Page 25 of Troll Queen

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When Essie finally sniffed her way to silence, Rheva handed her a soft handkerchief. “It is all right to cry. It is not weakness to ask for help nor is it strength to silently bear what truly should not be your burden to carry. Burdens are not meant to be carried alone.”

No, they weren’t, even though that was what Essie normally did. She hid her burdens behind smiles and laughter and pretended everything was fine. It always seemed like everyone else had burdens far more weighty than hers, and she had never wanted to add her burdens to theirs when she was capable of dealing with them herself.

But, right now, she was thankful Rheva was there. Essie swiped at her face and blew her nose. “Thank you.”

“It is the least I could do.” Rheva pulled back from Essie, her gaze flicking to Essie before dropping to the floor. “I should have been the first to make you feel welcome here in Tarenhiel after your marriage, and I apologize for neglecting to do so.”

Essie stared at the crumpled handkerchief in her hands. She wasn’t sure how to go about gracefully accepting that apology. Simply brushing it aside as no big deal seemed too trite a response for the depth of Rheva’s sincerity, yet Essie didn’t want to imply that she had been truly offended when she hadn’t.

Honestly, Rheva ignoring her had been one of the better responses from Farrendel’s family. “I’m sure you had many duties keeping you busy, especially with how often Weylind was called away to the border.”

“It was not only that, I am afraid.” Rheva’s tone remained stiff, but the set of her shoulders relaxed somewhat. “I wished to give you and Farrendel time and space. You were already dealing with enough hovering by Weylind that I did not think you needed my interference as well.”

A genuine smile tugged on Essie’s face. It hurt, as if she was no longer used to smiling like that anymore. “That was thoughtful of you. I appreciate your lack of hovering.” Would Rheva be offended if Essie joked about Weylind? “Weylind was a bit...much for a while.”

Instead of looking offended, Rheva tilted her head and gave a soft laugh. “I am sorry. I tried to curb his hovering as much as possible. But where Farrendel is concerned, he is rather zealous in his protection.”

“Wait, you mean Weylind’s hovering could have been worse?” Essie had to resist the urge to hug Rheva. “I deeply appreciate any time you managed to keep him from breathing down our necks.”

“You are welcome.” A tentative smile tiptoed onto Rheva’s face, though it disappeared after a moment to return to that liquid, searching look once again. “I do not wish for you to think I am hovering, but as Weylind is not here, I suppose it falls to me instead. How is Farrendel?”

With Farrendel’s friends and even with her own family, Essie hesitated to admit the truth. She didn’t want to talk badly about Farrendel to others.

But Farrendel’s family knew just how bad his trauma could be. They’d been through this before. Whatever Essie said, it would not be a surprise to them. Besides, Rheva had probably guessed much of the truth, considering Essie had just cried all over her.

Essie sighed and sagged against the wall behind her. “Not good. He locked me out last night and won’t let me in.”

“I was afraid of that.” Rheva sighed and shook her head, staring down at fingertips glowing faintly green. “He most likely will not allow me in to help him either.”

What could Rheva do that Essie couldn’t? Essie pointed at Rheva’s fingers. “Can you help him with your magic? I didn’t realize healing magic could do something about...this.”

“Most healers cannot. But my father’s healing magic is particularly skilled, and he has discovered a way to influence emotions.” Rheva gave a small shrug, as if something like that was no big deal. “I can do it to some extent, though not to his level of skill.”

Essie wasn’t sure she understood how that would work. But she trusted that the elves knew what they were talking about. “Your father?”

“He is retired now, but he was the head healer at Ellonahshinel. Weylind and I met when both Melantha and I were training under my father, and Weylind started walking Melantha to Dacha’s office each day.” Rheva’s smile grew, and almost looked...swoony.

Essie had a hard time picturing Weylind being all romantic, but he must have been at one point. Rheva had to have seen something in him to have married him.

Rheva blinked and glanced at Essie. “Anyway, since his retirement, my father has spent the past twenty years studying the way the brain works and deepening his skill. Fifteen years ago, he helped Farrendel after his rescue from the trolls. He will be able to help again.”

“Really?” Essie straightened, her heart beating harder. For the first time, she had hope that something could be done to help Farrendel. “Can your father come here?”

Rheva shook her head. “His knees trouble him now, and he no longer climbs all the stairs and branches of Ellonahshinel like he used to.”

“Oh.” Essie slumped back against the wall. There went that idea. She wasn’t sure she could convince Farrendel to even leave his room at the moment, much less walk all the way across Ellonahshinel.

“Do not worry.” Rheva patted Essie’s arm. “The other reason I came was that I received word that Leyleira, Weylind, and your brothers will be returning to Estyra this evening. Weylind will be able to drag Farrendel to my father’s office, do not fret.”

Essie snorted, though there wasn’t a lot of mirth to the sound. Weylind’s bossy hovering would be good for something. If anyone could argue Farrendel into something, then it was Weylind.

Not to mention, Weylind would be able to use his plant growing magic to break down Farrendel’s door.

After last night, Essie was more than ready to let Weylind step in once he arrived.

“Until Weylind arrives, I will stay with you.” Rheva patted the skirt of her light green dress. “I put Ryfon in charge and asked Brina to help him. The practice will do them some good.”

Essie relaxed against the wall. She wasn’t alone. Perhaps she would introduce her sister-in-law to hot chocolate. Then, tonight, Weylind, Averett, and Julien would arrive, and maybe, finally, Weylind would be able to drag Farrendel out of this.
