look through everything. I’m sure the answer is here somewhere,” Elias explains while pulling more books from his shelf.

I have faith in him, he’s always come through. But I can’t put all my eggs in one basket when it comes to my mate and her survival. This is too important.

Oz clears his throat. “While you search, I think we should check another resource.”

I cross my arms, making myself look big before saying, “I agree.”

Elias glares at us like this is a betrayal before turning to look at Micaela. He must realize now isn’t the time for egos because his face softens, and he nods. The warlock goes right back to searching, leaving Oz, Micaela and I to figure out the rest.

“Anyone have any ideas?” I ask.

Luckily, Oz has one in mind.

“There’s a wizard who was around when I was younger who dabbled in preternatural energy.”

Micaela looks intrigued but my annoyance prickles underneath my skin..

“By younger do you mean a year ago, or two hundred? Because if he’s dead, he won’t be much help,” I say.

He rolls his eyes. “I mean two hundred years ago but I’m not an idiot. He still haunts his old home as a ghost and it’s Halloween, so we can go talk to him. If he has an answer, we can tell Elias to do the magic for it.”

My mate is staring at him with wide eyes. I’m expecting her to talk about the idea but instead she blurts, “Two hundred years? How old are you?”

“I am three hundred and eight years old but you’re not one to judge. Don’t forget, you’re a ghost.”

“Touché.” She smiles and grabs my hand. “Let’s go meet another ghost!”

We hop in Oz’s car and make our way over there.

“Red, where is your favorite place to haunt?” Oz asks, as he drives at slightly alarming speeds down the winding city roads.

She thinks about it before responding, “The graveyard usually has dumb kids pretending to be brave. I enjoy knocking them down a peg.”

There’s always a graveyard scene in every scary movie I’ve ever watched. It makes sense it’s a great spot for her to go.

There’s a graveyard in the middle of the city that has always intrigued me. I wonder if that’s because some part of me knew I was destined to have a ghost as a mate.

Although, she probably wasn’t a ghost then.

I tense abruptly, my stomach dropping. Micaela, sitting in my lap, notices my change in demeanor.

“What’s wrong, Silas?” she asks.

“Uh.” I’m not really sure I should voice my thoughts or ask the question on the tip of my tongue. Is there etiquette when dealing with a ghost?

“Come on, you guys said I could tell you anything since we are mates. The reverse applies to you as well.”

She’s right but I still hesitate. I don’t want to upset her.

When she removes her hand and slaps me across the face, I remember I’m not dealing with a normal female. Mine is a little unhinged.

“Okay, I’ll tell you. I was just wondering if you have a gravestone somewhere?” I ask, my voice level.

She laughs. “That’s what you are worried about? Of course I have a gravestone! It’s in the cemetery in this city. If I make it through tonight, we should hang out there! It’s very nice if I say so myself.”

I don’t know what to say but Oz does. “That’s nice. I have one myself. It’s not close to here, but we could take a trip to see it.”

What the fuck? Does everyone have a grave but me?
