Page 51 of War Bound

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They shared another giggle. Then Paige’s smile faded. “Are you happy? Truly?”

“Yes. I really am. I can’t wait until you visit Estyra. It’s the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen, and the elven palace is lovely. There’s something so peaceful about it. It’s like camping, but a much more luxury version, all the time.”

As they neared the palace, Paige steered Essie down a side path in the garden. “I have a surprise to show you. Actually, it’s Averett’s and your mother’s surprise, but I was sent to fetch you.”

“What is it?” Essie asked, even though she didn’t really expect Paige to answer.

Paige just grinned and led the way under a trellis arch. They exited onto a broader path that connected the main Winstead Palace with Buckmore Cottage, the place traditionally reserved for the Queen Mother, if she was still living when her son assumed the throne.

“Wait, are we going to Buckmore?” Essie hadn’t stepped foot inside in three years, not since her grandmother had passed away. At that time, her mother could have moved into the cottage, but Essie had been still seventeen, and Averett hadn’t wanted to break up their family. Thankfully, Paige and Mother had never needed the distance that some young queens wanted from their mothers-in-law.

“It’s built of wood, not stone.” Paige gestured as the first glimpses became visible between the trees.

How had Essie forgotten about that? She hurried forward, stepping from the shadowed path into the garden of Buckmore Cottage. This garden was less formal, left wild with large maple trees growing so close to the cottage their branches had to be periodically trimmed back by the castle staff.

Mother stood at the back door, directing servants in opening windows, cleaning rugs, and hauling out a mountain of outdated, ugly furniture.

“But...” Essie halted next to Mother, tucked against the wall to stay out of the way. “You’re loaning it to me?”

“Actually, Avie is giving it to you. As much as the crown can gift anything, that is.” Paige waved at it. “It can function as a sort of elven embassy when you aren’t using it. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how your Farrendel isn’t the only one uncomfortable at Winstead Palace. His sister Princess Jalissa also doesn’t seem to be faring well either. This way, you can see to making Buckmore Cottage a place elves are comfortable visiting, something that should be necessary with this new peace and hopefully stronger alliance.”

“You’re both all right with this? Mother? This is supposed to be your home if you want it.” Essie wasn’t sure why she was arguing. The cottage was wood, except for the stone foundation. It was within easy walking distance along the path that connected it to Winstead Palace. It would be within sight, if it weren’t for the screening pine trees.

The surrounding pines, oaks, and maples gave it a cozy, private feeling. Something Farrendel would love. He would have easy access to the forest each morning without worrying about guards constantly patrolling the corridors.

The front of Buckmore Cottage faced the street, so she and Farrendel could go into town if they wished. Yet it was still enclosed behind the stone wall that surrounded the entire Winstead Palace complex and grounds, along with a guarded gate, making Buckmore Cottage nearly as secure as the palace itself.

Mother shook her head. “You need this place far more than I do. Besides, Winstead Palace has been my home since I married your father. I’m not ready to be shunted off into my dotage just yet. As long as Paige doesn’t mind having me around, I’ll stay at the palace.”

“I love having a babysitter around so that I can leave the children with you rather than a nanny.” Paige smirked. “Besides, it won’t be too much longer before you will be dividing your time between grandchildren in Escarland and grandchildren in Tarenhiel.”

“Eventually.” Essie huffed. She and Farrendel had been married for all of three months. They were still working toward being closer, much less thinking about children.

“All in good time.” Mother patted Essie’s arm. “Let’s get this place cleaned out and organized.”

It took the rest of the morning and into the afternoon to help a horde of servants haul all the clutter and extra furniture from Buckmore Cottage. It had become something of a dumping ground for unwanted, mostly ugly furniture over the years.

While the servants finished cleaning the cottage, Essie returned to the palace. She would need to pack her and Farrendel’s things and decide what from her old room she would like moved to the cottage. On her way to her room, she let Jalissa know to start packing for a move to a new place. Jalissa’s tight expression relaxed somewhat, the only sign she was relieved to be leaving all the stone behind.

In her old room, Essie set her travel sack on the bed and began stuffing the dresses, shirts, and tunics she’d taken with her from Tarenhiel.

The door opened and closed behind her. Moments later, Farrendel perched on the end of the bed, sitting cross-legged. “Why are you packing? Did my brother send another message?”

“No, nothing like that. It’s a surprise. A good surprise.” Essie placed the last dress inside her bag. “Did you have a good time with my brothers?”

“Yes.” Farrendel’s smile crossed his face. “I like your family.”

“I’m glad.” Essie leaned over and kissed his forehead. Even though she was curious, she didn’t ask what her brothers and Farrendel had done all morning. He wasn’t likely to tell her. It was brother code, after all. “If you want to pack your things, I can show you your surprise.”

Farrendel raised his eyebrow at her, but he set to work packing.

As soon as he was packed, Essie led him from the palace, collecting Jalissa and her guard along the way.

Essie held Farrendel’s hand as they strolled down the path connecting Winstead Palace with Buckmore Cottage. Farrendel didn’t ask her where they were going with their bags slung over their shoulders.

The trees cleared, and Buckmore Cottage appeared before them. A turret formed one of the corners while gingerbread molding stood out white against the light blue paint. White trimmed all the windows and doors.

“Welcome to Buckmore Cottage.” Essie tugged Farrendel forward. “It’s the dower cottage for the Queen Mother, but Mother and Averett both agreed and gifted it to me. It will be our home while we are here, and the elven embassy when needed.”
