Page 39 of Troll Queen

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Essie took the other, since she wasn’t about to let Farrendel drop her hand to take it. “Thanks once again, Illyna. I’m not sure when we’ll be back, but I’ll be sure to write.”

After a few more last farewells, Essie, Farrendel, Taranath, and Iyrinder boarded the train and were on their way. Farrendel slept most of the way, thankfully a deep and nightmare-free sleep due to Taranath’s magic.

An elven boat took them across the Hydalla River and docked on the Escarlish shore where they boarded the Escarlish train that transported them the rest of the way to Aldon.

Finally, the train screeched to a halt at the station inside Winstead Palace late in the afternoon, a full day after they had left Tarenhiel.

Essie yanked Farrendel to his feet. He seemed wrung out by the journey, but at least he didn’t resist as she tugged him to the door of the train car.

As she stepped to the platform to one side of the large, stone Winstead Palace, she found her mother, her sister-in-law Paige, Averett, and Julien waiting for them. Her mother had deep auburn hair streaked with white. Smile lines grooved into her forehead and around her eyes and mouth.

Essie let go of Farrendel’s hand, dashed to her mother, and hugged her tightly. The tension released from her shoulders as her mother embraced her, rubbing her back. It was all Essie could do to stop herself from bursting into tears right then and there. She murmured low enough that only her mother could hear, “It has been so hard, Mama.”

“I know. I know.” Her mother gave her a tight squeeze. “If you need to talk, I’m here.”

“Of course.” Essie blinked, dabbing at her eyes as she stepped back. She had done enough crying lately.

Her mother turned to Farrendel, where he stood shifting from foot to foot and staring at the ground as if he was thinking about fleeing. Mother held out her arms. “And you, sason? Is that the correct elven word? Do you want a hug?”

Farrendel lifted his head, his silver-blue eyes wide. “Macha.” He stepped forward and hugged her tightly, so tightly it seemed to take Mother back a step.

Essie’s throat tightened, hearing Farrendel call her mother the informalmacha, something he hadn’t done the last time they were in Escarland when he had stuck to the more formalmamasha.

Mother patted his back. “I am so glad you’re safe. That you’re all safe.”

“We were so worried.” Essie’s sister-in-law Paige wrapped Essie in a hug. Paige’s blonde hair was braided and wrapped around her head to form a crown of hair with a small, diamond clip tucked into the top. When she stepped back, Paige gave a small, tentative grin, as if she wasn’t sure grinning was appropriate right now. “But very impressed at the way you fought across Kostaria to get your elf back.”

“I was rather determined.” It felt good to smile about those awful weeks. As Averett wrapped his arm around Essie in a side hug, Essie poked him while still facing Paige. “You should have seen Avie. He went into full-on king mode and bossed everyone around.”

“I’m sure he did.” Paige stood on her tiptoes and kissed Averett on the cheek.

Taranath and Iyrinder disembarked from the train, and Essie made introductions. Then, while servants came to collect their luggage, Essie gripped Farrendel’s hand and started off through the gardens toward Buckmore Cottage on the other side of the palace from the train station.

Averett and Paige fell into step with Essie and Farrendel while Mother started up a conversation with Taranath. Julien and Iyrinder took up the rear, already talking quietly. The rapport they had built while guarding their respective kings during the war was still holding strong.

Averett glanced between Essie and Farrendel. “I have an appointment set up for tomorrow afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harwell. They have been thoroughly vetted and already signed non-disclosure agreements. They will come to Buckmore Cottage. Hopefully that is all right? Is tomorrow too soon?”

Farrendel’s fingers tightened on Essie’s hand, but he shook his head. “The sooner, the better.”

“That was the impression I got.” Averett studied first Essie, then Farrendel. His mouth flattened into a line, as if he could tell from each dark circle, weary line, and tense muscle that neither of them was anything near all right.

“You might also notice a few extra guards around. Weylind and I agreed that both you and Essie need to be guarded more carefully.” Averett frowned and glanced toward Winstead Palace, as if he still resented the fact that Farrendel and Essie had been kidnapped in his own palace. “We’ll introduce you to your new guard captain later, once you’re settled.”

“I did hire the guard captain’s sister as a temporary cook and housekeeper for you.” Paige leaned around Averett, searching Essie’s face as if worried Essie would find it presumptuous that Paige would hire a servant for her. “I know you’ll probably want to hire your own servants eventually, and she knows her position is likely only temporary. But she has the security clearance, and I think you’ll like her.”

From anyone else, Essie might have resented it. But Paige was a good judge of character, and she knew Essie well enough to know the kind of servant who would best fit her.

Beside Essie, Farrendel stiffened, his stance going wary.

Essie patted his arm. “I know you aren’t used to having a lot of servants around. But Buckmore Cottage is a big place, and having our own cook and housekeeper will actually cut down on the number of servants going in and out trying to carry food from Winstead Palace and trying to see to the Cottage on top of their other duties. It means we’ll only have one person to get to know and trust instead of several.”

Not all of Farrendel’s wariness disappeared, but at least he wasn’t quite as stiff.

They stepped from the tunnel of trees into the back garden of Buckmore Cottage. Last time they had been there, Jalissa had added her magic to the cottage, growing branches and vines. It had looked odd, combining elven and human architecture styles. It still looked odd now, though the orange autumn leaves did pop against the light blue paint of the manor house’s siding.

Essie halted and drew in a deep breath. Perhaps, in this peaceful spot, Farrendel would find peace of mind and soul.

Farrendel kept walking, as if fleeing her family.
